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Аннотация (русский):
The article deals with the problem of a healthy lifestyle in human development. The authors analyzed the works of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, psychologists, where the problem of healthy lifestyles is considered from ancient, primitive times to the present.

Ключевые слова:
healthy lifestyle, development, humanity, health systems, evolution, preschool age, hygiene, prevention
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A person's attitude to his health is evidenced by his ability to preserve life, to fulfill his biological and social destiny.

Man associated his physical condition with mystical, mysterious ideas even in antiquity, when he felt defenseless and helpless in front of natural forces.

For example, in the primitive communal system, such representations were deified with amulets, and health protection measures were in the form of religious rites. It is proved that in the process of evolution, a person observed and made conclusions, noted the cause-and-effect relationships between health, environmental factors, lifestyle, healing and healing properties of nature.

Scientists write that at this stage of human development there was a direct relationship between the state of human health and physical activity, which he had to perform in the course of his life, family life, and community life.

In the slave system, knowledge was also accumulated on the preservation of human health. It is known that already at that time, scientists directed all their strength and knowledge to create health systems, such as, for example, the Chinese "Kon-fu" (about 2600 BC), the Indian "Ayur-Veda" (about 1800 BC), "On a healthy lifestyle" by Hippocrates (about 400 BC) [9, p. 38].

In particular, a harmonious system of health improvement existed in Ancient Sparta, where physical exercises were prescribed and strictly controlled by the state, being obligatory for all citizens. The high level of physical health of the Spartans still remains the standard for all subsequent generations.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the views, approaches of domestic and foreign scientists, philosophers, teachers and psychologists, educators to a healthy lifestyle.

Materials and methods

Works of scientists, philosophers, analysis, synthesis, descriptive method, deduction.

Many scientific discoveries prove that the main determinant of health is a lifestyle, conscious care of one's health.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle assigned a special place to the upbringing of preschool children. They were allocated three sides of education: moral, mental and physical. According to the famous philosopher, a child up to seven years old should be brought up in a family and, above all, parents should develop the body of their child. The main thing, according to Aristotle, for a child is nutrition, movement, hardening [8].

Having got acquainted with the leading positions of the listed systems, we can conclude that their main idea is not the treatment of diseases, but the formation, preservation and strengthening of health, as well as the use of the body's reserve capabilities for its restoration.

At the present stage of development of society, from the main problems facing civilization, the problem of children's health can be brought to the fore. The health of the younger generation determines the state of society and the state as a whole. References to recommendations for maintaining and maintaining health and preventive instructions can be found in the writings of the philosophers of Ancient Greece. For example, work regimen, daily regimen, rest regimen, home hygiene, proper nutrition and preventive measures [9, p. 80].

Quintilian M.F. believed that a healthy child must be brought up, taking into account his age and individual characteristics. He offered three degrees of teaching, such as imitation, instruction, and exercise. Exercise involves a rational combination of play, exercise and relaxation with the intention of relieving fatigue and maintaining health.

In the Middle Ages, the tasks of raising a child were closely associated with the tasks of health improvement. V. Caesarea and K. Alexandria were asked to consider the tasks of education in the following directions: the acquisition of habits, the upbringing of a healthy style of behavior and overcoming bad habits [3].

Humanistic pedagogy originated in the Renaissance. Francois Rabelais outlined the ideas of humanistic education in his work "Gargantua and Pantagruel", focusing on the need to maintain the health of children by changing their lifestyle [9, p. 133].

Slavenitskiy E. in his work "Citizenship of children's customs highlighted the idea of taking care of the body, pointed out the need and importance of oral and dental hygiene, showing the means of mechanical cleaning of teeth [3, p.114].

Russian scientist Lesgaft P.F. is one of the brightest representatives of pedagogical science. He outlined the physical, moral and mental conditions for the formation of a healthy child, and also took into account the factors that influence the health and upbringing of the child. The teacher put to the fore the harmonious development of the child, the preservation of his own health, the appropriate combination of mental and physical activity, as the leading condition for the education and upbringing of the child.

