Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
In the modern world, the use of new mechanisms for the development of territories and infrastructure is of great importance. New times require new approaches and forms of work. The need to use new approaches is caused by changes in economic processes, optimization of budgets at all levels, complication of social ties, reassessment of the value of the quality of life of the population and social infrastructure. The article discusses the design-cluster approach and the practical elements of its implementation in the special climatic, economic, logistic and geographical conditions of the Eastern Arctic.

Ключевые слова:
Arctic, economic development, project approach, process management, clustering
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The relevance of the study, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, is of great importance. Improving the quality of life, investment attractiveness of territories, development of infrastructure are areas of development on which the attention of authorities, non-profit organizations, and the media is focused. These areas are of particular relevance in the Arctic, which is increasingly returning to the international agenda over the past decade. Within the framework of these processes, it is necessary to assess the economic, political, geopolitical, regulatory, historical, ecological, socio-cultural process, their impact and integration into the overall picture of global and state changes. As part of the aggravation of the geopolitical struggle for the use of resources, interest in the Arctic and the Arctic region as such is again sharpening.

In the modern world, the use of new mechanisms for the development of territories and infrastructure is of great importance. The new time requires new approaches and forms of work, within the framework of the assigned tasks. The need to use new approaches is caused by changes in economic processes, optimization of budgets at all levels, complication of social ties, reassessment of the value of the quality of life of the population and social infrastructure. One of such mechanisms can be considered the design-cluster approach. This approach allows, on the one hand, to strengthen projects that are being prepared at the launch stage (through complementarities and interconnections), on the other hand, it reduces risks in the event of one of the investors leaving, so that this does not affect the overall cluster system. Within the framework of the bundles, it is necessary to use the advanced experience of leading scientific schools, higher educational institutions, secondary specialized (applied) educational institutions, foundations, state and municipal bodies, the media around forward (breakthrough) projects, which become "locomotives" for the implementation of subsequent projects and diversifies the economy of the territory. In the context of subsidized budgets of most Arctic municipalities, a change in approaches is required to improve the quality of life of the population, the formation of new approaches to investment attractiveness.

Within the framework of project activities, a typical design model is used: formulation and analysis of the problem, goal setting, determination of effective implementation mechanisms, assessment of funding sources, identification of indicators, project aftereffect, etc. Depending on the specific project, its focus, mechanisms are added from other areas of project activity: social design, business design, etc. The cluster model is used to analyze the connection between partners, the resource potential to obtain maximum effects. So, within the framework of the project office, several stages were identified for conducting a preliminary analysis, the prospects and relevance of such an approach at the level of the Arctic region: an assessment of external and internal impact on initiatives, the presence of formal and hidden barriers, hidden resources and potential. So the priority measures are determined: the allocation of the levels of interaction of the project office, and the distribution into contact zones. So, according to the levels of interaction, the distribution is carried out as follows: district, regional, interregional, federal, international. In terms of the activities of the project office at the stage of the organizational period, the following support areas were identified: the formation of basic partnerships at all levels of interaction, interaction with authorities, the formation of a scientific base for the activities of the project office based on adaptive and author's models, interaction with non-commercial organizations, media, universities, secondary schools, research institutes. This distribution of interaction is linked into a number of social and economic concepts: cluster development, project management, synergistic interaction, social partnership, cooperation, "economic complexity".

After the examination of the project, an assessment is carried out by attracted experts from the relevant area of ​​activity, an assessment of systemic and administrative barriers for their removal, based on the results of the project, if there are unique results of implementation, it is possible to "package" the project into a boxed solution for distribution to other territories, or commercialization in the form of a franchise. Thus, within the framework of the project office, a clear working sequential structure has been formed that determines the processes and dynamics of the project at all stages of the project initiator and the project office (Office Processing). As part of defining the outline of partnerships for the project-cluster approach of the Arctic cluster, the need was identified 1. Involvement of experts of different levels (district, region, interregional level, federal level) 2. Involvement of experts from different fields (energy, project management, investment policy, innovative technologies, social technologies, scientific schools, etc.) 3. Involvement of experts from various fields of activity (State and municipal authorities, commercial companies, non-profit organizations, foundations, expert communities, higher education, research groups, mass media, etc.)

High-quality coverage of activities is important for managing the image of the territory. This is primarily due to the possibilities for successful replication, changing investment attractiveness, attracting a wide range of experts of different levels, obtaining funding to start a project, with the attraction of further co-financing or commercialization of the results. So, within the framework of the project office, a number of expert and consulting events were held for limited liability companies, public organizations, individuals, for writing and submitting grants for funding, seminars and round tables. Within the framework of these events, it is worth noting the high percentage of applications passing through, and their recognition as winners, which, on the one hand, indicates the presence of the project culture of the performers, on the other hand, the high-quality expert work of the project office for the development of the Arctic cluster. The criterion for the selection of projects and project ideas was: significance for the Arctic or, in particular, Bulunsky district, the significance of the results of the project or research, the social significance of the project, the possibility of practical application of the results obtained, the impact of projects on the infrastructure of the territory, the presence of experts in the industry leading the project.

As part of the implementation of reference projects, at the stage of conceptualization, and work to attract the necessary experts and co-financing, the following projects are considered:

1.Use of gas hydrate as an element of the gas supply system for remote Arctic settlements. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct a study of gas hydrate, assess deposits in the district, analyze the efficiency and efficiency of using gas hydrate, develop a pilot model for connecting small settlements to gas, in order to obtain objective and comprehensive results, with a positive effect, economic rationality, environmental safety, the project may be considered for replication to other Arctic territories.

2. Creation and arrangement of the site "Testing ground for testing, adaptation and certification of equipment in the Arctic". Taking into account the special climatic conditions of northern Yakutia in the Bulunsky region, the presence of different terrain, infrastructure in the form of warehouses, the possibility of creating a center where it is possible to test equipment for various purposes is being considered. On the one hand, this project is able to attract investors, create a favorable investment image of the region, create new highly qualified jobs, and attract Russian and foreign equipment for testing in the Arctic, which, after passing the test, could receive the marks of the quality system "Tested in the Arctic", "Made in the Arctic"

3. Together with the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow), an assessment was made of the potential for the development of coal deposits in the Bulunsky district and their potential for implementation in the real economy and energy efficiency in the village of Tiksi.

4. Creation of the International Center for the Study of Sustainable Development of the Arctic in the village of Tiksi of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The creation of such a center would also be one of the "anchor" reference projects that could develop, test, apply and introduce new technologies "on the spot".

Based on the analysis of the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The project approach, within the framework of the cluster model, is one of the most effective mechanisms for achieving the goals of socio-economic development, including in the Arctic;
  2. High-quality media support, provides an opportunity to assess and further interact with potential partners in development projects, investment in Arctic projects from non-Arctic regions of the Russian Federation;
  3. The project approach forms the strategies for the development of territories, and determines the optimal partners within the framework of the cluster development model, taking into account the characteristics of the territories.
  4. The design-cluster model is optimal from the point of view of the introduction of innovations, the formation of technical and technological platforms and chains of links.
  5. Project management has greater mobility in comparison with traditional forms of interaction and management, increases the rate of implementation of innovations, which is important when implementing strategies for the socio-economic development of territories
  6. Informal relations within the framework of project groups allows to reveal the potential of the territory, through trust between partners, forms motivational strategies for the participants to increase their efficiency and competence.
  7. The project approach can create conditions for targeted clustering through the creation of new organizations and enterprises, including in non-resource sectors of the economy.
Список литературы

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