Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The book contains materials on the search for modern and buried alluvial and primary deposits of diamonds. Much attention is paid to prospecting testing of potentially diamondiferous deposits and provides information on all types of diamondiferous rocks currently known. It is addressed primarily to young geologists who have embarked on a search for diamond deposits. It will find the answer to many questions by many geologists, prospectors and prospectors, leading the search for gold and diamonds. While this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Ключевые слова:
diamonds, deposits, Basaltoids, Impactites, Tuffisites, Metamorphites, Lamproites, Kimberlites, placers, Angarida
There is an opinion that in the modern world there is no place for lonely researchers, since all discoveries are carried out by large teams, corporations. This is true, but not entirely. Much depends on the personality of the person conducting the search, on his foresight. This was the case with the discovery of a unique diamond deposit at Snap Lake (Canada). According to an interview in which academician N. P. Pokhilenko told V. S. Gubarev (Gu-barev, 2004) literally the following ... ... The "diamond rush" in Canada began after the geologist Chuck Fipke found the first pipe containing rather large diamonds. The discovery spawned over 200 companies looking for gem-stones across the country. Three years later, there were three times less such companies, since there were no more diamond pipes. Since 1993, the crisis in this industry began to develop faster, since the find of Chuck Fipke was considered accidental, and then the president of one of the Canadian companies decided to turn to the Siberian diamond geologist N. P. Pokhilenko ... ... N. P. Pokhilenko flew to Canada when there were only 3-4 weeks left until the end of the season. Having looked around on the spot how the Canadian colleagues work, he realized that it is extremely difficult to find anything worthwhile using their methods in territories with such difficult geological and prospecting conditions. The geological information that they had was not at all matched with the data that is usually used to search for diamonds in Russia. However, there was no time to obtain the necessary samples, maps, geophysical data, and carry out structural drilling. Almost all promising areas have already been surveyed, and there was a laconic “no”! everywhere ... … After reviewing the geological materials of N. P. Pokhilenko realized that the territory that the company's geologists had chosen as the most promising, in fact, is hardly such. He came to the conclusion long ago that in areas located close to zones of relatively young tectonic activa-tion, industrial diamond deposits are practically not found. In a helicopter, he flew around a prom-ising area and was convinced that he was right. The Canadians put main hopes on this site. They were discouraged. There are eight reserve days left for work in other areas. The southernmost of them attracted his attention. The structural position and general geological and tectonic characteristics of this area markedly distinguished it from others. He expressed his point of view to the heads of the company. This was the very case when the Russian scientist was perceived as an "eccentric". Indeed, back in the 1980s, "De Beers" specialists were looking for diamonds there and found nothing. Then the Canadian geologists worked in this area for two seasons, and again in vain. Why is it necessary to waste money if there is so little ?! N. P. Pokhilenko insisted on getting his own way, assuming that if he could find anything worthwhile, it would only be in this area. He received permission to work there for three days, and provided two assistants, a cook and a helicopter pilot. The assistants had to be trained in haste, because they saw diamonds only in the store, and they not only did not look for kimberlites, but did not see them at all. It takes at least a whole field season (3-4 months) and a large prospecting party with a group of geophysicists, mobile drilling rigs and a team of miners to fully survey the area of 2500 square kilometers, all together for a hundred people... He chose three (according to the number of workers days!) the most "cool" site, each of which was 15 square kilometers. One day had to be spent in vain, as local geologists informed the authorities that there was an “interesting site” in this area, and a Russian search engine should definitely look at it. It was necessary to follow the instructions of the owners. He spent a day examining this area and, of course, found nothing. He got angry, presented an ultimatum to his superiors, and they finally left him alone. But there were only two days left! ... And now in more detail Flying in a helicopter over three local areas, Nikolai Petrovich outlined the main places for testing them. He realized that one of the sites, due to the conditions of its location, was too tough for them. So, in the end he decided to work on the other two. For a couple of hours, at the first site, several samples of tillites, sedimentary glacial rocks, were washed. Nothing interesting was found. There was remained the second section and one day for work. While his assistants were