Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The book contains materials on the search for modern and buried alluvial and primary deposits of diamonds. Much attention is paid to prospecting testing of potentially diamondiferous deposits and provides information on all types of diamondiferous rocks currently known. It is addressed primarily to young geologists who have embarked on a search for diamond deposits. It will find the answer to many questions by many geologists, prospectors and prospectors, leading the search for gold and diamonds. While this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Ключевые слова:
diamonds, deposits, Basaltoids, Impactites, Tuffisites, Metamorphites, Lamproites, Kimberlites, placers, Angarida
Conducting many types of sampling during prospecting work for nemyslimo diamonds without preliminary (field) enrichment. One of the elementary schemes of enrichment of terrigenous material in order to obtain minerals of the heavy fraction (concentrate with a specific gravity of more than 2.88 g/cm3) was shown by the example of washing a sample in a concentrate tray (Fig. 23). Fig. 23. Elementary enrichment scheme by obtaining a concentrate from the investigated loose deposits in a placer tray. Slightly more complicated is the field scheme of the enrichment of terrigenous material using a shaker and jigging machines (Fig. 24). As a result of the simultaneous three-time wet screening of the test material through sieves with a mesh size of 2, 1 and 0.3 mm, as well as their subsequent jigging on a "Jig", a screw separator or a concentrate tray, we obtain three concentrates for laboratory enrichment (magnetic separation, etc.) and the extraction of diamonds in stationary installations. Paragenetic satellite dikes of diamonds are extracted when studying concentrates under binoculars. The size of the mesh of the sieves is taken depending on the most probable size of the desired diamonds or their satellite dikes, distributed in the region under study. M. I. Malanin and A. P. Krupenin (Enrichment of diamond-bearing ..., 1961) indicate that the choice of the upper limit of size when processing samples is determined by the need to have a 1.5-fold margin for free passage through a sieve of large diamond crystals found in placers. The lower size limit is due to economic considerations, the difficulty of extracting diamond grains finer than 0.5 mm, which are not taken into account even when calculating reserves. In the case of a significant content of crystals less than 0.5 mm in size in the growth rash, the lower limit decreases to 0.2 mm. In this regard, in order to concentrate sands under stationary conditions, sands (with large-volume sampling) are pre-washed on sieves of 16 mm and 0.5 mm in size (wet screening). Products with a particle size of more than 16 mm and less than 0.5 mm are sent to the dump, and all sand and gravel material is screened in 4 classes: - 16 +8; -8 + 4; -4 + 2; +2 mm. Class 2 mm is sent to the hydroclassification apparatus, where the remaining sludge is released. The classified granular material is sent to jigging on piston jigging machines (41V-0T, 20VM-1, 0B-1, OMSK-2, etc.), where diamond-containing concentrates are obtained. The concentrates obtained in the field are dried in the sun or in a metal ladle over a low fire. Avoid strong heating of the concentrate, which leads to a discoloration of some minerals. After drying, the concentrates are poured into special bags, which are delivered to hospitals for further research. In those cases when operational data on the obtained concentrates are needed for successful prospecting work, then in the field, their X-ray luminescence separation and mineralogical diagnostics are carried out. Under stationary conditions, the concentrate is, first of all, subjected to preliminary selective grinding in a screw mill (SM-1) or a laboratory grinder (LI-2). The screw mill works on the principle of crushing the material supplied by the screw on the plate. As a result of selective grinding, weak in hardness and brittle minerals of the heavy fraction (limonite, goethite, barite, disthene, pyrolusite, pyrrhotite, fluorite, chalcopyrite, celestine, scheelite, etc.) are crushed and together with water in the form of sludge leave from concentrate. The reduced concentrate is dried and fed to various types of separation. Fig. 24. The scheme of small-volume concentration of sand-gravel-pebble deposits on a shaker, used by the author in the field. Separation is the separation of mineral mixtures into fractions enriched with individual minerals, or entirely monomineral. Its methods are different, but the most widespread are the following: 1) gravitational separation of minerals (on concentration tables, screw separators and in heavy liquids; 2) magnetic separation of minerals according to their magnetic susceptibility (manual permanent magnet, electromagnet, magnetic isodynamic separator SIM-1); 3) electrical separation of minerals: according to their electrical conductivity in an electric field (in electro-static separators), in a corona discharge field (in corona electric separators) and according to the dielectric constant of minerals (in dielectric separators); 4) flotation separation of minerals based on the different ability of minerals