Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The book contains materials on the search for modern and buried alluvial and primary deposits of diamonds. Much attention is paid to prospecting testing of potentially diamondiferous deposits and provides information on all types of diamondiferous rocks currently known. It is addressed primarily to young geologists who have embarked on a search for diamond deposits. It will find the answer to many questions by many geologists, prospectors and prospectors, leading the search for gold and diamonds. While this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Ключевые слова:
diamonds, deposits, Basaltoids, Impactites, Tuffisites, Metamorphites, Lamproites, Kimberlites, placers, Angarida
The methodology of preliminary work to identify promising areas for prospecting for diamonds, with the preparation of various maps (Fig. 52-55), we will consider using the example of the Ilimo-Katangsky district (Middle Priangarye) of the Irkutsk region. The study area is located on the Siberian craton within the South Siberian diamondiferous province and is confined to the northwestern part of the Nepa zone of epiplatform folding (see Fig. 47). 9.1. Conditions for the accumulation of diamond deposits in the Angara region Numerous data on lithology, stratigraphy and features of the material composition of deposits in the Ilimo-Katangskaya territory served as the basis for compiling a lithological-paleogeographic map of the Angara region for the Early Carboniferous (Tusham section) (Fig. 56, 57). On this territory at that time, there was a Tusham (Angara-Tunguska) sedimentary basin located in the Angara-Tunguska interfluve. The nature of the development of the paleobasin was influenced by many factors that led to changes in its configuration, area, depth, and mineralogical composition of sediments. The most important factor is tectonic, the impact of which changed the subsidence amplitude of the bottom of the basin, which in turn was reflected in the transformation of its sedimentary filling. Differentiated block movements in the provinces feeding terrigenous material regulated the mineralogical composition of the sedimentary material transported to the paleobasin. In the process of transportation, precipitation was differentiated by size and weight. An important role in the formation of the Tusham Basin belongs to the volcanic factor, or rather, to the consedimentary volcanic activity. Volcanic deposits emphasize the individuality of its development, although at times the ash material was carried by the wind over considerable distances. Volcanic activity is associated with the activation of tectonic movements on the platform (epiplatform orogeny) that occurred at the turn of the Late Devonian and the Early Carboniferous. Simultaneously, kimberlite magmatism has intensified (Brakhfogel et al., 1997). The Tusham sedimentary basin, as it was filled with river waters, periodically turned into a lake. It was a vast freshwater lake very often, on the banks of which psilophyte plants grew. It is important to note that the Tusham sedimentary basin was migratory (Fig. 58). The oldest (Tournaisian) spore-and-pollen complexes were found in the sediments of its northeastern part. In the direction from the northeast to the southwest, spore-and-pollen complexes and imprints of Visean and then Serpukhovian age plants appear in the sections. At the same time, it is very characteristic that the area of distribution of the Visean-Serpukhovian deposits is much smaller than the Tournaisian ones. The time interval for the existence of the sedimentary basin covers the Tournaisian, Visean and Serpukhovian centuries, and the lateral migration of its depocenter took place from the northeast to the southwest and west. The carried out intra-basin correlation of diamondiferous deposits of the Tusham Formation (Fig. 59) showed that during the existence of the paleobasin, a huge amount of sedimentary matter accumulated, the current thickness of which in the northeastern part of the basin reaches 218.4 m, in the western part - 180 m, and in the southern - 157.3 m. At the end of the Serpukhovian century, the area of the sedimentation basin was significantly reduced, and the reservoir became shallow. In the heavy fraction of the Tusham sandstones, a garnet-zircon-rutile association was revealed, represented by minerals that are resistant and very resistant to weathering, and in mudstones - allothigenic kaolinite. In addition, the presence of beds of monomictic quartz sandstones and white porcelain-like (the Poliva River) kaolin mudstones was noted. All this testifies to the erosion of chemical weathering in the source area where the kaolinic crust is demolished. The physicochemical regime in the sedimentation basin was determined by the introduction of a large mass of pyroclastic material, which caused an acidic environment and a reducing environment, which contributed to the formation of authigenic pyrite. The appearance of barite accumulations in separate layers is explained by the processing of pyroclastic material during the epigenesis stage, and is not a sign of water salinity. It should be noted that the total cut during the peneplanation of the Middle Paleozoic Kimberlite-bearing territories of the Yakut diamondiferous province reached 250-350 m and more (Shamshina, 1979). In this regard, it can be assumed that as a result of the active manifestation of erosion-denudation processes at the boundary from the Late Devonian to the Early Carboniferous, most of the Middle Paleozoic kimberlite bodies were brought to the paleosurface, which can be seen in the sublatitudinal and submeridional geological cuts (Fig. 60-62). 