Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article discusses such concepts as mobbing and bul-lying. What are the types and forms of psychological violence? How they affect the development of the organization and the personality of the em-ployee. The article describes the domestic and foreign approach to the study of mobbing and bullying.

Ключевые слова:
mobbing, bullying, psychological terror, psychological vio-lence, hazing, gaslighting
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The concept of mobbing was introduced by Konrad Lorenz, who studied the social classes of animals. Mobbing is an attack by a pack of herbivorous animals attacking a predator. If we take the social psychology of a person, then mobbing was studied by Hanz Leyman. He gave the definition of "mobbing-psychological terror" [7, p. 78].

                    The phenomenon of "psychological terror" is described in many Western scientific works. In 1996, the British Institute investigated psychological terror in the office. In the West, the word "bullying"is used for this phenomenon. According to statistics, every fourth employee has become a victim of terror [7, p. 35].

                    Mobbing is a situation in which there is one person or a whole team of the company. They are constantly subjected to violence by management or colleagues [9, p. 14].

            The situation of bullying (mobbing) has a very strong effect on the mental state of a person, as a result of which he may have somatic disorders.If psychological terror has arisen, then a person will be subjected to this type of violence: this is a cruel form of treatment that is carried out by a group of employees [10, p.104].

            Mobbing is an extremely serious problem for society.It includes claims against a person, a negative assessment of work, isolation of a person, gossip-rumors; discrimination, creation of uncomfortable conditions and planned harassment; psychological harassment, dissemination of false information, etc. [11, p. 14].

            Psychologists believe that mobbing and bullying are a reaction to any changes. It occurs more often in stable collectives with old orders and out-of-agreement rules. This phenomenon is called haising - when there are informal rules in the group that cannot be violated or that can harm a person's health and life(for example, hazing in the army). And at the slightest threat to stability, terror arises. Not every conflict situation can be associated with lobbying.

            There is a version that psychological terror is a problem of people's communication. According to psychological studies, 50% of cases of psychological violence are vertical aggression, i.e. when the violence comes from the leadership.

            Psychologist Castelletti believes that heart problems and blood pressure are the most common consequences of mobbing and bullying. Thoughts of suicide are also frequent.

            Mobbing (bullying) - as a social phenomenon, suggests that the relationship between the two parties is deteriorating and requires rapid improvement. Scientists believe that mobbing should be considered both from the point of view of medicine and from the point of view of psychology. And all of the above, we can conclude that mobbing ( bullying) is a psychological violence that is repeated often, carried out by the management (bossing) or members of a group for one or more people.

            The causes of mobbing are divided into psychological, social and organizational [1, p. 85].

            Psychologists also describe such cases when managers become victims of mobbing. Such cases occur due to the fact that the manager does not have sufficient competence in management, does not have authority among employees, is inexperienced [2, p.142].
            It can be concluded that psychological terror is an inadequate way to remove a person, bypassing all the laws of labor law and the constitution. With the help of terror, you can force a person to perform not his official duties. At many enterprises, there is no job description of employees, it is not his duties that can be blamed on a new employee [3, p. 55].

                    There is one interesting point in the Russian literature related to mobbing: this term is not considered anywhere, only in some scientific articles that have a theoretical character and are not applicable in practice in any way. There is no official concept of mobbing in Russia. This phenomenon is not found even in the legal framework.Despite the fact that the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the article "insult to the person” and "slander".nevertheless, it is very difficult to prove the guilt of the initiator of mobbing (bullying) under these articles [4, p. 46].

                    They started talking about mobbing in Russia quite recently. Although some universities conducted research on this type of violence. It was even established that mobbing in our country is divided into vertical and horizontal. The first type is associated with the fact that the harassment comes from the authorities.And the third type of modding is when the harassment comes from colleagues. Quite recently, a new type of mobbing was established - institutional. This type of violence is observed among the teaching staff of universities and it consists in the fact that the employee is eliminated by an exorbitant amount of paperwork: reports, writing curricula, internships during classes, etc. [5, p. 44].

                    Russia has only recently begun to introduce medical services designed to resolve conflict situations. And they also began to introduce anti-bullying programs in preschool educational institutions [6, p. 85].

                    In the West, the phenomenon of mobbing, as already mentioned above, has been studied for a very long time. special institutes have been opened to study this phenomenon. On the legislative basis of many Western countries, mobbing is considered a crime and is criminally punishable. For people. those who have been subjected to mobbing, there are special psychological services or centers that provide the necessary psychological and social assistance [7, p. 62].

                    There is a strict division of mobbing in Western literature:

            1. Mobbing - regular psychological and physical violence against a person by a group of people. There are two types of mobbing:Open [8, p. 107].

Latent-psychological violence occurs in a hidden form, a person is "put a stick in the wheels" and that he left [1, p. 55].

            2. Bullying is psychological or physical violence against a person by another person or several members of groups.

            3. Bossing - psychological violence on the part of the management.

            The reason for mobbing in an organization or educational institution is indifference in the broadest sense of the word. If students really study and strive to study, then they will never bully and humiliate anyone. They will simply have no time. If people do not see a positive result in their studies, this can cause psychological violence[2, p. 98].

            Mobbing is studied by various sciences, including psychology and management.The main causes of psychological violence [3, p. 132]:

- a tense situation at work;- the personnel policy is poorly developed;

- envy from the defense of colleagues and the beginning, or vice versa;

- a strong fear that a new person may take the place of the naalnik;

- the desire of the head of someone to survive-the use of bossing;

- crises both in the organization and throughout the country;

- unhealthy competition among employees; 

               Psychological violence as a means of reducing personnel. When a manager uses violence, in this way he gets rid of a competitor, unnecessary employees, and carefully circumvents the law [4, p.44].

            The economic situation can affect the occurrence of psychological pressure if there is a crisis or unemployment in the country [5, p. 122].

            The reasons related to the culture and society of the occurrence of psychological violence relate to [6, p. 46]:

            - vera;

            - your opinion about morality;

            - differences in culture and customs;

            - ethics.

            And if there are intra-organizational reasons for the occurrence of psychological violence, then these are [7, p. 111]:

                    - production;

            - the team;

            - management, including personnel management.

            Psychological violence of employees is of a social nature[8, p. 66].

            The reasons for the occurrence of psychological pressure are as follows:

            - mobbing-managers ' goals regarding their employees;

            - mobbing-employees ' goals relative to each other;

            - mobbing-the goals of employees relative to managers.

            There are several groups of employees who can cause psychological violence, or become a victim of it. These are new employees, pre-retirees and elderly people. Or when employees apply for a managerial position [9, p. 44].

            Personal reasons include the following [10, p. 32]:

            - psychological reasons;

            - the presence of specific signs of the victim in the employee.

            Psychological reasons are justified by employees ' fears about their colleagues or managers and can be divided into three subgroups [11, p. 45]:

            - potential fears of managers about their subordinates;

            - potential fears of employees regarding their colleagues;

            - potential fears of employees regarding their managers [12, p. 121].

            Summarizing all the above, we can safely say that such a severe form of psychological violence as mobbing and bullying are very dangerous not only for a particular person, but also for the entire organization, which ( if this violence occurs in it) will experience a reduction in personnel, a deterioration in production and the quality of work and, as a result, a drop in its status.

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