Optical methods have two indisputable advantages: contact free and panoram- ic view. In other words, they do not affect the "object - air" system and in many cases make it possible to obtain data in the form of an image at once over the en- tire flow field or, for example, a flame front. Among the optical methods, one can single out the methods of visualizing the flow, which are no less important than measuring its parameters, because they give a visual representation of the general picture of the flow process in a certain medium or the propagation of the combus- tion front. It is clear that it is important to visualize the flows and fronts of chem- ical reactions in liquids or gases that arise spontaneously or under the influence of external sources initiated by various physical factors (ultrasound, laser radiation, magnetic and electric fields, etc.). In flows of liquids and gases, the fields of vel- ocities, pressure and temperature are usually visualized. Visualization of chemical processes in flow conditions by means of a variety of methods and means is used to establish their qualitative characteristics: observation of the optical spectrum of a chemical reaction, streamlines, boundary layer separation regions, vortices and shock waves, flow states (laminar or turbulent, stationary or unsteady, etc.). Visualization of the fronts of chemical reactions and flows is carried out by both non-optical and optical methods. Non-optical (direct) visualization of gas and li- quid flows includes: the method of introducing rags of smoke (for gas) or colored liquid (for hydrodynamic flows) into the flow, the method of tracing particles. It includes also the method of applying drops or films of a specific liquid (colored, with solid impurities or fluorescent), the use of a thin light sheet (laser sheet) to illuminate particles, etc. Optical methods make it possible to visualize flows using optical instruments and installations. These methods provide visualization of in- homogeneous flows of reacting gas and liquid, qualitative analysis of the state and structure of the flow, non-contact and inertialess measurement simultaneously within the entire visualized section of the flow of the flux density. The first experiments with chronophotography, which made it possible to re- cord the movement of an object by photographing its individual phases at short equal intervals of time, and which became the prototype of cinema, were carried out for the same purposes. They allowed studying the imperceptible phenomena. Modern equipment allows you to shoot from several thousand to tens of millions of frames per second, making it possible to observe very fast processes. High- speed digital devices are used to analyze many fast-moving phenomena, in par- ticular, to analyze the processes of flame propagation, transition of combustion to detonation, spark discharges and other phenomena. The frames obtained in laboratory conditions make it possible to measure the parameters of the medium flows, the velocity and structure of the combustion fronts, and ultimately present the visualization results in a form that is convenient for understanding and modeling. Modern electronic recording devices, as a rule, do not contain moving parts that limit performance. CCD-matrices allow registering fast processes with a fre - quency of up to 1000 frames per second. The CMOS sensors made it possible to shoot millions of frames per second and completely replace cine film. The speed level reached at the beginning of the decade at 0.6 trillion frames per second made it possible to record the movement of the light front of a pulsed laser. Even some digital compact cameras, such as the Casio Exilim series, are equipped with high- speed video recording at up to 1200 frames per second at reduced frame sizes. For accelerated filming, special digital cinema cameras are used, the most famous of which are Phantom devices capable of shooting up to a million frames per second, infrared video cameras (for example, Xeva-2.35-320) are already capable of re- cording radiation with an acceptable resolution of up to 400 frames per second. At present, along with the above visualization methods, remote sensing meth- ods for studying various processes using the latest optoelectronic devices are becoming more and more widespread. This book focuses on the use of hyper - spectrometers, the domestic line of which is being intensively developed, unique UV-C sensors, as well as the combined use of hyperspectrometers and high-speed color filming. Hyperspectrometers are devices that allow remote registration of reflected, scattered and upward radiation to obtain its spectrum in a wide range of wavelengths. Measurements in the range from several hundred to a thousand spec- tral channels are called hyperspectral, and a hyperspectral image sensor is a device that simultaneously measures spectral and spatial coordinates. This book exam - ines domestic lines of hyperspectrometers, which at one point in time register a narrow band of emitting, reflecting or scattering radiation surface (the so-called push broom systems). Registration is carried out on a two-dimensional matrix, along one coordinate of which the spatial coordinate x is fixed (along a narrow strip of the recorded surface), and along the other - the spectral one. As a rule, the third coordinate y is formed due to the movement of the hyperspectrometer by some kind of carrier (airplane, helicopter, car, satellite), or this movement is carried out using a rotary device. In addition to the two standard coordinates x and y, the spectral coordinate and the intensity of the spectral line are added, which provides a 4D dimension of the data space. If the hyperspectrometer is in the state of rest, then since the data is read from the recording device of the hyperspectrom- eter in frames accumulated on the recording device for a certain time, in this case (instead of the y coordinate) the t-time coordinate appears. It becomes possible to study the temporal characteristics of the processes occurring on a narrow strip of the surface, i.e. the 4D dimension is formed by the x coordinate, the spectral coordinate - by the wavelength λ, the intensity of the spectral line I and the time t. In the first Chapter of this book, methods and means of remote shooting in the optical range are considered. The advantages of using multispectral multisen- sory imaging, which significantly increase the efficiency of remote analysis of both images and combustion and explosion processes, are demonstrated. In the second Chapter, optoelectronic devices are considered, such as the domestic line of hyperspectral sensors of the optical range and the UV-C sensor, developed and created at "RDC "Reagent", JSC. The following Chapters are devoted to the re - sults of studying combustion and explosion processes, including the help of op- toelectronic devices. In the third Chapter, a study of instabilities arising from the propagation of hydrogen and hydrocarbon flames by the method of high-speed filming is carried out. The regimes of flame propagation during combustion of lean hydrogen-air mixtures in the presence of additives under conditions of central initiation by the method of high-speed filming are considered. The onset of acous- tic instability in hydrogen-air mixtures in a closed reactor with central initiation by a spark discharge is analyzed. The regularities of the interaction of spherical flames of hydrogen-air and methane-air mixtures with fine-mesh obstacles at cen- tral initiation by a spark discharge have been established. The features of thermal ignition in gas vortices are investigated. The fourth Chapter presents the results of studying the patterns of propagation of an unstable flame front using optical 4D spectroscopy and color high-speed filming. The fifth Chapter describes the use of a high-speed optical multidimensional technique to establish the characteristics of ignition and combustion of 40% H2 - air mixture in the presence of platinum metal. In the sixth Chapter, 4D spectroscopy and high-speed filming are used to establish the gasdynamic and kinetic features of the penetration of methane-oxy- gen flames through obstacles. The gasdynamic and kinetic features of the penetra- tion of a methane-oxygen flame through single holes and fine-mesh obstacles have been investigated. The regularities of the penetration of flames of dilute mixtures of methane with oxygen through a single hole in a flat obstacle, diffuser, confuser and combined obstacles have been established. The factors determining the length of the flame jump after penetration through a small hole are revealed. The spectral features of the emission of methane-oxygen flames under the conditions of pene- tration through obstacles have been established. The seventh Chapter describes the establishment of the basic features of com- bustion of mixtures of hydrogen-air and hydrogen-hydrocarbon (C 1 - C 6) -air above the surface of palladium metal with the combined use of a hyperspectral sensor and high-speed color filming. The combustion of mixtures hydrogen-air and hydrogen-methane-air over the palladium surface, the ignition of mixtures hydrogen - hydrocarbon (C 1-C6) - air over the palladium surface at pressures of 1÷2 atm is investigated. Regularities are established and numerical simulation of the ignition of hydrogen-oxygen and hydrogen-methane-oxygen mixtures by heated wires at low pressure is carried out. The eighth Chapter is devoted to the establishment of the laws governing the combustion of copper, tungsten and iron nanopowders and compacted samples of iron nanopowders by the methods of vis- ible and infrared filming.
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