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Аннотация (русский):
Increasing attention is paid to improving the quality of life of the population. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that the issues of improving the quality of life of the population form the basis for the formation of an innovative way of developing the modern economy of Russia. The article presents the results of the author's research on the quality of life of the population of Russia as a strategic priority of economic policy and state security. The place of the quality of life of the population in the system of economic security, its regulatory and legal base, and the system of indicators have been determined. Trends in the dynamics of life quality indicators are analyzed, threats to the economic security of Russia are identified and assessed. The final section of the article defines the strategic priorities of the state policy to improve the quality of life and proposes measures to reduce threats to Russia's economic security.

Ключевые слова:
quality of life, strategic priorities, economic security, indicators of quality of life, human potential, system of indicators of quality of life, digital transformation
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In modern conditions, the most important factor in the development of any state is the quality of life of the population, which contributes to the accumulation of the country's national wealth and, accordingly, the development of human potential. Research and development of the concept of the socio-economic category "quality of life" is associated with the progressive development of society and depends on the economic progress of a particular state. The focus of the long-term socio-economic policy of the state is the steady growth of well-being and improving the quality of life of the population.

This has been repeatedly emphasized in the speeches of the leaders of the Russian Federation, documented in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2021 № 400 "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 07, 2018 № 204 (as amended on July 21, 2020) "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 № 474 "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030"[1,2,3].

Today, the quality of life is an interdisciplinary and multidimensional category, which requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to the study, noted by Russian scientists [4,5,6,8,14]. This fact gives rise to controversy over the definition of the concept of "quality of life" to this day.

The category "quality of life" consists in its distinctive feature: quality of life is a complex multidimensional socio-economic category that encompasses all spheres of life of society, which, in turn, contains a description of people's life, as well as the conditions and circumstances of their quality of life. The concept of “quality of life” is broader than “standard of living” and includes components that relate to social well-being and security, the state of the environment, the political situation, the level of development of education and health care, as well as the psychological comfort of the individual [9].

The main problem that hinders the improvement of the quality of life is the decline in the level of well-being of citizens, which led to the aggravation of property stratification and the unevenness of the socio-economic development of the regions. The solution to this problem is possible by reducing the poverty level of the population, modernizing the education and health care systems, ensuring the affordability of housing, increasing social payments to the population, and creating jobs [15].

The strategies "Strategy of the National Security of the Russian Federation" and "Strategy of the Economic Security of the Russian Federation" make it possible to formulate in the most complete format the main priorities and directions of state policy in improving the quality of the use of human potential. The role of human potential in the system of economic security is to ensure the reproductive function of the economy. The importance of improving the quality of life of the population is expressed as a result of measures to increase the efficiency of social reproduction, which leads to an increase in the level of economic security of the state. Improving the indicators of the quality of life of the population has a positive effect on the level of economic security of the country.

The category "quality of life" as a multidimensional socio-economic category is governed by an extensive set of normative legal acts, which are arranged in a hierarchical multilevel order and correlate with each other. The legal framework, according to the authors, must comply with the objective conditions of development and the current economic policy of the state, as well as comply with international rules and standards [19]. Moreover, the system of indicators of the quality of life should characterize the most complete list of spheres of human activity and reflect the level of implementation of the individual's needs in accordance with social standards in conditions of limited resources. An important condition for the formation of a system of indicators of the quality of life of the population in the aspect of economic security is the threshold values ​​that determine the likelihood of a risk of socio-economic damage, as well as the likelihood of adverse consequences. The inconsistency of the indicators of the quality of life of the population with their threshold values ​​can lead to a threat to national economic security.

Maintaining a high level of well-being of the population are priority areas, strategic priorities in Russian state policy and are aimed at:

increasing the population by creating conditions for stimulating demographic state policy;

the optimal ratio of the population's cash income and the growth rate of labor productivity;

 job creation, effective regulation of the labor market to counteract the negative dynamics of the unemployment rate;

comprehensive support for citizens of retirement age by increasing the dependence of singing and wages of employees of organizations;

development of the education and health care system through a comprehensive modernization of these areas;

providing the population with affordable and high-quality housing;

creating a favorable ecological environment and reducing the amount of harmful emissions;

reducing the crime rate and others.

According to the results of the author's calculations for the period from 2015 to 2019. The Russian Federation, the integral indicator of the quality of life occupied the interval from 0.55 to 0.75 (which corresponds to the pre-crisis state of the national economy [10, 12]. It should be noted that the integral indicator has a negative trend and shows a natural decline in the quality of life of the population since 2015.