9.2. Composition of diamondiferous deposits of the Tusham paleobasin In the process of carrying out a group geological survey (GGS-50) in the basin of the upper reaches of the river there were found diamonds in the Lower Tunguska among the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Tusham Formation. One of the diamonds was found during core sampling from well 33, drilled on the watershed of the Lower Tunguska and Chona in the upper reaches of the Sarginka river. The well penetrated a stratum of lacustrine deposits of the Tusham Formation. At a depth of 92 m, in an interlayer of fine-grained polymictic sandstones with an admixture of pyroclastic material, a diamond crystal was found in an intergrowth with moissanite in a corundum-spinel-galena terrigenous-mineralogical association (Rybakov et al., 1994). The coastal zone of the Tusham paleolake extended in the submeridional direction and is currently recorded at the contact between the rocks of the Tusham and Verkholensk formations, passing from the headwaters of the river. Angara to the mouth of the Mogi river. HDC - pyropes were found in the Tusham formations. Their size (from 0.1 to 0.5 mm) and good roundness indicate a relatively long-term development of the initial material in the lake reservoir. According to V. G. Rybakov and his colleagues (Rybakov et al., 1994), in the upper reaches of the Angara river, located along the coastline of the ancient Tushamskoye Lake, also found a placer halo of pyropes (45 signs), confined to the contact of the Tushamskaya and Verkholenskaya formations. The roundness of these pyropes is much worse than that of the Tusham pyropes (mostly semi-rounded), and their size reaches 0.9 mm. The color of pyropes is from lilac to violet. The section of the Tusham Formation is characterized by the absence of clear marking horizons and facies lateral variability of sediments formed under conditions of mobile and inactive shallow water. To establish the direction of the drift of terrigenous material into the sedimentation basin and the localization of the supposed province of kimberlite feeding, the sections of the lower member of the Tusham Formation were studied. The structural features of the sandstone member of the Tusham Formation, which constitutes the bulk of the lower part of the section, with a manifested lateral variability of these properties are taken as the parameters of delimitation. These include the mineralogical and granulometric composition of sandstones, textural features, and the presence of psephitic material in the section. The following facies varieties of the Tusham deposits have been identified: 1) coarse-grained, massive, mainly quartz sandstones of the facies varieties of the coastal parts of the lake basin; 2) mixed-grained, massive, quartz, feldspar-quartz sandstones of the facies of the coastal parts of the lake basin; 3) uneven-grained, massive, mainly feldspar-quartz sandstones of the facies of the open parts of the lake basin; 4) fine-medium-grained, massive, polymictic sandstones of the facies of open zones of lacustrine basins; 5) cross-bedded sediments of the facies of submarine deltas; 6) clayey sediments of temporary water flows in the sandstones of the Tusham Formation; 7) gravel-pebble sediments with sandy-argillaceous filling of mud flows in the sandstones of the Tusham Formation. It should be noted that almost everywhere in the section of the Tusham Formation there are “floating” pebbles of mudstones and siltstones and thin (up to 0.2 m) conglomerates resulting from intraformational erosion. The main drift of terrigenous material occurred from the Botuobinsko-Markhinsky uplift and from the Nepa folding zone. In the Tournaisian age, the source of drift was the weathering crust formed on the Lower Paleozoic sediments. The redeposited products of the kaolin weathering crust are ubiquitous in the sandstones and mudstones of the Lower Ushamsk Subformation. In the Visean time, products of the lower part of the weathering crust, together with weakly weathered but disintegrated terrigenous formations of the Lower Paleozoic, entered the paleobasin. This is evidenced by individual pebbles of bluish-green mudstones and fragments of polymictic sandstones. Ilmenite, garnet, and zircon, which are abundant among the titanium-bearing Ordovician sandstones of these uplands, were mainly supplied from the accessory minerals to the sedimentation basin. That is why the sandstones of the middle part of the Tusham Formation are characterized by a zircon-garnet-ilmenite terrigenous-mineralogical association. Middle-Upper Carboniferous deposits are represented by lacustrine-bog and lacustrine-alluvial facies complexes. Swampy plains became widespread, which were replaced by lacustrine-alluvial-proluvial plains. Freshwater lakes prevailed everywhere. In the Late Carboniferous, the degree of isolation of the Angara flora sharply increases (Meijen, 1987). The seasonality of the climate becomes obvious, as in the sections there is fossilized wood with growth rings. The predominance of plants with pycnoxyl stems in the flora indicates that the growing conditions were subtropical. Fig. 52. Scheme of the location of supporting mounted