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This article discusses types of Internet representation of school libraries, each of which enhances the presentation of information and access to it. The analysis of the species themselves representation marked characteristic errors, which will improve the test direction.

Ключевые слова:
school libraries, internet-office, school library website, the blogosphere, social networks
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To deal with the specific types of representation, to obtain information about the status of Internet representation libraries allow us to draw conclusions analysis of the materials themselves forms of representation, and publications on the studied direction.Conducting research materials analysis revealed a major mistake that experts in the design and organization of web-representation of the school library and to formulate a set of recommendations and the steps that must be considered when creating and promoting school library representation of the information space.

So, we can safely say that today the idea of ​​the library on the Internet - not a tribute to fashion trends and conscious form of work, dictated by time. One of information resources, the creation of which afford school librarian - a school library website designed to fill the gaps of information support of the needs of the library readers, business card, which tells about the possibilities and activities of the library.

The main disadvantages of existing sites, lies in the fact that the materials in the site are not structured, so that a row is information for all categories of visitors,On some sites, the content is aimed at administrators, librarians, not the students. It should immediately adopt a policy that the website created especially for the readers and not for themselves librarians, so user interests must first be taken into account in the formulation of the overall structure and strategy of the virtual resource content.

Also a little interesting materials for students and insufficient links to good resources for children and teens, and yet - they are the main consumers of library information. Materials presented on the site, do not always have the time coordinates. Insufficient informativeness, poor maintenance and updating of unprofessional design is also part of the school library websites shortcomings.There are also broken links in the site structure. Many sites are very rarely updated or not updated. A number of websites hosted on free hosting, not periodically runs. Information on individual sites located illogical way that it makes it difficult to search.

However, it can be assumed that the shortcomings seen more to do with lack of library staff of professional web designers and related professionals to establish and maintain a site than a misunderstanding of the importance of the issue and the reluctance to develop this direction.

The analysis of the organizational structure and content sites school libraries we identified a number of sections, which are present in most of them, and to publicize the work of school libraries and to improve reader service quality has allowed us to get a "typical" model content library site and determine the approximate structure and mandatory elements of the library site.

However, in spite of all the opportunities presented to the libraries with the introduction of web-sites, at the moment, for the successful implementation of the activity on the Internet, the library is not just enough to have your own website. The library should establish unimpeded dialogue with their readers, to take into account their opinion, constantly motivate their users.To help libraries come blogs, social networks, which can meet these requirements and further help the library develop in this direction. 

Based on materials library blogs and a few publications, we conducted an analysis of the current state of the blogosphere and the library accounts in social networks.

Research has shown that many school libraries do not work in social media, which demonstrates the low level of computer literacy of the specialists or the lack of understanding of this group of workers of all the importance of the social networks of the library offices. In addition, it indicates a lack of methodological support this area of ​​work on the part of municipal methodical service.

One of the main conditions for the attraction of visitors, and therefore the viability of library pages / groups - the frequency of publications. The study showed that there is no procedure and frequency of posting information on the web sites of school libraries.During the analysis, representation in the network, the frequency of appearance of a new library of content sites is once in 3-6 months. It should be recognized that at such a low renewability school library information pages / groups are of no interest to users of social networks, and therefore can not perform the tasks for which they were created. Web-representation should be maintained: work with the internal contents.

The degree of responsibility of work in social media is very high, as it is actively creates an image library, especially among young people. Interest in social networks users need to constantly maintain, placing the information on a daily basis - at least one publication. Every month should be publication schedule (news, virtual exhibitions, information on projects, events poster as well as a report / photo report on its conduct, interesting facts on the subject close).Break in two or three days could have lead to the loss of active users. Interest must be maintained always - a pledge of loyalty to the library and its services.If for some objective reason, regular maintenance of the page / group is delayed (for example, temporary disability librarian, due to weekends and holidays), it is recommended to use the program avtopostinga (, which allows you to publish appointed time previously created content.

In addition to regular content updates no less important is the question of his detention. To maintain interest in mediastranichke / group, it should be interesting, and ideally - unique content. The main value is the text content, as it is indexed by search engines, and then provided to the search results.

The study showed that the majority of media platforms school libraries filled with information about library events, most of them reported on the results of the activities are optional library announcements, some sites also include information about anniversaries and advertising library services.Contests, surveys (discussions), review of the literature, announcements of events of the village is filled with a small amount of surveyed library pages / groups.

Unfortunately, much of the material is written with dry, expressionless, bureaucratic language, reminiscent of library records, while allowed a huge amount of grammar, spelling, punctuation, stylistic errors.

In this case, it is clear that the expressive text, a successful submission of the selected topic is in everyone's memory, who met with him, and thus encourages visitors to social networks feedback in the form of comments, suggestions or discussions.

Virtual exhibitions only available on few resources, the total number of surveyed sites, although in terms of the leading function of the library - reading promotion - they are a great tool for advertising library collections to a wider audience. Besides placing useful information in social networks are just some school libraries provide online services.

It is necessary to draw the attention of specialists, that the creation and maintenance groups / social pages it is important to choose an interesting, informative, readable content that can attract a large number of representatives of the target audience. Post content should be useful and what is not less important, in their bulk - unique.In addition, all hosted content must undergo mandatory editing specialists. Also, there is an incorrect registration and easily navigable.

