Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The book contains materials on the search for modern and buried alluvial and primary deposits of diamonds. Much attention is paid to prospecting testing of potentially diamondiferous deposits and provides information on all types of diamondiferous rocks currently known. It is addressed primarily to young geologists who have embarked on a search for diamond deposits. It will find the answer to many questions by many geologists, prospectors and prospectors, leading the search for gold and diamonds. While this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Ключевые слова:
diamonds, deposits, Basaltoids, Impactites, Tuffisites, Metamorphites, Lamproites, Kimberlites, placers, Angarida
No researcher will begin the study of the diamond content of an unfamiliar river by studying the roundness of pebbles or their granulometry, as rightly pointed out by one of the experienced diamond geologists, B.M. Sokolov (1982). First of all, he will begin by testing it for diamonds and their paragenetic satellite dikes. Depending on the purpose, an ordinary, special technical, technological and operational sampling of diamond-bearing placers is distinguished. In this book, we will only deal with the issues of ordinary sampling, which is carried out at all stages of geological exploration and includes a system of operations that ensure the study of the mineral composition of the heavy fraction of terrigenous sediments in order to identify and determine among them the content of diamonds or their heavy concentrate (HC). The data obtained in the course of routine sampling are the initial material for delineating and calculating the reserves of the identified placer. Both pits and ditches are tested vertically along the walls. The volume of each sample is one placer watersink (10 l). In the event that it is cemented, it is preliminarily disintegrated mechanically in a mortar (it is desirable to obtain a crumbling without disturbing the structure of mineral grains). To do this, the cemented fragments are poured with water if the cement is clayey or 5% HCl if it is carbonate. When taking a bulk sample (small-volume or large-volume), it contains all the material obtained when driving a dug hole. Bulk samples taken from trenches or ditches are usually 10-40 m (or more) sections for the entire thickness of the potentially diamondiferous formation. When testing wells, the core is divided along the long axis and half or a quarter of it enters the sample. The entire core is used as a sample out of the most interesting intervals of the well, which allows obtaining more reliable information. Thus, at present, four types of sampling work are distinguished as part of ordinary sampling: schlich, crushing, drilling (core and sludge) and gross (small-volume and large-volume). Slice sampling is the most common type of sampling in prospecting for diamond deposits. Thanks to the schlich sampling, the scattering halos of the HDC are established and the paths of the drift of the terrigenous material are determined. To increase the reliability of the study, sometimes two trays of terrigenous material (20 l) are washed. Sampling for crushing to determine the mineral composition of ancient rocks and the detection of HDC is carried out from near-bed areas. The sample must include material from the “scuff” (from a depth of up to 20 cm from the surface of the raft). For the manufacture of crushed conglomerates, cement is selected in the places of its greatest accumulation. After grinding, the sample is poured into a placer watersink and sieved. The results of the analysis of crushed samples, as well as other information on prospecting and sampling, are plotted on the prospecting map (plan). Small drill rigs of the UPB-25 type are used to open a relatively shallow-lying bedrock, as well as to study loose productive sediments. Cable-tool drill is usually used to open and sample sand-and-shingle deposits of terraces and floodplains under a thick layer of fine-grained formations. Drilling is carried out along profiles across the valleys from bedrock on one side to bedrock on the other. Sampling should preferably be done with a Canadian spoon. Small-volume samples are taken in areas most enriched in paragenetic satellite dikes of diamonds. Such areas are outlined in the course of schlich sampling. The volume of samples varies from 0.5 m3 to 1.5 m3, depending on the nature of the tested deposits and the degree of their diamond content. Samples are taken using pits, ditches, sometimes using a bulldozer or excavator. In connection with the discovery of new sources of diamonds - lamproites, new recommendations for small-volume sampling appeared (Temporary methodological ..., 1988). In particular, it is indicated that small-volume sampling in the search for lamproites and diamond-bearing placers developed on them, due to the fact that the average background concentrations of Suppose that in the course of prospecting for diamonds, one cubic meter of sand and gravel deposits is washed. How much should the resulting concentrate weigh? Based on the experience of geological exploration, it is assumed that one cubic meter of sand and gravel deposits weighs 1.5 tons, and the mass of the heavy fraction minerals contained in it (minerals with a density of more than 