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The article reveals the meaning and mechanism of innovative practice for the professional development of an education manager. The concepts of "management" and "management" are correlated, the specifics and tools of pedagogical management are determined. The subjects of innovative activity, variants of segmentation of the educational system and strategies are characterized. The directions of innovative activity are indicated: ensuring the quality of human capital, technological modernization of education, development of social sustainability, digital transformation. A check-list is proposed to stimulate innovative search.

Ключевые слова:
innovative activity, motivational program-targeted management, professional development, segmentation, educational system
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In a situation of uncertainty of the future and competitive processes, the leading countries will be those countries that know how to make a key stake on the person himself and the development of his potential. Education plays a leading role in this. The place of Russia in the world by 2050 is determined by the level of quality of conditions, process and content of education in preschool educational institutions, schools, in organizations of secondary and higher vocational education, in the field of continuing education in 2018-2024. In this regard, IK Shalaev, from the point of view of management theory, anticipated the importance of attention to a person, his ability to correlate the goals of the organization and his own.

The development by I.K.Shalaev of the model of the object and subject of management of an educational institution, the design of the law of the tree of management goals, the definition of measurable parameters of the executing and control programs, the establishment of qualimetric principles for assessing the quality of education and the effectiveness of management of an educational institution contributed to the development of a methodology for attestation of a teacher and head of an educational organization.

The process of integrating target-programmed (rationalistic) and motivational (behavioral) approaches in management practice into the metasystem - motivational target-oriented management (MTOM) - has actualized attention to the innovative component of management science. The drivers of innovation in education today are: the Internet, digital technologies, competition and rapid development of economic sectors, the challenges of the consumer society, technology startups in education. The progressive development of education under the applied conditions can be ensured by those who are themselves ready to change, initiate or carry out innovative activities. As one of the development priorities of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, "ensuring the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education" [4] is designated, which further actualizes the problem of resource support for the professional development of an education manager conditions of the knowledge economy.

The managerial competencies of a modern education manager in the MTOM logic represent three areas: management of their own performance, management of team activities, management of thinking. Today, the focus of management theory is on the issues of organizational culture, leadership, corporate governance, readiness to initiate and/or carry out innovative activities, which is the essence of the new management paradigm. The concept of "pedagogical management" is actively used. The peculiarities of pedagogical management include the uniqueness of the subject, products, tools, and the result of labor. The activity of the subject of management is the subject of labor of the education manager. The product of labor is information about the educational process. The tool of labor is represented by word, speech. The result of labor lies in the level of training, education and development of the object of pedagogical management [5].

Comparison of the concepts of "pedagogical management" and "management" became the subject of analysis in the works of V. I. Bondar, K. Ya. Vazina, L. A. Veretennikov, Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, VS Lazarev, M. M. Potashnik, V. P Simonova, T. I. Shamova. The analysis is based on such methodological approaches as:

- functional: determination of the structure and number of functions in school management as a social-pedagogical system (V. I. Bondar, Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, B. C. Lazarev, M. M. Potashnik);

- socio-psychological: determining the role of the personality factor in the management of the pedagogical system (A. I. Naumov, T. I. Shamova);

- cybernetic: defining the role of information, organizational cycles, structure and specifics of the process of making managerial decisions (V.P.Simonov, V.A.Yakunin).

According to V.P. Simonov, pedagogical management is a process, an activity-based, dynamic system that is in constant development. This system is controlled and self-improving under the influence of a manager-teacher [7]. The structure of pedagogical management includes a triad of levels. At the first level, the tasks of managing the activities of the teaching staff are concentrated. At the second level, the teacher's activities are managed. The third level of pedagogical management is focused on managing the student's activities.

The professional level of management presupposes an awareness of three fundamental management tools. First, the organization, the hierarchy of management, in which the impact on a person is carried out using the functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, distribution of material wealth. Secondly, the culture of management as values, social norms, behavioral features developed and accepted by the society, organization. Thirdly, market relations, which are based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on the balance of the interests of the seller and the buyer. Each of these tools involves addressing key categories: need/desire to change the current situation (motivation) in accordance with the desired result (goal), consistently performing certain actions (program).

The report of the Center for Strategic Research and the NRU "Higher School of Economics" focuses on the quality of human capital, technological modernization of education, social sustainability and digital transformation [3]. An important element of human capital is intellectual capital as the ability to generate and master innovations, the economic projection of creative activity, since it is intellectual capital that determines the quality of transformations in the economy and social life, the solution of new technological problems. Technological modernization will ensure the personalization of education, a different nature of the interaction of participants in educational relations.

Ensuring social sustainability allows us to meet the challenges of a consumer society, when the generation of workaholics has been replaced by a generation that does not always strive to conquer new heights. The need for social sustainability is explained by another challenge of our time: the family and school have ceased to be monopolists in education. The mechanism for the development of social sustainability is the creation and development of an educational system. The components of the educational system are conceptual ideas, goals, activities, subjects of this activity, relations that arise between them in the process of activity and the process of managing this system. From the standpoint of the need for a person with developed critical and systemic thinking, who is capable of constructive interaction, creativity, the need for a person who is flexible and ready for changes, with developed emotional intelligence, who is able to search and manage information, the question arises: what are the formats of educational, work activities will be in demand, which of them will become the leading, most significant, defining development? The understanding of the need for digital transformation is due to a change in the channels for transferring social experience. Online services and instant messengers are added to the traditional methods of verbal transmission of social experience from generation to generation, through print sources, literature, art.

