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Аннотация (русский):
The article examines aspects of the integration of approaches to the study of the concept of "professional culture of the person". We made an attempt to study it in the framework of intercultural communication. Also in the article we analyze the relationship between organizational and professional culture from the point of view of intercultural communication. Moreover we describe empirical aspects of the implementation of integrative educational technologies for training a specialist. In conclusion of the article we found similarities between medical and pedagogical professional culture.

Ключевые слова:
professional culture of person, intercultural communication, integration, interdisciplinary connections, holistic approach
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In the article  aspects of the integration of the professional culture of the individual in the framework of intercultural communication are discussed.

The studying of various aspects of business ethics and professional ethics has actualized for us the need to identify the relationship between business ethics, professional culture and intercultural communication.

Besides having analyzed numerous publications, inquiring of various aspects of professional culture, we noticed that their study is carried out using different methodological principles and approaches, there is no single basis for identifying the structural and functional components of professional culture.

The most complete volume of aspects of the study of professional culture, in our opinion, was made by E.V. Ivanova, Siberian Federal University[1], and also by V.Y. Kochergin and A/Y.Patseeva, Minsk [2].  Exploring the concepts of D.A. Erokhina, G.M. Evel'kina, A.I. Kravchenko and I.M. Model, E.V. Ivanova concludes that there is a relationship between professional skills and the general level of human culture, which is embodied and implemented in professional activities[1].

V.A. Slastenin, based on the general directions of the study of the phenomenon of culture, distinguishes three aspects of the study of professional culture: axiological, technological and personal-creative [1].

V.F. Isaev, in turn, focuses on the specifics of the application of the culturological approach in the field of  professional education [1].

I.A. Zimnyaya identifies a tiered approach that determines the structure of professional culture: basic, personal and social, determines the criteria for the formation of skills and abilities at each of the levels, considers key criteria for assessing the theoretical development and practical application of its principles and rules [1].

We, in turn, believe that such a classification of the components of professional culture, including the applied components of its systematization, measurement and assessment, refer to the technical aspects of professional culture.

In our research, we set ourselves the goal of focusing on the personalized aspects of professional culture, to analyze the relationship between organizational and professional culture.

Studies of organizational or corporate culture are now also widespread, but they mainly focus on aspects of organizational behavior and interaction, and not an analysis of individualized practices of integrating a personality in a professional environment.

O. A. Zhilyaeva gives in her article the following definition of professional culture, which she considers the most complete. "Professional culture is a certain set of worldview and special knowledge, qualities, abilities, skills, feelings, value orientations of a person, which find their manifestation in his subject-labor activity and provide a higher efficiency" [3]. At the same time, she considers the ability to synthesize theoretical professional knowledge, practical skills and abilities in conjunction with the abilities and qualities of the person as one of the criteria of professional excellence.

She also connects the professional success of the person with the mastery of the norms and rules of the language and the general culture of speech, developing universal social interaction skills necessary for any qualified specialist.

In addition, this article actualizes the issue of a professional's activity in the context of social changes, his ability to correlate norms and values expressed in people's actions with the norms of social behavior and their influence on professional relations. This is another aspect of the analysis of the development of professional culture.

Also relevant is the question of the development of professional culture skills and aspects of the synthesis of individual, personal and professional qualities in a modern information and communication environment, within which a constant change of images, ideas and meanings is carried out. Under these conditions, a person finds himself in a situation of uncertainty, which can be interpreted positively as the possibility of creative chaos in the systematization of experience, as well as the acquisition of a large number of opportunities for the creation and implementation of new forms, ways and methods of realizing professional experience.

In our article, we would like to analyze the readiness of students to implement this type of skills and abilities in their future professional activities and also to look at the empirical aspects of the implementation of integrative educational technologies for training a specialist.

Another aspect of professional culture, described by Shumakova O.A. [4], related to the transfer of accumulated knowledge into experience, seems relevant to us.

Therefore, this article summarizes the author's experience in the Bukhara State Medical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan). The author was entrusted with teaching several social and humanitarian disciplines (professional ethics, sociology and logic) to students of the "Clinical Psychology" field of study.  Teaching was conducted in Russian, while students had different levels of proficiency (from advanced to elementary).  In this regard, it was necessary to apply the methods of team, group work, including in the course of solving situational tasks, which consists in the fact that students who were fluent in the language explained the order and conditions for completing the assignment to other students who do not know the language well.

Therefore, many tasks (in particular in the course of logic), for example, the study of a variety of concepts, were presented by us in the linguistic aspect.