2.9 g/cm3) averages 0.5-3 kg. For every ton of small-volume samples washed in the field, we have from 0.3 to 2 kg of concentrate. Due to the fact that the concentrate is washed to a gray concentrate, its weight is always much higher and reaches 3 kg or more. G. F. Feinstein (Feinstein, Lebed, 1988) wrote that when the first diamond-bearing pipes were opened, from each cubic meter of “sands” supplied to beneficiation, from 5 to 50 liters of concentrate was obtained, which indicates a large underwash of the tested sediments. It is important to emphasize that in the course of obtaining a concentrate in the field, all mineral grains must be washed from clay smears and clay “aggregates” (pellets). Washing is usually carried out immediately after unloading the shaker (before depositing) in a sieve, with holes smaller than the size of the washed fraction, in running water. Washing goes on until the release of clay "turbidity" and light gray minerals of the light fraction stops. Large-volume sampling is carried out to confirm the presence of diamonds found in small-volume sampling and to determine the diamond grade. According to G. Kh. Feinstein (1968), this sampling is especially necessary where the alluvium of streams draining the development fields of diamond-bearing and pyro-bearing deposits is devoid of diamond satellite dikes. And in the adjacent areas, river sediments contain large diamonds with an average weight of more than 10-15 mg. The frequency of detecting such diamonds is several times less than in placers with small diamonds, and therefore the probability of finding at least one such crystal in a small-volume sample is small. The required sample volume for large-scale sampling is usually calculated using the Burov-Volorovich formulaSuppose that in the course of prospecting for diamonds, one cubic meter of sand and gravel deposits is washed. How much should the resulting concentrate weigh? Based on the experience of geological exploration, it is assumed that one cubic meter of sand and gravel deposits weighs 1.5 tons, and the mass of the heavy fraction minerals contained in it (minerals with a density of more than 2.9 g/cm3) averages 0.5-3 kg. For every ton of small-volume samples washed in the field, we have from 0.3 to 2 kg of concentrate. Due to the fact that the concentrate is washed to a gray concentrate, its weight is always much higher and reaches 3 kg or more. G. F. Feinstein (Feinstein, Lebed, 1988) wrote that when the first diamond-bearing pipes were opened, from each cubic meter of “sands” supplied to beneficiation, from 5 to 50 liters of concentrate was obtained, which indicates a large underwash of the tested sediments. It is important to emphasize that in the course of obtaining a concentrate in the field, all mineral grains must be washed from clay smears and clay “aggregates” (pellets). Washing is usually carried out immediately after unloading the shaker (before depositing) in a sieve, with holes smaller than the size of the washed fraction, in running water. Washing goes on until the release of clay "turbidity" and light gray minerals of the light fraction stops. Large-volume sampling is carried out to confirm the presence of diamonds found in small-volume sampling and to determine the diamond grade. According to G. Kh. Feinstein (1968), this sampling is especially necessary where the alluvium of streams draining the development fields of diamond-bearing and pyro-bearing deposits is devoid of diamond satellite dikes. And in the adjacent areas, river sediments contain large diamonds with an average weight of more than 10-15 mg. The frequency of detecting such diamonds is several times less than in placers with small diamonds, and therefore the probability of finding at least one such crystal in a small-volume sample is small. The required sample volume for large-scale sampling is usually calculated using the Burov-Volorovich formula , where P is the volume of the most representative sample; A - average weight of diamonds in placers adjacent to the prospecting area; С - average diamond content in placers adjacent to the prospecting area; K is the reliability factor, conventionally taken equal to 2. What should be the minimum bulk sample volume? Let's conditionally establish that the average weight of diamonds in the placer is 100 mg (so as not to miss a diamond with a size of 0.5 ct), and the average minimum (borne) content in the placer is 0.1 ct/m (20 mg/m3). Substituting the given data into the above formula, we obtain To enrich the analyzed material and obtain the necessary concentrate, a primitive field processing plant is being built. Its construction and operation is carried out by a special enrichment detachment, provided with an excavator or bulldozer and an all-terrain vehicle for transporting the test material, the volume of which varies from several tens to several thousand cubic meters. For example, in 1954, the party No. 47 of the Oryol expedition from alluvial deposits of one of the sections of the Chuny river (south of the Siberian platform) 2112 m3 of sands were sampled. As a result of their enrichment, 16 diamond crystals with a total weight of 113.2 mg were recovered. It is easy to calculate that the average grade in this placer is 0.00027 carats/m3. Is it a lot or a little? It is known that in foreign practice, primary