It is necessary to ensure easy navigation of the page: Maintain the headings and order, competent and succinct description of the page, indicating contacts.

The study revealed another problem associated with the design of social platforms. The page title is often found confusing abbreviations target audience, and some of them include the name of the librarian. Through abbreviations, personal profile, and without specifying the location of the library is impossible to detect the profile of the library in the virtual space.

The page should be clear, user-friendly and attractive to the target audience. The page title should: exclude incomprehensible abbreviations target audience and eliminate too long, do not fit in the title bar; page name should also not contain the name of the librarian.

The profile information necessary to decrypt the full name of the group / page, specify the location (city, town, village), address, phone number, opening hours of the library, F. IO librarian (department, sector), as well as other important information relating to the activities of the school library.

It is obvious that a visit to the library site should not cause visitors feeling of stiffness because of its formality, the more we can not forget that the site is a library, not personal.

Profile (design) should be clear and easy for each participant. In social networks is common practice to use avatars and nicknames. Avatar - cover social pages / groups, which includes a small logo image or photo library, nickname - the library name (sector, department, club, etc...), It is best if it's the name of the city and the number of the school, where the library, and the name, if the library got it.

Along with their own information on social networks and third-party libraries are placed materials - census. After analyzing the monthly average of the total amount of information on the library mediaploschadku attracted from other sources, we note that all pages of school libraries are not actively used such borrowing.If half the studied social platforms, the total number of library sotsstranits / groups put huskies or do repost the information provided, which is quite acceptable for mediaploschadki, the other half are abusing attraction information, thus clogging up their sotsstranitsu / group information, which is often perceived as spam. This in turn reduces the demand for the site of the visitors, and can call into question the credibility of any libraries.

Successful promotion of social networking groups is largely dependent on how quickly the user will receive a response to your comment. After receiving a question or comment to the placement of materials, the librarian should be as soon as the string to respond to any treatment of users. Waiting a few days can cause a loss of interest, provoke a "migration" of the audience to another account.

Social networks spread the practice of setting avatars (cover), which should include a small image library (logo), or display a picture of her and nicknames - the library name (sector, department, etc...). So at this point it is also important to develop an avatar and set a nickname, that will make the page more personal library.

The main stage - to join the network. Registration - Enter the login registration page, or e-mail address and password.

Start filling addressable main page posting the requisite information: Full name Librarian (department, sector), location (city, town, village), address, phone number, opening hours. Also filling the following contents: Key facts and events related to the library (library mission, historical landmarks, some statistics, etc...).Add status - a special text message, which is placed by each user on their own in a special box and allows you to inform all visitors and friends in the contact list of any important event. Complete sections and configure the application.

Invite the maximum number of friends, those whom it will be interesting to chat, add friends first. Status library representative in the network to raise the participation of known and reputable personalities to potential audiences.The friends may be invited by the local "elite":... Representatives of local authorities, heads of educational, cultural, health and other institutions, businessmen, writers, historians, active readers, etc. It should also start groups: belonging to any group interest will also add weight to the page and expand the circle of friends. The social network is equally important to expand professional communication, entering the library community.

The page should promptly and constantly supplemented with new material; photos of events should be spread on the day of the meeting. On the wall (in the film) social pages should be laid out on the recent bookstore or library event.

It is important to remember about the integration with the library website Resources need to combine mutual links, announcements of publications, which will attract new users to the official website and a page and open up new opportunities for content distribution.

About the library representation in social networks should always talk to library activities, in private conversations with real and potential readers; information must be posted at all the information stands on its own publishing products, on business cards of the library and its experts, and others.

Opening of representation in social media provides a number of benefits the library

- it is possible to declare a library is a huge audience; 

- social networks break down boundaries

- this is their main advantage, the social network group

- direct communication with the readers; 

- you can quickly learn the views of users about the activities of the library, its specific event, change operating mode, to ascertain their wishes and preferences, etc .;.

- representation provides an excellent opportunity to instantly inform a large audience of new publications, competitions or events, and disseminate this information on; 

- the possibility of advertising the library and its services.

   When choosing a social network is important to remember that the main thing do not be afraid to experiment and follow a simple algorithm: to study the characteristics of each of the networks and choose to be active are those that meet the library's development strategy, as well as to include in the list of those which are already present readers of the library and where they may appear. We keep in mind that enjoys the social network "VKontakte" for communicating with readers the most popular. The largest social network "Facebook" the world is focused on the target audience and serves to share with colleagues. It should know that the most effective work in a complex social media (blog, microblogging, video blogs, social networks, etc.).

 Implementation of a comprehensive use of the library website, blog, social networks enable competently and effectively promote the library in the information space.

Список литературы

1. Cramer, D. Joomla! How to plan, create and maintain your website / Jen Kramer. - Moscow: Reed Group, 2011 - 399 p.

2. Filippova, L. Ya. Creating content (content) of library websites for educational institutions. / L.Ya. Filippova [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (the date of the appeal: 13.03.2019).

3. Templates and extensions [Electronic resource] - Access Mode: Joomla-master (the date of the appeal: 13.03.2019).

4. Savotchenko, S. E. Designing the school library website [Electronic resource] / S. E. Savotchenko ¬ Access mode: (access date: 13.03.2019).

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