In addition, in the course of teaching these three disciplines, we identified a large number of interdisciplinary connections (for example, within the logical foundations of moral choice or logical aspects and ways of combining general scientific and specific scientific methods and approaches within the framework of sociological research).

The greatest number of interdisciplinary connections, in particular, is revealed in the course of studying the topic "Conflict". The causes of conflicts are social factors, intercultural, psychological components and linguistic reasons.

Within the framework of the discipline "Professional ethics" we examined the structures of the personality of the psyche, giving rise to a clash of its internal motives with the demands of society, manifesting themselves in moral dilemmas, within the discipline "Sociology" we considered theories that emphasize the positive or negative impact of conflicts on society and the personality inside society. Within the framework of the discipline "Logic", we considered semantic and linguistic barriers that lead to discrepancies in communication and create opportunities for conflict. Such actions can occur intentionally or unintentionally. We also learned to recognize correct and incorrect methods of interaction in situations of professional communication, to identify manipulative methods and tactics of behavior and to counteract them. We performed similar tasks both within the framework of the discipline "Logic" and within the framework of the discipline "Professional ethics".

In general, consideration of conflicts from the point of view of logic and professional ethics allows us to identify their universal components, manifested in the language and culture of speech. These are normative, communicative and ethical aspects, the correct application of which contributes to the prevention of conflicts as well as their competent resolution.

The normative aspect helps in situations of the correct choice of linguistic means in accordance with the norms of the literary language, the communicative aspect assumes a competent choice of communication tactics and the correct selection of language and speech means in accordance with the goals and objectives of communication, ethical assumes the choice of suitable strategies and practices of behavior in situations of communication. Thus, the use of this approach is especially relevant for teaching the humanities in the course of intercultural communication. All of the above allows us to conclude that the material we give has an integrated and complex nature, we determine the need to identify intersubject connections and demonstrate them to students, as well as stimulate them to search for such connections, including in situations of intercultural communication.

Also, based on the generalization of the acquired experience, it can be concluded that there are common features between the medical and pedagogical professional cultures. What these professional cultures have in common in the current situation is the presence of an overabundance of social information and the need to urgently make decisions in a situation of such an overabundance. 

As well as in medical and pedagogical professional cultures, a contradiction between traditions and modern trends is revealed. At the same time, the development of both areas is directly related to innovations, but innovative activity in them often does not meet with support and is associated with significant resistance both from the state and society, and from the teachers and medical workers themselves. Therefore, the introduction and spreading of innovations in these areas of activity each time involves a combination of individualized strategies and approaches.

 In addition, both types of professional culture imply close interconnection and integration with society, because they are associated with the psychological well-being of the individual, and also involve solving issues of safety, life and health of people. Therefore, none of the representatives of these professions can be isolated from communication with family members of their wards and must always be ready to explain the tactics and strategy of their actions.

Among other things, both in medical and pedagogical practice, the introduction and spreading of integrative and holistic approaches that have a philosophical rationale, create a holistic view of the human personality and its nature in order to create conditions for maintaining its health and quality of life, is of particular relevance, and also intellectual development.

At the same time, the personal qualities of the specialists themselves in both of these areas begin to acquire a decisive importance. They are expected to have the highest level of competence and professionalism, and also make high demands on their moral and ethical appearance. In this regard, the risk of professional burnout of a specialist greatly increases, which makes the problem of defining the boundaries of personal and professional activities actual. This, in turn, acquires special significance in the situation of the spread of modern information and computer technologies. The solution to this problem also involves the use of a holistic approach and the integration of the efforts of the entire psychological, pedagogical and medical community.

Список литературы

1. Ivanova E.V. Evolution of the concept of “professional culture” \\ http://elib.sfu-kras.ru/static/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=/bitstream/handle/2311/8230/s013-048.pdf?sequence= [Electronic resourse, date of the application 21.06.2021]

2. Kochergin V., Patseeva A/Y. Professional culture: experience of a systemic approach to interpretation of a social phenomena \\ https://elib.bsu.by/bitstream/123456789/6374/1/12%20%D0%9A%D0%9E%D0%A7%D0%95%D0%A0%D0%93%D0%98%D0%9D.pdf [Electronic resourse, date of the application 21.06.2021]

3. Zhilyaeva O.A. The content of the professional culture of the person \\ Bulletin of the Russian State Pedagogical University named A.I. Herzen. - 2008. - N 63/1. ¬- P. 105-109

4. Shumakova O.A. Professional culture of person and experience from a nuclear approach \\ Psychology, sociology and pedagogy/ - 2012. - N 11 [Electronic resourse, date of the application 21.06.2021]

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