to be wetted with water (in the presence of flotation reagents) and carried out on flotation machines of various designs); 5) visual selection of minerals with a steel needle under a binocular or microscope, etc. The choice of this or that type of separation and the sequence of their complex use entirely depend on the task facing the researcher. Suppose it is necessary to check the field concentrate for the presence of diamonds in it. To achieve this goal, the concentrate is sent to electromagnetic separation, which is based on the differences in the electrical conductivity of minerals and the knowledge that diamond is a non-magnetic mineral. Moreover, it is an excellent dielectric. Separation is carried out on an electric separator PS-1 or ES-2, and sometimes using SIM-1 or 138T-SEM. For a single passage of material through the separator, it is difficult to obtain a satisfactory result. Therefore, the non-conductive fraction is subjected to double cleaning. The degree of reduction of the concentrate during electromagnetic separation ranges from 20 to 50 times (Burmin, 1988). The reduced concentrate is usually sent to luminescent separation, which is a method of extracting crystals of various minerals that luminesce with visible light (glow) when they absorb various radioactive radiation. Depending on the type of radiation used, luminescent separation is divided into two types: X-ray luminescent and radioluminescent. X-ray luminescence separation is based on the use of X-rays. About ten brands of similar units are produced (LSh-2M, AR-1, AD-2M). Radioactive strontium beta rays are used in radioluminescent separation (90). An example is the PASA-1M radio luminescent apparatus. The sensitivity limit of luminescent separators is usually limited by the size of mineral crystals, equal to 0.5 mm. Separator performance depends entirely on the grain size of the miner-als. So, on the LSh-2M apparatus with a concentrate size of –16 + 8 mm, the productivity is 450 l/shift, and when analyzing the fraction –4 + 2 mm - 80-150 l/shift. It is important to note that in addition to diamonds, barite, apatite, beryl, calcite, fluorite, zircon, scheelite and some other minerals have luminescence. After passing through the luminescent separation, the substantially reduced concentrate can be sent for mineralogical analysis or for grease separation. Separation on sticky surfaces is based on one of the physical properties of diamonds - hydrophobicity. Due to their hydrophobicity, diamond crystals adhere to a sticky surface at the interface with water, while hydrophilic grains (wetted with water) do not adhere to fatty surfaces. The approximate composition of the fat mixture is as follows: petrolatum, autol No. 15 or No. 18 and cylinder oil. After processing the concentrate on a sticky separator (for example, ZhA-1), the ointment with adhered grains is removed from the concentrator belt with a knife located under the tension drum of the conveyor. Then adhering grains of minerals are melted out of it in a water bath (95 °C). The melted mixture is poured through a mesh with holes of 0.2 mm, and the remaining solid fraction is washed 3-4 times with a 3% solution of liquid glass, and then with hot water until complete degreasing. It should be emphasized that the degree of material reduction on separators with sticky surfaces depends on the material composition of the concentrate and varies from 350 to 10,000 times with a high quality of diamond extraction (96-98%) (Methods of selection ..., 1984). The separation efficiency depends on the grain size of the analyzed concentrate. According to the technical characteristics of the separator SLB-500, when processing material with a particle size of –8 + 2 mm, the productivity reaches 2 t/h, and when processing a concentrate with a size of –2 + 0.5 mm - 0.2 t/h. In addition to the above methods of enrichment and extraction of diamonds from field concentrates, froth flotation, froth separation and film flotation are also used. According to M.I. Malanyin and his colleagues (Methods of selection ..., 1984), the average degree of diamond recovery during flotation and film separation varies from 75 to 98%. The most interesting are the methods of flotation, focused on the enrichment of large volumes of the smallest particle size classes (from 0.2 to 0.05 mm). In recent years, a number of methodological techniques have been developed for extracting diamonds from concentrates using thermochemical enrichment (methods of the PGO “Yakutgeologiya”, IMR (a) and TsNIGRI). Thermochemical enrichment is based on the high chemical resistance of diamonds. It is used both for the enrichment of small (50-60 g) diamond-containing concentrates, and for relatively large volumes, the CM-100 EL unit with a bath capacity of 100 liters is used. The thermochemical enrichment process begins with the fusion of the concentrate (the grain size of which is from 0.5 to 0.05 mm, and, if necessary, even less) with chemical reagents of a certain composition. A. I. Berlinsky (1988) describes this procedure in this sequence. Fusion of the concentrate is carried out at a temperature of 500-520 °C with sodium hydroxide. The alloy is carefully poured into a metal vessel, leached with water and passed through a metal sieve with 0.05 mm