wells and natural explosure in the Priangara region. Fig. 53. Map of isopachs of the Lower Paleozoic deposits of the Middle Priangara. Fig. 54. Relief of the Late Devonian surface (Priangara at the beginning of the Tournaisian age). Fig. 55. Map of the relief of the surface of the Lower Carboniferous deposits. Fig. 56. Lithological-paleogeographic map of the Middle Priangara (Ilimo-Katangsky region, for symbols see Fig. 57). Fig. 57. Symbols for the lithological-paleogeographic map (see fig. 56). Numerous finds of diamonds in channel and terrace alluvial deposits of the river. Lower Tunguska, the halo of distribution of which (314 crystals) is confined to the lower reaches of the Bolshaya Yerema and Lower Tunguska in the area of the Yerema village, and the above lithological-facies data allow us to assign the entire eastern continental margin of the ancient Tushamskoye Lake, including the area of the basin of the Angara river, in the category of the most promising for the discovery of kimberlite pipes and designate it as a promising diamond-bearing area. The Tusham deposits in the area of the Nepa fold zone are very interesting. In the early-non-Carboniferous period, the coastal zone of Lake Tushamskoye stretched here, and at present, diamonds and their satellites have been found in the channel sediments of many rivers and watercourses flowing in the area of the Nepa fold zone. Their highest concentration was found in the area of the mouth of the Iki river, where it reaches 0.7 mg/m3. Fig. 58. Scheme of migration of the Tusham paleolake in the Early Carboniferous epoch (according to N. I. Akulov, 2010): 1 - weathering crust; 2 - underlying Lower Paleozoic rocks; 3-5 - deposits: 3 - Tournaisian (t) age, 4 - Visean (v) century, 5 - Serpukhov (s) century; 6 - Tushamskaya water area; 7 - direction of migration of the lake depocenter; 8 - direction of tectonic movements; 9 - faults; 10 - well and its number. Fig. 59. Scheme of the correlation of the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Priangara. In the Early Carboniferous, the western part of the Nepa folded zone was a dissected hilly upland adjacent to the ancient Tushamskoye lake, from the side of which pyrope-containing terrigenous material was demolished. It was evidenced by individual signs of pyropes found in the Tusham sandstones of this area ( Iksky area). The Tusham sandstones in the area of the Iksky area contain pebbles of subalkaline effusive rocks (trachyandesites, trachytes, trachybasalts, etc.). In 1991, in the valley of the Chambety river geologists of the Verkhnechulskaya party discovered a Late Devonian volcanic apparatus. The tubular body of complex structure was penetrated by the 24th and 25th wells. It is represented by breccias containing fine- and medium-grained weathered dolerites, medium- and coarse-grained tuffs, basaltic andesites, trachyandesites, and non-rounded sandstone fragments. Sandstones consist of products of destruction of trachyandesites and trachytes (Skripin, 1994). The presence in the Tusham coastal sands accumulated along the western part of the Nepa Upland, pyropes, pyroclastic material in the form of ash and pebbles of effusive rocks of subalkaline composition. Moreover, an increased background of diamond content of modern watercourses in the area of the Neps river and the discovery of a tubular volcanic apparatus make it possible to classify the Iksky area as one of the most promising areas for prospecting for diamondiferous kimberlites. Concluding the consideration of preliminary diamond prospecting works in the Priangara, the following most significant results should be noted: 1) the presence of “floating” pebbles in the Tusham Formation indicates that sedimentation took place when water-gravity flows entered the reservoir, that is, flows overloaded with debris ; 2) monomictic quartz sandstones and products of the kaolin weathering crust suggest that they were formed from areas of weathered Lower Paleozoic rocks, relics of which have been preserved on the Magdon-Educhansky watershed; 3) the development of the Tusham paleolake is due to the lateral displacement of its depocenter from the northeast to the southwest, due to the uplift of the Botu-Obinsko-Markhinsky uplift, which was probably the main supplier of the HDC and diamonds to the paleobasin; 4) the presence of green and bluish-green in the sediments of the coastal part of Lake Tushamskoye Fig. 60. The direction of the lines of geological sections in the investigated territory. Fig. 61. Geological section along the line A-B (see Fig. 60). Fig. 62. Geological section along the line C-D (see Fig. 60). argillite pebbles, formed due to erosion of the Lower Paleozoic rocks, testifies to their sedimentation in a lake reservoir, and not in a sea one, in which argillite pebbles are not preserved (worn out). The schlich method remains the main one in the complex of prospecting methods for diamonds. Nevertheless, when the prospecting operations move to closed areas, where kimberlite bodies are covered by sediments, the situation becomes much more complicated. The resulting schlich areolas in the overlying sediments are areal in nature, which does not allow determining the direction of drift of terrigenous material and reaching their primary source. This is due to the fact that most of the minerals have been redeposited and they have lost contact with the primary sources.
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