The role of health care in the implementation of educational tasks in the training process of foreign students at the preparatory faculty of the medical university is considered in this paper. Some suggestions for improving the realiza-tion of this system in the educational process are discussed.
health saving, humanistic approach, educational tasks, preparato-ry faculty, foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, prevention
The main task of a modern university as a center of education is to train a comprehensively developed competent specialist; an educated, creative, healthy and socially active person. The Requirements for the development of additional general education programs that ensure the preparation of foreign citizens and stateless persons for the development of professional educational programs in Russian states that “a graduate of a higher medical school of the Russian Federation must have a humanistic, natural-scientific outlook, a high level of general and professional culture; be ready to deepen and expand his scientific and creative potential” [1].
In this regard, in the process of teaching foreign students at the pre-university stage, there is an organic connection between educational and upbringing work; the problems of education and upbringing are solved in a comprehensive manner. A developed system that creates the maximum possible conditions for preserving, strengthening and improving the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education: foreign students, teachers, employees of the preparatory faculty, etc. is health preservation.
Purpose of the study
One of the priority tasks at the preparatory faculty is the strengthening and preservation of the student's concept formation of a healthy lifestyle in them, the choice of such teaching technologies that eliminate overload and preserve health. For successful study in a foreign country for foreigners it is necessary to adapt as quickly as possible to the university, to a new educational system, to a new culture, traditions, to a new language communication, to the international character of study groups and streams [2]. A scientific approach to understanding the essence of maintaining health, youth, beauty is very useful for foreign students of the preparatory faculty - future medical students. The specifics of training foreign students at a Russian university leads to significant physical, psychophysiological stress and overstrain. This is especially important for them in a difficult period of adaptation, which is characterized by the destabilization of physiological functions and, as a consequence, an increase in the level of morbidity. It is no secret that the psyche of some people who have left their families for a long time, who have changed their usual environment of life in a foreign country, may suffer, and they either fall into depression or stop studying abroad and return to their homeland [3]. In the current academic year, amid a pandemic, the training takes place remotely. On the one hand, when learning online, one does not need to adapt to the climate or society, but on the other hand, it requires adaptation to the most distant format, because neither teachers nor students had the experience like this before [4]. Sitting at a computer or tablet for many hours, a rare stay in the fresh air in self-isolation or quarantine conditions, low physical activity, fear of getting COVID-19 do not affect health in the best way.
Materials and methods
The human body is a complex biochemical system that has great adaptability to the environment. As it is known, the human body has hidden reserves, which it uses to maintain an optimal level of health, but these reserves are not unlimited. Unfortunately, at a young age, a person rarely thinks about how to preserve an invaluable gift - health. Many young people, when they feel good and full of energy, have no desire to maintain and strengthen their own health.
End what is health? The definition adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO): "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects." Modern medicine also defines health as the completeness of the body's adaptation to external influences. It is obvious that the state of health is formed as a result of the interaction of exogenous factors (natural and social) and endogenous factors (heredity, constitution, gender, age). The studies carried out show that the main factor influencing the state of health and the occurrence of diseases in humans is the patient's lifestyle (50% - 55%) [5].
Results and discussion
It is obviosly, extracurricular and educational work in teaching foreign students serves not only educational purposes, but is also used as an important tool in the formation of cultural and moral competence of students. The educational work carried out involves familiarizing students with Russian reality, customs, as well as the further formation of the student's personality with an active life position. Conversations, discussions, discussions touching upon vital issues, for example, "Prevention of COVID-19", "Treatment and prevention of AIDS", "The harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine on the human body", "The harmful effects of drugs", "Mobile phone and health", "Hygiene of working at the computer" and others explain the harm for the health of a young person and help to prevent these problems.
In the modern educational process, in our opinion, the role of an imitation-modeling game is huge, taking into account the professional interest of future doctors and at the same time forming their attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. This essential activity is a powerful area of self-expression. Role-playing games, drafting and acting out dialogues, situational tasks on the topics "At a doctor's appointment", "In a medical center", "In a clinic", "Problems of modern medicine", "My future profession" and others are regularly held at Russian language classes. Their subject matters are defined by the needs and interests of the student's future professional activities and represent a psychologically sound foundation of the curriculum for the development of speaking and listening skills, the success of which is associated with the presence of positive motivation among the students [6, 7].