apertures. The enriched concentrate remains on the sieve, after which it is transferred to a glass beaker and treated with hydrochloric acid, first in the “cold”, and then when heated. After that, the concentrate is passed through a metal sieve and examined under a binocular microscope (diamond grains with a particle size of +0.05 mm are selected). Diamonds are weighed on a VLM-1 microanalytical balance with a scale division of 0.01 mg. It should be noted that during thermochemical dissolution in the insoluble residue, in addition to diamonds, there are zircon, rutile, chromite, picroilmenite, moissanite, garnet, graphite and some other minerals. If the amount of the insoluble residue is large (150 mg or more), then it is separated in the Clerici liquid diluted with water to a density of 3.6 g/cm3 to remove zircon, rutile, chromite, picroilmenite, and a part of garnet into a heavier fraction. Removal of magnetic minerals (garnet, chromite, etc.) with the help of Sochnev magnet is possible. 7.1 Features of laboratory studies of concentrates The discovery of diamond crystals during prospecting is usually very rare, therefore, the main attention is focused on identifying the following satellite minerals (MCA): 1) pyropes Mg3Al2 (SiO4) 3 (hardness 6.5-7.0; pink, orange, red, often with purple shades; grain size from 0.1 to 3 cm, most often 2-3 mm; refractive index 1.725-1.780. In addition to kimberlites, they are part of rocks with a high degree of metamorphism, and sometimes lamproites; in the process of weathering pyrope as relatively chemically stable minerals pass into placer); 2) picroilmenites (Fe, Mg) TiO3 (hardness 5-6; resinous black with a greasy luster, this is how they differ from black trap ilmenites with a metallic luster; the grain size is from 0.1 mm to one centimeter; in the process of chemical weathering, their intense leucoxa occurs - reduction, and then complete decomposition; along the migration routes, they quickly wear out, and therefore an increase in the size and morphological preservation of grains is a reliable indicator of the proximity of the primary source); 3) olivines (Mg, Fe) 2 SiO4 (hardness 6.5; from colorless to olive green with a glassy luster, weakly pleochroic; in the process of chemical weathering they are completely destroyed and converted into clay products). 4) chrome diopside Ca (Mg, Fe, Cr) (A1, Si) 2O6 (hardness 6; emerald green, grass green and dirty green with a glassy luster; fragile, very sensitive to weathering and mechanical wear; as a rule , in placers they are found in very small concentrations); 5) chromites and chrome spinels FeCr2O4 (black with a metallic luster; grains ranging in size from 0.1 to 3.5 mm; hardness 5.5-7.5; very resistant to chemical weathering); 6) zircons, ZrSiO4 (grain size from 0.1 to 1.5 mm; as chemically very stable minerals, during the weathering of rocks, they are easily freed from their satellite dikes and mechanically pass into placers, and then, in the form of rounded grains, into sedimentary rocks); 7) apatites Ca (PO4) 3 (F, C1, OH) 7 (hardness 5; chemical composition and optical properties are similar to fluorapatite; from colorless to blue, green, yellow, brown and violet with glass luster; belong to the group minerals not resistant to weathering); 8) moissanite SiC (hardness 9.5; green-gray, black; grain size from 0.05 to 1.7 mm; very resistant to weathering); 9) magnetites Fe3O4 (hardness 5.5-6; iron-black; brittle; magnetic; when weathering, they are stable and are difficult to hydrate); 10) perovskites CaTiO3 (hardness 5.5-6; grayish-black, red-brown, orange-yellow and light yellow with diamond luster, resistant to chemical weathering processes). It is very important to note that in most lamproites garnets are either almost absent or present in small quantities. As in kimberlites, they belong to the pyrope - almandine series. In addition, the diamondiferous lamproites contain knorringite garnets, albeit in a number of single characters. Therefore, in Western Australia, the main prospecting satellite minerals are chromite, chrome diopside and zircon (Temporary methodological ..., 1988). Before starting laboratory research to identify satellite minerals, the concentrate is screened, often with the release of new (compared to field) intermediate classes. For example, if concentrates of the following granulometric classes were obtained in the field: –6 + 4; - 4 + 2; –2 + 1 –1 mm, then in laboratory conditions the following classes can be additionally distinguished: –4 + 3; –3 + 2; –1 + 0.5; –0.5 + 0.25 and –0.25 mm. The main goal of identifying new granulometric classes is to evenly distribute the studied concentrate by classes, which is necessary for its better processing. Many minerals contained in the concentrate have a magnetic susceptibility, sufficient to extract them into a magnetic fraction using electromagnetic separation. Strongly magnetic minerals are magnetite, pyrrhotite and others. Medium magnetic and weakly magnetic minerals are chromite, ilmenite, picroilmenite, almandine, pyrope and others. Fig. 25. Scheme of laboratory analysis of diamond concentrate. Concentrates belonging to the granulometric class of –0.5 mm or –0.25 mm are usually subject to thermochemical dissolution. In this case, many HDC, together with