The Tatar educator Kayum Nasyri also promoted a healthy lifestyle. He collected medicinal herbs and knew how to store and use them wisely. He used traditional medicine recipes. He was constantly asked for help. The house-museum, in which he spent the last 13 years, hosts meetings of the healthy lifestyle club.

The great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay in his works raised the problem of upbringing a healthy lifestyle. In verses ("Cold", "The train is coming") he criticized the problem of drunkenness. G. Tu5kaya was concerned about the physical and spiritual development of children.

Tatar folk tales were strong effective means of educating healthy lifestyles. In the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children, such fairy tales as "The Moon and the Sun", "The Old Man and the Lazy Horseman", "Batyr", "Kamyr Batyr", "Four Friends", "The Goat and the Ram", "The Man and the Cat", "The Nightingale "And others are invaluable.

The Tatar people have accumulated many proverbs about health, for example, “If you are rich, your homeland will love you, if you are healthy, your husband will love you”; “Let the head be healthy, and there is a hat”; “My health is my wealth”; "Health is a great wealth", etc. Of course, even if some proverbs have a figurative meaning, we believe that they apply to a healthy lifestyle.

Bekhterev V.M. in his writings noted the dependence of health on education. The scientist pointed out that education has a great influence not only on the development of character, but also on the protection of health, moreover, both physical and mental [2, p.3].

Sukhomlinsky V.A. more clearly approached the problem of maintaining the health of the child. They were presented with the solution of the problems of raising a healthy child in all the variety of factors of a healthy lifestyle: hardening, morning exercises, outdoor games, work and rest, proper and rational nutrition [8].

Thus, in pedagogy, the need to educate a harmonious, healthy personality was realized, there was a position of understanding the relationship between health and human behavior, however, in the preschool educational institution the task of forming the value of health of preschoolers was not posed, it was solved indirectly through moral and partly hygienic education.


It follows from the above that in pedagogy the problem of upbringing a healthy generation was solved through the organization of separate areas of upbringing. We also found that the need to raise a healthy child has existed since ancient times and is relevant today.

But a more thorough study of this problem during this period was carried out in two directions: systematic observation of children during the entire period of their growth and the study of general clinical and other indicators. Education of the correct attitude to one's health at this stage of the development of science was not singled out as the task of the preschool educational institution.

For the first time, the greatest Russian biologist, doctor Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov expressed the need for the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children [3]. In his opinion, the most important thing is to educate the population to legitimately, unmistakably in every situation, make a choice in the direction of what is useful, which promotes health and abandon everything that is harmful. The basis that gives rise to the construction of the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle is the attitude of children to their own health.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky said that taking care of health is also the main job of an educator. The preschooler's spiritual life, which is a component of his worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, and faith in his own strength, depends on the optimism, cheerfulness and cheerfulness of a preschooler.

Rina Borisovna Sterkina and Natalya Nikolaevna Avdeeva write that children need to be encouraged to think about their body, about how it works. A child must understand the complex structure of the body, realize the importance of proper nutrition, the importance of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle [1, p.52].

According to M.Yu. Stozharova, the health of the adult population is 75% determined by the conditions of its formation in childhood [74, p. 19].

A healthy child quickly forms all the necessary skills and abilities, he better adapts to changing conditions and adequately perceives the requirements for him [10, p. 161].

At this stage in the development of modern science, there are few studies on the problem of forming knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in older preschool children (N.G. Bykov, L.G. Kasyanov, M.V. Melichev, O.S. Schneider and others) [4].


Within the framework of our research, it is important to define the concept of "health". There are a huge number of definitions of this concept. But the initial definition is presented in the Charter (Constitution) of the World Health Organization. It sounds as follows - health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects [5, p. 1].

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" appeared relatively recently, in the 70s of the last century. The concept is also not unambiguously defined. Having studied various points of view on this issue, we can say that healthy lifestyle is a human activity aimed at strengthening one's health and preventing various diseases. A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite and foundation for achieving success in all spheres of human life.

Список литературы

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