Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The motivational sphere is traditionally distinguished as a connecting link in professional activity, which determines the purposeful, conscious nature of a person's actions and determines the potential capabilities of the individual. At the same time, innovative transformations taking place in the institution of additional education, as a rule, are carried out without taking into account the motivational readiness of teachers to introduce them. As a result of this circumstance, managers often face certain manifestations of defensive behavior, when the teacher either denies the importance of innovations, or discredits them in one way or another, revealing resistance to innovations. The solution of such problems is started by traditional methods - information, persuasion, etc. Meanwhile, it is necessary to supplement the already mastered forms of work with fundamentally different ones.

Ключевые слова:
additional education, innovation process, innovations, motivation of teachers, motivation for changes, motivational readiness for changes
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The process of dynamic changes, in which modern Russian additional education is located today, is considered by the pedagogical community as an active impact on the development of human capabilities, providing him with greater freedom of choice, the formation of an individual growth strategy. That is why additional education is now considered not only as a preparation for life or mastering the basics of a profession, but also recognized by the community as the basis of the continuous process of self-improvement of a modern person.

In these conditions of changes, one of the trends in the development of additional education is the transition to innovative activities that allow meeting the requirements of the surrounding social environment, the needs of children and their parents [1, p. 4]. The

concept of "innovation" in Latin means "renewal, innovation or change" [2]. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

The content of innovation can be: scientific and theoretical knowledge of a certain novelty, new effective educational technologies, a project of effective innovative pedagogical experience made in the form of a technological description, ready for implementation.

It is extremely important to optimize the educational space of additional education organizations in the context of innovative changes. To implement this task, it is necessary: 1) to create conditions and incentives in the innovative educational space for the development of students ' motivation, self-analysis skills at the collective and individual levels; 2) to form the foundations of innovative behavior among students and teachers, which presupposes the manifestation of initiative, independence and responsibility in choosing creative, extraordinary solutions [3].

Educational institutions of additional education operating in an innovative mode allow a developing society to meet the need for modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences; are capable of cooperation; are distinguished by mobility, dynamism and constructivism; have a developed sense of responsibility.

Innovative activity has its own carriers – individual and collective subjects of the innovation process. The developing pedagogical collective as a collective subject is a favorable environment for the professional and personal development of teachers (individual subjects), which, of course, affects the improvement of the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole.

In pedagogical activity, the result is the cumulative, collective result of the activities of all participants in the pedagogical process. It is almost impossible to determine the contribution of an individual teacher, an employee of an educational organization, a parent, a family as a whole, or other sources of educational influence to the qualitative transformation of the subject of activity - the student.

Innovations are a certain system of ordered elements, actions and relations aimed at ensuring a high progressive result that is widely used and can lead to significant changes in the life of society and the state [10].

The innovation process in education is a certain complex activity aimed at the creation, development, use and dissemination of innovations in the education system [10].

For example, M. V. Clarin puts the following meaning into the concept of "innovation": "Innovation refers not only to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but also to transformations, changes in the way of activity, the style of thinking that is associated with these innovations" [7, p.23].

Currently, the development of an institution of additional education cannot be carried out otherwise than through the development of innovations, through innovative activity [5].

We know that changes in the organization of additional education can relate to any aspect or factor: the main structure, in goals, tasks and activities, in the use of technologies, in management structures, in organizational culture, in the effectiveness (quality) of work.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine the activity of a modern educational institution of additional education without an innovative component. For example, A.V. Bychkov notes that during the survey, teachers answered that they need various types of support when introducing innovations. Someone needs psychological support: some teachers would not refuse individual consultations of methodologists, practical teachers, from participating in seminars on innovative activities, they are ready to undergo course training [2].

Motivation is an incentive to any activity, efforts, achievements. In other words, to motivate someone means to ensure that a person wants to show diligence, a conscientious attitude to their duties [9, 15].

A motivated teacher psychologically feels himself a full-fledged part of any process that takes place in an institution, realizes his significance and value in society.

It is difficult to manage the motivational readiness of teachers, since each teacher is a unique person who has his own priorities, interests, needs, value orientations, expectations, motivational attitudes.

In the development program for 2019-2022, MBU TO DDT c. The main role of the Kochubeyevsky Stavropol Territory is assigned to innovative processes, and the effectiveness of the implementation of this program directly depends on the desire of the members of the teaching staff to participate in solving the tasks set. In the period 2019-2022, the institution implements an innovative program of work with adolescents of the "risk" group "Vector".

To understand the motivational readiness of MBU teachers BEFORE DDT with. Kochubeyevskoe to the changes in the conditions of the implementation of this program, we conducted a diagnostic study.

The package of diagnostic materials included:

* A set of questionnaires to determine the level of readiness of teachers for innovative activities.

* Methodology "Diagnostics of the structure of motives of labor activity" (T. L. Badoev).

• "Methods for diagnosing the motivational environment" and the questionnaire "Determining the motives of teachers 'work", developed on the basis of materials by T. L. Badoev and K. Zamfir.

* Self-actualization Test (SAT).

47 people, teachers of MBU BEFORE DDT, took part in the diagnostic study.

The experience in teaching activities, work experience in the institution, age, education of teachers were taken into account.