diamonds, pass into an insoluble residue. Separation of the insoluble residue by specific gravity is carried out in heavy liquids (“Clerici” liquid or bromoform). It should be remembered that heavy liquids are poisonous, therefore it is necessary to work with them in a fume hood with rubber gloves. An elementary diagram of laboratory analysis of diamond-containing concentrate is shown in Figure 25. Mineralogical study of HDC minerals is most expedient to carry out from class –1 + 0.5 mm. Fig. 26. Diagram of the sequence of extraction of heavy diamond concentrates (HDC) from placer concentrate. A. I. Berlinsky (1988) proposes such a separation scheme for HDC, which can be used for enrichment, and then for their production from field concentrates (Fig. 26). The material of the dimension of interest to us is subjected to magnetic separation with a hand magnet. After several cleanings, a magnetic fraction is obtained, consisting of magnetite, pyrrhotite and maghemite. The non-magnetic fraction is subjected to electromagnetic separation on the 138T-SEM roller separator. At a magnetic field strength created by a current of 0.5-1.0 A, a part of ilmenites (picroilmenites), chrome spinelides and some other minerals that are not of interest to us are released into the magnetic fraction. After two or three purification of the concentrate, a fraction containing 97-99% of these minerals is obtained. With an increase in the strength of the current to 2.5-3.5 A, the remains of picroilmenites and chrome spinellides pass into the weakly magnetic fraction. This also includes garnets, olivines and some other minerals that are not paragenetic associated rocks of diamonds. Apatite, chrome diopside, pyrite, marcasite and others fall into the non-magnetic fraction. Fig. 27. Principal diagram of the extraction of diamonds from the field concentrate. A weakly magnetic fraction containing olivine, garnets, chrome spinelides and picroilmenite is sent to electrical separation to separate ilmenite (picroilmenite) and chrome spinelides from garnets. Approximate conditions for electrical separation on the PS-1 apparatus: angular positions of the electrodes to the horizons - rooting 57°, inclined 40°, the distance between the root and collecting electrodes 20-30 mm, and between the deflecting and collecting 7-10 mm. The frequency of rotation of the collecting electrode (drum) is selected depending on the size of the processed material. Ilmenites (picroilmenites), chrome spinelides and others pass into the conductive fraction, some of the garnets and others go into the weakly conductive fraction, and the non-conductive residues of garnets, olivines and other minerals. The non-conductive fraction is fed to the electromagnetic separation on the SIM-1 apparatus. In this case, the remnants of garnets pass into the magnetic fraction, and olivine enters the non-magnetic fraction. Garnets are usually represented by almandines, grossulars and other varieties, including pyropes. They can be divided in several ways: in the “Clerici” liquid with a changed density of up to 3.8 g/cm3 (al-mandins are released into the heavy fraction, and pyropes into the light fraction); on an electromagnet such as Okunev or UEM-1, as well as on a separator 138T-SEM or SIM-1. During separation, almandine goes into a magnetic fraction, and pyrope goes into a non-magnetic fraction. The non-magnetic fraction of the roller separator, consisting of chrome diopside, apatite, pyrite, marcasite and other minerals, is fed to electrical separation at the PS-1 apparatus. Pyrite and marcasite are precipitated into the conducting fraction, and apatite and chrome diopside are precipitated into the non-conducting fraction. Apatite and chrome diopside are separated on the UEM-1T apparatus at a current of 1 A. Chromiopside enters the magnetic fraction, and apatite goes into the non-magnetic fraction. Chromium spinels are separated from ilmenites and picroilmenites on an inclined swinging plane. If there were diamonds in the concentrate, then they will concentrate in the fraction together with apatite. Diamonds are isolated from this fraction using the "Clerici" liquid, changing its density from 3.3 to 3.7 g/cm3. A schematic diagram of the extraction of diamonds from the field concentrate is shown in Figure 27. In the publication (Petrography and Mineralogy ..., 1964), there are cases of variability of the chemical composition of HDC, which significantly affects their physicochemical properties. So, an increased amount of iron oxides in spinelides determines their increased magnetism. Sometimes magnetic picroilmenites are also found, which was often underestimated and led to data distortion. In this regard, some researchers try to generally avoid magnetic and electromagnetic separation when studying ore minerals. We used them in our research. Further study and selection of HDC of interest to us is carried out under a binocular or microscope, often using immersion liquids. The most detailed study of paragenetic satellite dikes of diamonds is carried out using X-ray spectral microanalyzers. An example is the UXA-5A microprobe. Excellent diagnostics of individual grains of minerals is performed on X-ray structural devices such as DRON, URS and IRIS.
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