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The relevance of the work is due to the change in the standard model of the generalized image of a person which in communication-related studies is characterized as Homo informaticus. The phenomenon of post-industrial society in the beginning of the XXI century, in which communication can perform various functions including mind control and behavior of society and the individual, "information person " very actively in contact with the media, has significant influence on media culture. But being immersed in a new, digital environment, a person is not only the object of its influence, but also the subject, the direct producer. Therefore, the model of a modern person is considered taking into account the significant role of the mass media in his professional and personal development.

Ключевые слова:
impact, information, information technology, mass media, media culture, society, digital environment
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High research interest in problems directly or indirectly related to information and communication processes is quite natural and very relevant. The transition to a post-industrial information society with its global production of information and at the same time the wide spread of information technologies, marked the beginning of a new era. Accordingly in the first decade of the XXI century, the standard model of the generalized image of man, which is now characterized as Homo informaticus ("information person"), also changed.

"Today informatization has become part of reality"; < ... > information "plays the role of the technical basis of the new society" [1]. Considering the role of information in the life of society, it should be noted that at the beginning of the XXI century, information has become a huge resource both for production and consumption. Information becomes a factor that determines a person's social behavior, and information and technological achievements ensure the active and successful use of information technologies in the intensive process of professional and personal development.

According to the figurative definition of the foreign scientist-philosopher, theorist of mass media and mass communication Marshall McLuhan, who predicted the dominance of digital means of communication, we live in the era of the" information explosion " [2]. Today, without a doubt, the digital environment is one of the main prerequisites for the formation and functioning of the global information industry, which largely determines not only the development, but also the adaptation of the individual to the rapidly changing conditions of modern life.

Such concepts as" information"," information society"," information exchange"  have firmly entered the scientific circulation of communication studies, philosophy, sociology, economics, linguistics and many other disciplines. The key term of the information age, in turn, contributed to the emergence of new concepts, which is an important indicator of the direction of the interests of scientists representing different areas of modern scientific knowledge. Among the most popular terms are "information management", "information pedagogy",

"information security " and others.   

A society in which almost all processes are governed by information flows is also a significant stage in the development of humanity from a socio-political point of view. The transmission through various media channels and the dissemination through a global network of information that is not only public, but also private, is considered as a powerful tool for solving various kinds of topical problems: political, ideological, socio-economic, cultural and others.

Indeed, information is increasingly being used as a lever to control mass audiences, social groups, and individuals. "We find this statement in many publications; in real life, the concept of "information" is increasingly used in relation to the sectors of the economy and management" [3]. Therefore, the person of the new, digital era becomes more vulnerable from the point of view of information security.

In a post - industrial society, information is an important component of mass and interpersonal communication, moreover, it is an integral part of the national and cultural heritage, a strategic resource, one can say, the leading strategy of a society that builds its priorities in accordance with new information technologies. Thus, an effective tool for the formation of a new type of personality - the "information person" is primarily information and / or communication technologies which are directly related to the entire system of production and consumption.

The new era of information, marked by the rapid growth of mass communication, as well as electronic media, certainly has both positive and negative sides. Unlimited technical capabilities, on the one hand, have a beneficial effect on the process of producing new knowledge, expanding the base of scientific research, increasing the efficiency of mass media, etc. "It is this – interactive convergent information transmitted from anywhere in the world and received instantly, without restrictions in time and space-that is of particular value to the audience" [4: 36]. At the same time, information continues to act as a necessary tool for establishing various types of contacts, developing international cooperation, etc.

But the negative consequences caused by the increased influence of the mass media on a person also attract increased attention. Speaking about the ideology of post-industrial society, which exerts an unprecedented influence on the consciousness and behavior of the individual, one of the famous philosophers of the XX century, Herbert Marcuse, wrote that "the apparatus of production and the goods and services produced by it "sell" or impose the social system as a whole.

The vehicles and the mass communication system, the inexhaustible choice of entertainment, and the information industry carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits, sustained intellectual and emotional responses that bind consumers to producers and, through them, to the whole. Products have a suggestive and manipulative power. As a result, a model of behavior arises" [5; 14-15].

In a society with a leading strategy for the production and dissemination of information, there is a threat of uncontrolled growth of information exchange, in other words, an information "flood". The "information person" regularly interacts with the received information, and here it should be taken into account that the information perceived by him can have a negative, even destructive effect on him.

The process of informatization, which has covered all socially significant areas of life, has recently increased its influence so much that scientists, based on the fact that the social and individual existence of a person is largely determined by the activities of the mass media, use the concepts of "information person"/ "media person" as equivalent.

It is the mass media that selects, systematizes, structures and broadcasts information flows, the volume of which is constantly increasing due to the use of new technologies. Hence the close connection of the terms "media person" / "information person", the content of which should be considered in their interdependence.

Dependence on technical communication channels and mass media increases the role of mass media in the life and activities of the individual, and information, being the basis of knowledge, creates an "information person", a consumer of information and at the same time its producer. "Today, a media person," writes E. L. Vartanova, "is not only a passive consumer of ready-made media products, but also an active participant in the processes of their distribution and production, on the one hand, involved in the process of mediatization, and on the other hand - forming it himself" [4: 37]. Therefore, information, as well as the very model of the personality "information person", should be considered within the framework of both media production and media consumption.

 It is obvious that the study of information problems of modern society quite naturally has access to a new discipline - media ecology, which develops the basics of rational and safe interaction with the media space.

Список литературы

1. Ibragimova L. A. Chelovek v informatsionnom obshchestve [Man in the information society]. - 2016. - No. 5. - pp. 492-494.

2. McLuhan M. Understanding the media: the external expansion of man. - M., 2003. - 464 pp.

3. Pronina L. A. Informatsiya, informatsionnoe obshchestvo i chelovek [Information, information society and man]. - 2008. - No. 11. - Pp. 251-257

4. Vartanova E. L. Media man - a new stage of evolution or an application to a gadget [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

5. Marcuse G. One-dimensional man. - M.: AST, 2003.

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