The survey revealed that the stronger the motives associated with the possibility of self-realization of the individual prevail among teachers, the higher the level of innovative potential of the entire teaching staff. Anti-innovation barriers: 35% of teachers are poorly informed about possible innovations in the team; 25% are convinced that it is possible to teach effectively in the old way; 30% have poor health and other personal reasons; 5% have little work experience, in which teaching activities in traditional forms do not work; 55% lack material incentives %; the feeling of fear of negative results-in 21%; disagreements, conflicts in the team - in 4 %.

Thus, such barriers as lack of material incentives, personal reasons, poor health prevail.

The analysis of the diagnostics of teachers ' motivation for innovation activity showed that different categories of teachers give different preferences to one or another factor (from maximum acceptance to rejection). For example, the following factors were important for teachers: "salary level", "recognition of work by managers and colleagues", "material and technical equipment of the workplace". Moreover, the factor "the level of workplace comfort" was higher for all categories of teaching staff with a long work experience and novice teachers.

Also, the subjects were asked to group the selected factors according to the degree of their influence on the desire to work effectively according to the following criteria: affect; significantly affect; rather significantly affect; rather slightly affect; slightly.

The analysis of the results showed that the following motivating factors have a significant impact on the degree of efficiency of teaching staff: the level of salary (98%) recognition of work by managers (87%), good relationships in the team (68%) interest in work (87%) the amount of bonuses, allowances, allowances (96.4 %).

For teachers of MBU BEFORE DDT, the most important factors, according to the degree of their influence on the desire to work effectively, were the following:

• "salary level, example and influence of managers";

• "good relationships in the teaching staff";

* "recognition of pedagogical work by colleagues, managers, students and their parents".

One of the most powerful motivations of pedagogical activity is an interest in work. Almost every teacher strives for personal self-realization. For him, the attitude and professional recognition from colleagues is extremely important.

The structure of the main labor motivation also includes material interest. This factor is especially pronounced among novice teachers (97% of the number of novice teachers). Of course, on the one hand, in the conditions of regulated municipal financing, the director of DDT often does not have additional resources to stimulate employees.

The conducted research shows that the satisfaction of teaching staff with material remuneration depends not only on their size, but also on the conformity of people's ideas about social justice in assessing their efforts and work.

It should be noted that the professional activity of DDT teachers is highly motivated (arising from a number of motives). In the mind of each teacher there is a unique, complex "pyramid" of a wide variety of motives, where the upper "floors" prevail in terms of the degree of complexity of the internal organization; they act as internal landmarks. These statements are confirmed by the theory of the elevation of needs of A. Maslow: in addition to the need for material well-being, a person needs to satisfy other needs for happiness, such as self-respect, self-realization, communication and recognition, curiosity, the need for creativity and beauty [9].

People work not only for the sake of money. The reward does not necessarily come down to money, because for many, the recognition of a personal contribution is as valuable as material incentives. Striving for perfection is a great incentive. It promotes the growth of personal professionalism, causes pride and allows a person to feel their value. Everyone likes to experience their own importance. Paying attention to a person, showing interest in his capabilities and results, you can see that he is able to achieve great results even under the worst conditions.

Another significant aspect is the need to feel needed by the team, to pay attention to their work and their problems. The attitude of the manager and the team to the teacher, to his problems, assistance in solving them, care about creating opportunities for him to grow-qualification, material, official-all this creates an idea in a person about how much he needs DDT, his colleagues.

There is also such an important factor of labor motivation as satisfaction with a favorable psychological climate in the team. The need for good relations with others is natural for every person, and if they have not developed or even worsened, it is always difficult psychologically, leads to alienation from employees, to a decrease in professional return and, as a result, to a change of job.

The conducted diagnostics and monitoring of DDT teachers made it possible to identify teachers with a different ratio of motivational dominants, depending on their work experience.

Teachers with a dominant internal and external positive motivation are characterized by a desire to achieve various successes in their professional activities, a desire to achieve recognition, and a focus on self-development. This group of teachers is the most numerous, its representatives are fairly evenly represented in percentage terms in groups with different work experience. Teachers of this group are guided by external assessments of their work, but at the same time, the needs for guarantees and security from the management are more relevant for them, since teachers of this category tend to avoid disciplinary penalties and criticism. Work experience-more than 20-30 years.

The obtained data indicate an acceptable level of readiness of DDT teachers for innovative activities, since they identify motives associated with self-realization and self-development.

The dependence of the level of motivational readiness of a teacher on his qualification category is of interest: according to the results of the questionnaire, we can conclude that the higher the qualification category of a teacher, the lower the average score of external motives.

From the analysis of the obtained result, it can be concluded that the leading positions are occupied by motives associated with self-affirmation, personal self-realization. The motivational readiness for changes in this category of teachers is sufficient, which positively affects the innovative processes taking place in MBU BEFORE DDT.

After analyzing the results of diagnostic studies, we can conclude that the DDT teaching staff has a good innovative potential. But the support of the institution's administration is necessary.

In this regard, the methodological service of the institution has developed a program "Increasing the motivation of teachers for innovative activities", taking into account individual needs. The program is supposed to use different forms of work: advanced training courses, webinars, the School of Professional Growth "Dialog", zoom conferences, participation in the regional online platform of professional skills "There is an idea", the mentoring program "Trajectory of the future", forms of network interaction with the GAOU VO NGGTI.

Список литературы

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