g. Rostova-na-Donu, Russian Federation
from 01.09.2015 until now Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 51 Математика
GRNTI 06.01 Общие вопросы экономических наук
GRNTI 06.71 Отраслевая структура экономики
OKSO 01.04.01 Математика
BBK 606 Статистика
TBK 6151 Эконометрика
This article is devoted to the analysis of the export structure of Russia. The paper assesses the volume of natural gas exports as one of the main resources for the export of this country. A multiplicative time series model is constructed. The forecast of the expected volume of natural gas exports for the second half of 2018 is made, according to which the conclusions and forecasts of the state of the studied sphere of the Russian economy are drawn.
fuel and energy resources, the structure of Russia's exports,natural gas exports, the raw material model of the economy, the multiplicative model of the time series for the forecast of exports.
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