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Аннотация (русский):
The article reveals the content of the concepts of "globalization" and "integration". The purpose of this article is to develop a model of university integration as a factor of increasing competitiveness in the World market of educational services. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that a system of interrelation between globalization, integration and the world economy has been developed, as well as the author's model of the university's integration into the world market. Conclusions and recommendations are made.

Ключевые слова:
globalization, integration, university, world economy, world market of educational services, university integration model
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The integration of the university in the modern world economy is a relevant topic for research because the world does not stand still. Under the influence of various factors, the structure of the modern global education market is changing, new smart learning technologies are emerging, considering modern market needs and factors of university competitiveness.

To maintain and strengthen its competitive position, any university in the modern world needs to keep up with the times and develop integration processes, even considering risk factors. The COVID-19 virus has become one of the new challenges of the modern education market. In 2020, we are faced with an insurmountable threat to the modern world - a pandemic. Many universities have switched to the online learning format. The realization that the virus was with us for a long time did not come immediately. All universities in the world began to develop rapidly, new forms of integration processes appeared, taking into account the epidemiological situation in a particular country. The purpose of this article is to develop a model of university integration as a factor of increasing competitiveness in the World market of educational services.

Constant companions are such concepts as: "globalization" and "integration". The history of the term "globalization" is still very young. “It is believed that the term“ globalization ”was first used in 1983 by Theodore Levitt, an American professor of marketing at Harvard University, in an article in the Harvard Business Review, describing the process of merging the markets of individual products produced by transnational corporations using this neologism. For a long time he has been a supporter of the globalization of markets for certain goods (for example: consumer durables), based on price and high quality. He argues that in different countries at the same time, similar segments appeared due to improvements in technologies that affect the level of development of communications, transport and tourism.».  [1] Globalization is closely linked with the emergence of world currencies, the rejection of gold parities and the direct exchange of national money for gold. The emergence of unified forms of international settlements, unified rules of world trade and international economic organizations. All this is also globalization and integration of the world economy in the context of historical events. Wars have become an impetus for the rapprochement of nations and an awareness of the need to regulate the world law and order on a global scale.

«Integration is the state of unification of individual differentiated parts and functions of the system into a whole, as well as the process that carries out such a connection. Therefore, the concept of integration means, on the one hand, the process, dynamics, and on the other hand, the result, statics.».[2] Integration is one of the forms of increasing the competitiveness of the university in the world market of educational services. If university takes leading positions in world rankings, it means that it is developing in this direction. Integration is the development of the university at the global level. Each university chooses and develops its own forms of integration. Consider the theoretical structure of integration processes.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the concepts of "globalization" and "integration" are interrelated, characteristic of different sectors of the socio-economic life of society and are components of the world economy.

We will develop a system of interconnection between globalization, integration and the world economy (Fig. 1).



World economy










 Figure. 1 The system of interconnection of globalization, integration, and the world economy

The system reflects the interconnection of the world economy, both with globalization and integration. Global processes of development of the world economy are inevitable and develop daily. Transnational corporations promote their products and services around the world using modern technologies, the social and economic sphere is also developing, integration processes have become firmly established in various spheres of society and business. The global education market is no exception.

The integration of the university into the world market of educational services is an important factor in competitiveness. One of the main impulses for the development of the integration of the international education system was the Bologna process. To ensure a competitive position in the world market, countries have united into a single education system. We will develop the author's model for integrating the university into the world market of educational services (Fig. 2).


Partner university- 1

Partner university- 2

Partner university - N

Stage 1

Forms of integration and cooperation:

- exchange of scientific research;

- mobility of students and teachers;

-participation in joint grants;

- "Double Degree" program;

- Summer School programs;

- joint educational programs and internships, etc.



Stage 2

University entrance to the world educational services market

Stage 3

Assessment of the effectiveness of integration processes

Stage 4

Competitive advantages of the university




















Figure. 2. Model of university integration into the world market of educational services

The university integration model consists of four stages. At the first stage, the university monitors, evaluates its competitive advantages, capabilities, resources, educational programs, professors, etc. to enter the international market and integrate with universities abroad in various forms of cooperation.  The university conducts an analysis of possible partner universities in selected countries abroad. Negotiations are underway on the possibility of integration in the field of educational services and programs. In case of successful negotiations, an agreement or memorandum of cooperation is signed. At stage two, a mechanism for integrating forms of cooperation with partner universities is clearly developed, a structured division of areas of cooperation is being carried out, depending on countries and markets. The forms of integration and cooperation include:

- exchange of scientific research;

- mobility of students and teachers;

-participation in joint grants;

- "Double Degree" program;

- Summer School programs;

- joint educational programs and internships, etc.

At the third stage, the effectiveness of the university integration processes is assessed. In case of positive results, the university enters the world market of educational services and goes to stage four. In case of a negative assessment of the effectiveness of the integration processes of the university. We return to stage one and reevaluate and reengineer the university integration business process until a positive result is obtained.

Thus, the developed author's model of integration is universal and adaptable for any university in the world. It will allow organizing a step-by-step process of coordination and management of the processes of integration of the university in the world market of educational services. The model contributes to the timely reassessment, adaptation, and development of new forms of integration, taking into account the risk factor, including pandemics, etc., which contributes to the growth of the competitiveness of the university as a whole.

Список литературы

1. Levitt T. Globalization of Markets / Harvard Business Review. / 1983.

2. Misko ON International economic integration. - St. Petersburg: ITMO University, 2015. - 174 p. 14.

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