From the point of view of IK Shalaev, the setting of innovative goals in the mission of an educational organization as internal motivators for self-actualization of subjects of education management is one of the factors of increasing the efficiency of education management [8]. The need for active innovative practice of the education manager is dictated by the transformation of the anthropological basis on which education is built: the image of the person himself. The transformation is caused by the new state of society: from the economy of skills and rules we have come to the economy of knowledge ("economy of services", "creative economy", "knowledge society", "production of innovations"). In the knowledge economy, humans play a major role rather than technology. The knowledge economy is characterized by: a system for the production of knowledge in demand, a knowledge management system. Knowledge and human capital are the main drivers of development. The mechanisms for developing the infrastructure of the knowledge economy are: ensuring the availability of information sources, interaction between producers and consumers of knowledge, organizing the activities of innovation parks, professional associations, exhibition and marketing activities. The sources of innovation processes will be: intuition, experience, directives, consumer opinion, the needs of the teaching staff of the region, country, scientific achievements.

E. Rogers defines innovation as an object, idea or action that is perceived by the consumer as new and offers a classification of the subjects of innovation [1]. The first group includes "innovators" (2.5%) - they are always open to new things, absorbed in innovations, are characterized by some adventurism, and intensively communicate with local groups. The second group is made up of “early implementers” (13.5%), who follow the innovators, but are more integrated into their local association. By exercising influence, they often become opinion leaders. Appreciated as reasonable implementers. The third group is the "preliminary majority" (34%). They need significantly more time to make a decision than the leading groups. The group of the "late majority" (34%) treats innovations with a significant degree of skepticism; nevertheless, they begin to master them sometimes under the pressure of the social environment. The hesitant group (16%) is guided by traditional values. The decision to adopt an innovation is given to them with great difficulty [1].

The education manager's understanding of the importance of innovation is largely determined by the answer to the question: a person for an organization or an organization for a person? If personnel is understood as a cost factor, an educational organization is characterized by: coercive relations, cost minimization, a short planning period, only a quantitative analysis of results, an inflexible and dependent nature of the relationship. In a situation where personnel is classified only as a "resource", the concept of expediency of actions, cost optimization, a longer period of planning activities, a qualitative assessment of performance results, a flexible autonomous nature of relations arises. In the case when the personnel is perceived as a process, the team realizes the expediency of actions, a program for the development of costs is developed, a long period of planning activities, the effectiveness is represented by quantitative and qualitative characteristics, while the quantity turns into quality. Relationships are characterized by flexibility and mobility, a balance between independence and team commitment.

At different stages of adopting an innovation, there is a logic behind the actions of an education manager. At the stage of denial, the team can be focused on the previous level of activity, since it experiences a lack of information. At the stage of denial, the team should be given some time to adapt, the opportunity to orient itself regarding the future development of the organization. At the stage of resistance, irritation phenomena may arise, which are due to the inevitability of changes. A significant role for the positive dynamics of changes in this situation will be played by "feedback", the ability of managers to listen to colleagues. The research phase demonstrates agreement with the need for change. The team is developing new directions and forms of activity. It is important to support the development of the process, to help determine priorities. At the stage of involvement, creative groups appear, goals are set, and activities are coordinated, therefore, particular importance is given to the joint nature of developing long-term goals, constructive interaction to create updated symbols and rituals.

The quality of innovation activity, the degree of involvement in it or the presence of experience in innovative practices affect the segmentation of the educational system and strategies. With a low threshold of innovative activity, the use of innovative ideas, an educational organization mainly solves the problem of ensuring social security. Of the innovative areas, the digital format of education is mainly used. Social adaptation programs are key. The mass segment is represented by niche strategies that are shared, tested, and implemented by the majority. The trajectory of the organization's development is selected from the already "promoted" ones. There is training in a team, there is a mentoring system. Along with the traditional ones, the author's pedagogical technologies are used. Social networks are used to support the educational process, there is a wide range of partner programs. The leaders of new practices are characterized by the identification of a key success factor, a unique advantage. Individual (asynchronous) educational trajectories are being implemented, there is a practice of a flexible system for assessing educational results and results of professional activity. The teaching staff is characterized by a culture of experiment, flexible architecture of education and a strong partner community.

The student's path to 2030 will be determined by the effectiveness and optimal use of innovative practices, when the teacher, in relation to the majority, can act as a navigator of the educational space. The student can choose a role model ("the hero's path"), in the conditions of which the picture of the world is formed, intellectual development is carried out, social, managerial skills are formed, and states are controlled. Another path of the student is independent choice, correction of the goal, inclusion in teams, in accordance with the tasks of development, social order. Process quality indicators: involvement and "flow", personal portfolio of competencies, creative portfolio, assessment by participants of educational relations, social partners.

An analysis of existing practice, research on the topic allows us to conclude that a checklist as a qualitative analysis can serve as a tool that can stimulate awareness of the importance of innovation:

- existing trends in economic and social development;

- the effectiveness of the technologies and forms of education used;

- performed roles;

- the formats used in the educational space;

- key events that have already taken place or may take place;

- current and potential regulations;

- directions and quality of interaction with real and promising partners;

- the nature of partnerships;

- threats and opportunities.

The most important sign of a good company is the management of personnel development from the standpoint of a conscious attitude (motivation) to the planned results (goal) and provision of content as a way of productive movement towards the goal (program). Involvement in innovative activity is the optimal resource for working out the components of motivational program-targeted management of professional education manager development.

Список литературы

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