The interests of Russian society and national security are interrelated and aimed at the long-term perspective, the definition of goals and objectives of the state security policy, as well as their implementation through a system of public administration measures.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 № 474 "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", the main priorities of state policy are presented, aimed at improving the quality of life in Russia in the long term (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. The main priorities of state policy aimed in the long term at improving the quality of life in Russia [3]

The system of measures to improve the quality of life of the population is focused on a programmatic nature and is mainly implemented through the implementation of national projects and government programs.

Thus, the state program "New quality of life" includes measures to achieve high standards of personal safety and environmental safety. The national project "New quality of life" provides development in various spheres of human life: education, health care, ecology, culture and others. Indicators of the quality of life of the population should be included in strategic plans, policies, development programs at all levels of government. Improving the quality of life of the population of Russia should be considered as a strategic priority of the long-term strategy of socio-economic development [16].

The strategic basis of national projects are activities that are aimed at eliminating and minimizing problem areas that hinder the socio-economic development of the country. The effective implementation of government projects and programs directly depends on the degree of participation in them as a society, public institutions, including scientific communities.

The strategic priority of the economic security of Russia and the socio-economic policy of the state, which is documented in the main normative legal acts aimed at the long term, is the quality of life of the population.

Next, we will consider the main proposals for reducing threats to Russia's economic security in the field of ensuring the quality of life of the population.

It should be noted that the main task of any state in almost all spheres of human life is the primary solution to socio-economic problems of the quality of life of people. As noted earlier, in modern conditions, improving the quality and living standards of the country's population is one of the priority tasks of state policy. Which should be addressed by reducing interregional differentiation in relation to people living below the poverty line. To do this, it is necessary to increase the efficiency and the number of social benefits and other types of support for low-income citizens, develop a system of support for the population based on the family's social passport for targeted assessment of a specific low-income family and identify the needs of society, as well as create special conditions to ensure self-employment of the poor on the basis of development of projects to stimulate the passage of retraining programs, training and the creation of a personal economy. We also need a positive dynamics of real incomes, the purchasing power of the Russian population. No less important is a decrease in the unemployment rate and a decrease in the proportion of people below the subsistence level [7, 13.20, 21].

The authors identified potential threats in terms of the economic security of the state:

  1. Long-term decline in the country's population as a result of low fertility and high mortality.
  2. High divorce rates and weakening of the institution of the family.
  3. Increase in the number of unemployed citizens.
  4. The poverty level and significant differentiation in income levels still pose a threat to the economic security of the country.
  5. The amount of social security for pensioners remains substantially low.
  6. High morbidity of the population and an unfavorable trend in the dynamics of health care indicators for the future.

In the course of the forecast, the authors revealed that only one indicator will reach the threshold value - the unemployment rate will leave the crisis zone by 2022 [11]. Nevertheless, after 2022, the indicator will be close to the critical value, that is, it will be in a pre-crisis state, which means the need for close monitoring of the development of the situation by public authorities. The rest of the indicators during the forecasting period from 2020 to 2024 will remain in the crisis zone, which indicates the persistence of threats to national economic security.

The main directions of activity of the state and its power structures aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of the country's population were proposed:

1. Creation of conditions for population growth, improvement of the quality and life expectancy of people.

2. Preservation of spiritual and moral traditions of family relations.

3. Actively pursuing a policy of promoting employment of the population.

4. Improvement of state policy to equalize the level of income of the population, reduce the level of poverty.

5. Improving the quality of life of pensioners through the development of the pension system.

6. Formation of conditions and creation of impulses for the development of human capital by increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of healthcare, as well as countering the new coronavirus infection.

Thus, the proposed main directions of activities of the state and its power structures aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of the country's population will improve the quality of life of the population.  Comprehensive study of problem areas of citizens' life will make it possible to avoid negative scenarios for forecasting threats to economic security. To ensure the required level of national security of Russia, it is necessary to constantly monitor the system of security indicators in order to bring all indicators to a level at least no worse than the maximum critical values. This will provide an opportunity to improve the quality of life as a strategic priority of economic security through the formation of a competitive innovative economy capable of responding to the challenges and threats of our time. This has been reiterated in the "30th Anniversary Human Development Report 2020, which is the latest in a series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) since 1990 as an independent, analytically and empirically informed discussion critical development issues, trends and policies"[22].

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