preparing the place for washing samples at the new point, he decided to wash at least one sample before lunchtime. Well, he was really impatient! And in the tray I immediately saw several grains of picroilmenite and a luxurious deep purple pyrope - the satelites of diamonds. There was no doubt a halo from a kimberlite body that was cut off by an ancient glacier was hooked! At first, he did not tell anyone about his find, he got thoughts together. The fact is that, according to his mental constructions, the root source should be very close. He recalled that before the helicopter landed, he saw an exit of a granite massif polished by glaciers within three hundred meters from the landing site, and five minutes later he had already examined it. He measured the azimuth of the direction of the glacial scratches and determined the direction of movement of the ancient glacier, the position of the halo from the predicted kimberlite source, and took a sample in a mud tray. After washing, the tray contained hundreds of large picroilmenites and pyropes. It became clear that the kimberlite pipe is located not only under the tillite deposits, but also, possibly, under the nearby lake, from which the ancient glacier was moving. In the evening, they called Vancouver, but the president of the company was not at home. Two hours later they called again, having managed to slightly “wash off” the success during this time. The President, catching the warmed up mood of the discoverer by his speaking, did not believe it, got angry and said that such jokes were out of place now and hung up. In the morning they called again and reported the opening. Towards evening, a plane flew in with the company's management and independent experts. N. P. Pokhilenko showed them all the materials and the place where the first well should be drilled. A week later, a twin-engine seaplane delivered investors, businessmen, brokers and representatives of the press to the site under investigation. The first well went 14 meters through tillites and entered the diamond-bearing kimberlite body. There was a noise. In fact, a new diamondiferous region was discovered, in the existence of which no one believed in this territory...   CONCLUSION Summarizing the above, it should be noted that in this work, for the first time, materials on the current state of the issue of diamond-bearing formations are collected and consistently presented. A description of a brief theory of the geology of diamond-bearing rocks, methodological techniques for conducting diamond prospecting and sampling has been carried out. It was written proceeding from the importance of the problem of finding alluvial and primary diamond deposits. The modern methodological techniques for conducting prospecting work presented in it are focused not on large-scale projects involving expensive complex geological exploration, including airborne geophysical, drilling, geochemical and other research methods, but on such prospectors of fortune as a route geologist or a lone prospector. It must be remembered that a well-chosen promising area and a well-oiled search technique always contribute to the achievement of the desired goal. The work summarizes and systematizes all the material available today concerning this problem. Particular attention is paid to jigging devices and machines, shakers, sluices and other means of small mechanization, which significantly reduce the volume of labor-intensive testing in the field. In it, for the first time, the material on the buried Angarida placers is generalized and the sequence of prospecting, sampling and laboratory studies of potentially diamondiferous formations is traced. Much attention is paid to the field methods of obtaining diamond-containing concentrates and the peculiarities of their processing under stationary conditions. The monograph deals with the issues of prospecting stratigraphy and paleogeography. It was emphasized that when carrying out diamond prospecting work, one should know well the stratigraphy of the study area in order to accurately trace potential diamond-bearing deposits (raft) in river outcrops, lying on the bedrock (underlying) formations. More attention is paid to prospecting works in the side parts of sedimentary basins confined to uplifts, where the sedimentary complex is gradually replaced by bedrocks with a weathering crust. It is noted that in aquatic sedimentation basins (Tushamskoe paleolake and others), diamondiferous material is extremely dilute. The exception is the deposits of the ancient epicontinental seas (coastal paleoros-rashes) that existed during the erosion of the primary sources of diamonds. At the end of the monograph, it should be indicated that before starting prospecting work, it is necessary to have: E lithological and paleogeographic maps of the region (scale 1: 50,000 and larger) with the identification of the most promising areas for the search for both primary and alluvial diamond deposits; E mobile mechanized high-performance unit for obtaining diamond-containing concentrates in the field; E a good mineralogist, capable of quickly identifying diamonds and their heavy concentrates; E great enthusiasm and fortune with which to embark on a difficult path - the path of a pioneer.
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