During classes in a foreign-language auditorium, the task of preserving the student's health is realized by optimizing and purposeful organization of the lesson. The peculiarities of the contingent are taken into account as much as possible and a differentiated approach to the trainees is carried out, conditions are created for self-expression, emotional satisfaction through the formation of a comfortable psychological environment. Modern techniques are used in conjunction with psychological support. In this regard, the study of individual psychological characteristics of trainees is of great importance. Knowing the individual psychological characteristics of his students, their level of emotional stability, the teacher chooses the most effective forms of work that contribute to the individualization and coordination of training content, ways of presenting knowledge, training and control.
Taking into account the psychological factors of health care, for the purpose of the effectiveness of the educational process, the teacher can choose the necessary types of work for different groups. For example, extroverts (students from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria) are inclined to speak, they are more successful in assimilating educational material during speech practice, but their attention is often focused only on the content of the utterance, while the design is relegated to the background and language means are acquired involuntarily. For such students, it is reasonable to restrain speech activity, to monitor the correctness of the statement. Introverts (students from Nigeria, Zambia, Togo, Ghana, Kenya) are more organized in comparison with extroverts, so they are more attracted to grammar, reading, writing [8]. All this contributes to the individualization of the forms and types of training, the correlation of presentation methods and the consolidation of information in accordance with the personal psychological factors and national characteristics of the trainees.
Rostov State Medical University pays great attention to teaching foreign citizens the Russian language, since its good knowledge contributes to the fastest possible acculturation and health preservation. Thus, foreign students participate in the traditional Russian language Olympiad "Medicine and Languages: at the Crossroads of Cultures." [9]. By participating in the Olympiad, foreign students often demonstrate excellent knowledge of the Russian language and a reverent attitude towards it. Knowledge of the Russian language helps them to successfully adapt to new socio-cultural conditions, and also contributes to creative self-expression. Writing essays on topical topics not only increases the level of language competence of foreign students, but also has great educational value.
The popularization of the Russian language, Russian science and culture is one of the priority tasks of our state, therefore, the university pays great attention to such events as poetry evenings, a competition for the best essays, conferences dedicated to the work of famous Russian writers. Foreigners visit cultural institutions (libraries, theaters, museums), excursions, international and literary evenings, concerts, holidays, thematic evenings, meetings, Olympiads and quizzes, sports tournaments are held for them. All this contributes to the fastest possible acculturation [10].
We believe that the ongoing work to introduce a system of humanistic values into the educational process, based on the idea of a citizen, a person of culture and high morality, will make it possible to assess educational activities not only taking into account the educational achievements of foreign students, but also taking into account their human qualities. personal growth, intellectual and spiritual and moral self-development. In order to implement the health preservation system, it is necessary, in our opinion, to continue working on the rational organization of the educational process in accordance with individual, ethno-psychological, hygienic and other requirements. These are programs and methods that are aimed at fostering a culture of health in students, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, the formation of ideas about health as a value, and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
Modern medicine is pathocentric: today it is the medicine of diseases. Medicine of Health, Love, Beauty is valeology, which flourishes in the countries of Southeast Asia. It is to the East that medicine owes the introduction into practice of fortifying agents made from Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, aralia, etc. [11] In ancient China, disease prevention and health preservation were part of state policy. The cult of a healthy and beautiful body reigned in Antiquity as well. Known methods of hardening in Ancient Greece, "gymnasium" for physical exercise, "termaes" for water procedures. In Russia, it was developed in the 80s, when hardening procedures were widespread, and today society is turning its face to a healthy lifestyle, sports and healthy food are widely promoted in social networks among modern youth. All these aspects of health care are close to foreign students both due to the national traditions and due to their age, and should be taken into account by teachers when organizing educational tasks.
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