deposits are exploited with a diamond content usually from 0.5 to 5-10 carats/t, and placer deposits with a diamond content of about 0.1-0.3 carats/m3 and higher (Berlinsky, 1988). Thus, this placer is characterized by a very low or poor diamond content. Table 2 Classification of diamond placer deposits (Placers of diamonds ..., 2007) Parameter Size, level Size, mln ct Unique Over 20.0 Large 5-20 Average 1-5 Small Up to 1.0 Diamond content, ct/m3 Unique Over 5.0 High 1-5 Average 0.5-1.0 Low lower 0.5 Price, USD/ct Unique Over 100.0 High 50-100 Average 30-50 Low Up to 30.0 S. A. Grakhanov et al. (Placers of diamonds ..., 2007) proposed the following variant of the classification of alluvial diamond deposits (Table 2). In this regard, it should be noted that the main reserves of placer diamonds in Russia are concentrated in Western Yakutia and are distribut-ed over the following regions: Anabarsky (64.2%), Sredne-Markhinsky (13.8%), Malo-Botuobinsky (12.3%), Prilensky ( 4.6%), Muno-Tyungsky (2.3%) and Daldyno-Alakitsky (1.4%). The missing interest belongs to another region of Russia - the Perm Oblast (1.4%). It should be noted that the richest place is the river basin Ebelyakh (Anabar region), where 52.3% of all Russian reserves of placer diamonds are concentrated (Placer diamonds ..., 2007). An important condition for prospecting for diamond-bearing placers is the production of high-quality diamond-bearing concentrates, as well as their thorough analysis at stationary installations, excluding the possibility of contamination with diamonds from other samples. It is noted that in Western Australia, mass finds of diamonds in lamproites began only after a new processing plant was commissioned in August 1978 (Temporary methodical ..., 1988). 5.1. Equipment: tools and materials for field work When carrying out expeditionary work, an ordinary geologist must have: a geological hammer, a mountain compass, a set of topographic maps, a field book, pencils, a geological satchel, a knife, a tape measure, 5% hydrochloric acid, labels and bags for samples. A diamond geologist will need a whole range of equipment and tools, which includes: 1) a set of sieves (roar), which is often mounted in the form of a single, easily movable mechanism - a shaker; 2) marching flush lock; 3) a jigging plant of the Ji-gi type or a portable screw separator; 4) wooden or plastic sizing trays; 5) entrenching tool: a set of shovels (pick and bayonet), pick, crowbar, wedge, chisel, ax, chainsaw; 6) a cast-iron mortar (2-3 l volume) for the manufacture of prototypes from cemented rocks; 7) tarpaulin (awning) of dimensions 2x3 m; 8) a awning and everything you need for sleeping and cooking. In addition to base maps, you must have: 1) 2-3 copies of field maps for applying data (actual material); 2) satellite dikes navigation system and portable position control system (GPS) for binding precise geographic coordinates and altitude data; 3) laptop for registering important objects and data; 4) digital camera and video camera for shooting each tested area and documenting mine workings (pits, ditches); 5) an aircraft - a quadrocopter or drone for aerial survey of the research area; 6) documents for carrying out geological exploration works; 7) a ruler with micron divisions for measuring HDC mineral grains and diamond crystals. Personal protective equipment plays an important role: hunting knife and rifle; mosquito nets and insect repellents; sun hat, gloves and mountain boots for outcrop work; portable generator or small-sized power plant; gas cylinders for cooking; money to buy the necessary things, as well as a first-aid kit. The data collection methodology is further subdivided into three categories, each of which represents a collection technique: observation, diary, photography, and video filming. In the diary, each field route is recorded by the date of its conduct, the composition of the search group according to surname, the purpose of the route and the exact binding of each described observation point. All this will serve as the basis for reporting on the results of the exploration work. The researcher records measurements and observations related to specific outcrops, their general characteristics. It is very important that all documentation is completed at the outcrop or mine working itself, and not carried out after returning to the camp. Geological observations include a description of the composition of the bedrock, geological features of occurrence and types of overlying deposits. A preliminary assessment of the environmental conditions in the area of the future mine and in the adjacent territory should be carried out. When carrying out work in areas with identified diamond content, drilling crews with self-propelled drilling rigs are involved, and when tracing paleovalleys and preliminary contouring of ore bodies - geophysical research methods (VES survey, magnetic survey, etc.). Since the extensive literature is devoted to drilling and geophysical research methods, and the main attention will be paid to jigging devices below, here we will focus only on tools for driving mine workings manually and sampling for the purpose of flushing them on a jig plant. Bayonet and pick-up shovels are used as such tools, and when working with cemented deposits - picks and metal wedges (Fig. 17). In