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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the problem under study is due to the issues of environmental management, since the socio-economic development of the countries of the world has taken the trajectory of the accelerated movement of the global eco-catastrophe. Analysis of conceptual views on this issue indicates on the transition from the traditional model of development to a new one, called the model of sustainable development, which seems to be a natural reaction of the world community, striving for its further development and survival. The purpose of the article is aimed at implementing the national strategy for the sustainable development of Russia and the economic complexes of the regions within the framework of the interaction of socio-economic and environmental decisions in order to ensure the interests of present and future generations.

region, regional development, ecology, environmental management
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Under current conditions, a twofold situation arises. On the one hand, the development of industrialization and the introduction of high-tech industries increases the economic level of the country, on the other hand, the load on the environment increases.

 In this regard, environmental protection becomes relevant along with socio-economic policy.

The solution of emerging problems when the government authorities influence the object of management is possible using the methods of environmental management.

Environmental management is an activity carried out by central state bodies and local self-government bodies, economic objects, aimed at the implementation and observance of the current environmental legislation, based on a program-targeted approach.

There are 22 operating networks of stations of the global monitoring system in the world, as well as international and national monitoring systems [1].

One of the main ideas of monitoring is reaching a fundamentally new level of competence when making decisions on a local, regional and global scale.

The environmental monitoring system includes monitoring the state of the elements of the biosphere and monitoring the sources and factors of anthropogenic impact.

Ecological monitoring of the environment can be developed at the level of an industrial facility, city, district, region, country.

Eco-audit makes it possible to choose the best option for environmental structures, to organize information and analytical control over the state and degree of operation of environmental protection equipment, and to give an economic assessment of the planned technical and technological improvements.

A number of authors include in environmental marketing the formation of financial structures to support environmental actions, environmental auditing, environmental insurance of companies' actions, changes in manufacturers' reporting forms, new forms of advertising, the formation of new principles of trade (for example, the sale of environmentally friendly products).

Usually, the concept of environmental marketing means that a company promoting its products or services causes minimal harm to nature during the production, sale and further disposal of the product. The latter implies its final placement in the original or processed form in the environment [2].

Thus, environmental marketing at an enterprise means that the extraction of natural resources, further stages of the production of goods, delivery to the consumer, use of the goods and disposal of waste are absolutely safe for the biosphere.

The economic mechanism for ensuring the sustainability of the ecological subsystem of the region should become part of the mechanism for managing the region by local self-government bodies.

To improve the mechanism, it is necessary:

  • to improve methods of economic assessment of natural resources and to bring gradually payment rates closer to the values ​​of economic assessments;
  • to substantiate the dynamics and mechanism of increasing the level of payments for natural resources and, at the same time, the implementation of tax reform, increasing the share of resource payments in the structure of taxes collected as a whole;
  • to expand the range of resources used on a paid basis;
  • to improve the system of ecological funds, as well as funds for the protection and reproduction of natural resources; to develop environmental banks, preferential environmental lending;
  • to stimulate domestic and foreign investors for the use of man-made waste;
  • to support programs and projects that reduce consumption and stimulate the reproduction of natural resources.

The new economic mechanism of environmental management should stimulate the introduction of waste-free, environmentally friendly technologies, create an interest in carrying out nature restoration and environmental protection measures, and regulate the process of locating new industrial facilities in conditions of solid environmental restrictions [3].

Russia's transition to new economic relations in the field of environmental protection should be accompanied by:

  • the introduction of market relations in environmental protection for the right for pollution with waste from the production process;
  • the use of the right to influence the assimilation potential of the territory, creation and implementation of waste-free and resource-saving technologies;
  • protection and enhancement of the existing level of biodiversity and creation of a legal and regulatory framework governing relations in the field of environmental management.

In foreign practice, the principle of "preventive environmental protection or prevention of negative anthropogenic impact on the natural environment" was supported.

Environmental impact assessment is a preventive environmental control tool over the economic activities of entities.

In addition to assessing the impact on the environment, the state environmental expertise is applied in Russia.

The centralization of environmental control is due to the scientific substantiation of the norms of the volumes of emission of emitted harmful substances, the background state of the environment, the establishment of special conditions for the use of natural resources [4].

The regulation of the volumes of pollutants is carried out with maximum consideration of the consequences of harmful effects on the health of the population and the state of the environment, as well as on the socio-economic consequences in the activities of an economic entity and the region.

On the basis of the conclusions of the state environmental expertise, enterprises receive annually permits for environmental pollution.

It is necessary to conduct a public ecological expertise, which in the new market conditions should become an effective mechanism to involve the public in the process of environmental management.

These circumstances require the creation of a unified state system of environmental monitoring of the environment and natural resources, including all enterprises and institutions of departmental monitoring, as well as production monitoring using geographic information systems.

It is necessary to create a bank of environmental information for the effective functioning of a unified state system of environmental monitoring of the environment and natural resources in order to collect, systematize, analyze, store and disseminate information.

In addition, technical re-equipment of observation and measurement systems is required, the development of an existing system of normative legal acts for organizing the interaction of all interested state bodies.

Today, statistics are characterized by the absence of a modern methodological base in the formation of indicators, as well as their paucity, which does not allow to  assess reliably the dynamics of changes in the state of the environment and natural resources [5].

For environmental education of the population, it is necessary:

  • to provide access to environmental information by creating centers for environmental information, publishing periodicals and popular science literature, television and radio broadcasts;
  • to form a system of environmental education;
  • to create a system of training and advanced training of environmental specialists;
  • to create a regulatory framework for environmental education and environmental awareness training.

One of the significant advantages of implementing an energy management system is increasing the company's investment attractiveness.

Thus, environmental management will make it possible to  monitor periodically the impact on the environment, as well as increase public interest in the problems of the state of the environment in the region.


1. Sergienko O.I. Environmental economics. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004 .-- 320 p.

2. Sigov I.I. Regional economy (conceptual apparatus). - SPb .: Sev-Zap. Section for promoting the development of economic science IRE RAS, 2015-17 p.

3. Eurasian space. Management and legal support / ed. L.A. Fomenko. - M., 2016 .-- 145 p.

4. Introduction to the economy of the region. Regional development and regional policy: textbook / ed. I.V. Arzhenovsky. - N. Novgorod: VVAGS, 2017. - Part 3. - 113 p.

5. Dobrynin A.I. Regional proportions of reproduction. - M .: Nauka, 2017 .-- 215 p.

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