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Abstract (English):
The work highlights the material on the use of cross-sense technology in the lessons of geography in grade 5 when studying the topic "Development of geographical knowledge about the earth's surface", describes the compiled cross-sense tasks and describes the methods of their use in the classroom.

teaching methods of geography, crosssens technologies, lesson, teaching
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The school is engaged in creating for the child an image of the world and himself in it. In subsequent life, a person actively uses the images accumulated in school practice for making decisions and choosing a path. Images are closely related to associations that arise in thoughts in response to an emotional stimulus. They can be formed on the basis of various sources - speech, text, image, sound, video. Visualization allows you to connect all channels of information perception and make the picture of perception more complete, vivid and memorable. Working with images should reach a high creative level, allowing you to interpret and interpret the available material from your point of view, leaving room for individuality [1]. In this sense, a good tool for creativity, which can be made part of the systematic work on the subject, is cross-sense [2]. Crossens is a standard nine-square box, similar to the Point-and-Figure box. The idea of ​​cross-sence, like everything simple, is brilliant and, like everything brilliant, is very simple. It looks like a crossword puzzle. But unlike the crossword puzzle, where all the cells are empty, in the crossword puzzle they are already filled with pictures. The essence of the method is to unravel the cross-sense, to compose a story - an associative chain, through the interconnection of images [3].

In the course of geography in the 5th grade, the section "Development of geographical knowledge about the earth's surface" is studied. In order for students to better engage in work, the teacher prepares various types of assignments for studying a new topic, for homework and for consolidating new material. The cross-sense method helps students get involved in the work process faster. Thanks to this method, students include active brain activity, logical thinking and creativity.

So, starting to study the topic "Ways of depicting the earth's surface", students are offered a cross-sense on this topic, which will allow students to come to the idea that today in the lesson they will study and consider ways to depict the earth's surface.

It depicts objects such as a globe, a map, a geographic map of the mainland, a plan of the area, an aerial photograph, a satellite image, the creator of the map collection, the first atlas, and a drawing of the terrain. All these pictures under consideration are ways of depicting the earth's surface (Fig. 1.)

Figure 1. Crosssens on the topic "Images of the earth's surface".

The purpose of including the cross-sense method may be to test the assimilation of knowledge on the topic "Ancient East" among students of grade 5. At the same time, the process of forming the skills to compare different countries and their cultures, draw conclusions, analyze images is being monitored (Fig. 2.). Relevance and feasibility: students have already studied the first states, and in order to better remember their features, characteristics, inventions and discoveries, I invite them to solve crosssenses and determine what topic they are devoted to. Each cross-sense is dedicated to one studied country. The teacher, working with cross-sense, invites the children to determine its topic, if they find it difficult, then you can determine what is depicted in one or another illustration by disassembling several images to allow students to make an assumption or give an answer and prove their point of view, why in your opinion this cross-sense is devoted to this particular topic. If there is time, in addition to these superficial connections, you can find deeper ones, thereby giving children the opportunity to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. In addition, the first task in all-Russian verification work on the history of grade 5 is associated with the correlation of images and countries, which is why I consider it relevant to use this type of puzzles.

Figure 2. Crosssens "Mesopotamia".

Explanatory card

Sin is the god of the moon, the father of Shamash and Ishtar, the god of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

Ziggurat is a multistage religious building in Ancient Mesopotamia and Elam, typical of Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Elamite architecture.

"Babylonian dragon" - Sirrush on the gate of the goddess Ishtar in Babylon.

Clay cuneiform tablet.

Under the influence of the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia, we divide the circle by 360 degrees.

The number 60 was sacred for the inhabitants of the Ancient Mesopotamia, thanks to them we divide the hour into 60 minutes.

The top of a stone pillar with the text of the laws of Hammurabi. Shamash hands over the rod of power to King Hammurabi. In Mesopotamia, the myth of a worldwide flood arose, as the floods of rivers were very violent here. Map of the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia.

Crosssens on the topic “Where did the ancient peoples traveled” (Fig. 3.).

Figure 3. Crosssens "Phenicia"

Explanatory card

Lebanese cedar. It grew in Phenicia and was a material for the manufacture of ships.

Phoenician ship. The Phoenicians were good sailors.

The Phoenicians even swam around Africa. Their ships sailed from the port in the Red Sea and only in the third year entered the Mediterranean Sea.

In Phenicia, transparent glass was invented, from which vessels were made.

Stained glass mask made by a Phoenician artisan.

The Phoenicians planted olive groves. From olives (their other name is olives) they squeezed fragrant oil.

The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters.

The Phoenicians found special shells at the bottom of the sea and extracted purple dye from the snails.

Purple fabrics that were created in Phenicia were highly prized in neighboring countries. Phenicia itself was called the land of purple.

Thus, "cross-sense" is a modern puzzle, the use of which in the lesson allows you to work within the framework of modern tasks designated by the Federal State Educational Standard. The use of known teaching methods in conjunction with new techniques will increase the efficiency of the learning process.

The use of cross-sence in the lesson opens up wide opportunities for the teacher and students. For the first, it allows students to test their knowledge in a non-standard and interesting way, explain new material, consolidate a previously studied topic, the second brings pleasure from solving the problem, since often the solution turns out to be non-trivial and unexpected. Solving the crosssens sometimes brings "unpredictable" results, if the students, developing the associative array, find such deep connecting threads between concepts and phenomena that even the author of the crosssens did not put them into this puzzle. Such surprises are always pleasant, since they prove that children are involved in the work and demonstrate an active work of imagination and logical thinking.

The use of cross-sence is permissible at any of the stages of the lesson, whether it be checking home slaughter, explaining new material, or reinforcing what was previously learned. Crosssens can itself be creative homework assignments for students in pairs or groups. The cross-sense gives the teacher the opportunity to show the connection of the learned concepts with life, to realize intersubject connections, and most importantly, it allows students to become interested in the studied material, since it opens up new shades of meanings in familiar and familiar objects.


1. Brusenina, O. Yu. Interactive teaching method "Crosssens" (Electronic resource). / O.Yu. Brusenina. - Access mode: http // www.eduportal44.ru.

2. Buslenko V., Fedin S. "Family crossword puzzle, and a new intellectual game" Crossns "" // Science and life. 2002. No. 12. P.12.

3. Pogosova, A. V. Technology "Crosssens" (Electronic resource). /. A.V. Pogosova [Electronic resource] // http // one-school.ru.

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