the process of driving workings, workers (miners) often use home-made, improved varieties of shovels: bayonet - tunneling and collecting - shovel (loading). The choice of a shovel with a particular width of the working blade should be made on the basis of the following rule: the higher the specific gravity of the rock, the smaller the blade of the shovel should be. This is because it has been established in practice that the least fatigue of the worker and higher labor productivity are achieved when placed on shovel no more than 8-9 kg of rock. Often, the rocks of the block, which are of primary interest in diamond prospecting, turn out to be strongly cemented or represent a monolithic conglomerate. In such cases, a pick, crowbar, chisel and wedges are used. A pick can be one-sided (one-blade), two-sided and a pick-hoe (see fig. 17). The peculiarity of the latter is that instead of a point, it ends with a blade. In most cases, in double-sided tools, one blade has a tip, like a regular pick, and the other has a blade, like a pick-hoe. Usually, experienced miners sharpen, harden and beat off tools before starting tunneling work. Their hardening is carried out by heating over a fire to a red-hot color and shaping with a hammer, and then cooled in cold water with tempering to a purple color. It is no coincidence that we dwelt in such detail on mining tools, since all geological exploration work is based on mine workings, the competent implementation of which can greatly facilitate the work of miners, save time or conduct mining work not where it is good to “dig”, but there, where it is truly necessary. The search for paleo placer deposits is accompanied by a whole complex of lithological studies. First of all, natural outcrops of rocks are comprehensively studied. In their absence, excavation of pits, ditches or clearing is carried out. Description of sedimentary rocks along the section is carried out from bottom to top, in the following sequence: E Granulometric type (sandstones, mudstones, etc.). E Form of occurrence (formation, lens, interlayer, etc.). E Power. E Structural and textural features. E Color. E Material composition (roundness, sorting, field mineralogy). E Genetic traits (wave-break marks, traces of turbidity and underwater landslides, drying cracks, nodules, etc.). E Type of cement (clay, carbonate, quartz, ferruginous, etc.), the nature of cementation (basal, pore, contact, etc.). E Paleontological remains (flora, fauna, ichthyofauna, etc.). E Contact (blurry, clear, gradual, unclear). E Cyclicity and rhythm (rhythms, cycles, mesocycles, macrocycles). E Sampling for granulometric (30 g), petrographic (thin section, 30 g), palinological (150 g) and clay (100 g) analyzes. Fig. 17. Tools for driving mine workings manually (according to A. R. Sushon, 1976): shovels: a - spade, b - tunneling, in - loading (scoop); picks: d - one-sided (straight and oblique), d - double-sided; wedges: e - square, g - rectangular, and h - round. As a result, the bag with the selected sample should weigh 300-350 g. Thus, the sample volume for all types of lithological analyzes should be equal to the volume of a 200-gram glass. Samples of rocks for all types of analyzes are taken from each type of rocks or lithological variety, and in homogeneous strata - every 5 m. It should be remembered that samples are taken for chemical analysis only from the weathering crust, as well as from various chemogenic formations (10 g each of them). The chemical composition of the fine-pellet fraction is performed after its laboratory elutriation and drying (2-3 g is required for analysis). Particular attention is paid to sampling for crushing with the purpose of detecting HDC. Its volume is usually 15-20 kg. The rocks that make up the ancient sedimentary bodies enriched with diamonds or their satellite dikes are usually called intermediate reservoirs, although oil geologists are very indignant about this and demand to call reservoirs only those rocks that contain oil fluids and ensure their mobility. Nevertheless, the term intermediate reservoirs is deeply rooted and is widely used by diamond geologists. Intermediate reservoirs are usually consolidated and overlain by “waste” rock strata. Consequently, all diamondiferous paleoros are intermediate collectors of diamonds, but not all intermediate collectors are paleoros. The most expedient search for paleo placer deposits in places where intermediate diamond collectors emerge on the day surface. Such places are usually located along the outskirts of such large structures as the ancient mainland of Angarida and the Anabar anteclise on it. If shallowly buried intermediate diamond collectors are found within a promising area, it is most reasonable to drill shallow wells that open the intermediate collector along a sparse grid over the entire area. Based on the data obtained during drilling, a plan of the investigated area is built taking into account the location of the found diamonds and their satellite dikes. Based on this, further, more detailed searches for paleo-placer deposits are being carried out, but already proceeding from the analysis of the regularities of the formation of an intermediate reservoir, its enclosing sediments and the supposed locations of their primary sources.
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