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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the key requirements for the techni-cal operation of a vehicle designed to ensure the transport process. The growth of traffic volumes will be ensured by measures taken in the field of technical operation of vehicles The factors influencing the system of main-tenance and repair of auxiliary rolling stock are described.

road transport, trucking company, transport sector, mainte-nance, repair
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In the modern world, the importance of the transport industry in the economy of each state is increasing, since the level of transport development directly affects the competitiveness of the economy and the security of the country. Transport is an important sector of Kazakhstan's domestic economy. It largely determines the level of socio-economic development of the country, ensures the satisfaction of the transport needs of the economy and the population, creates the necessary conditions for communication to ensure its economic space and territorial integrity. Automobile transport is of great importance for ensuring the country's defense capability and national security. It also promotes the use of foreign economic relations and a favorable geographic location of the country, allowing the country to integrate into the world economic system, and also participates in solving various social problems [1].

A car designed for the transport of passengers allows you to establish transport links throughout the entire area of the space. Thanks to its presence, a high travel speed, convenience and comfort of the trip are achieved. Automobile transport while driving allows you to work without the use of other types of transport, to serve passengers around the clock and deliver passengers from the point of departure to the destination, that is, "from door to door".

The operation of automobile passenger transport allows achieving sufficiently high operational, technical and economic indicators and good maneuvering while driving. The capital investment requirement is low for this mode of transport to operate satisfactorily, and new routes require low costs. In addition to all of the above, passenger transport allows the use of both high-speed and shortened, as well as express routes for the convenience of users [2].

The development and improvement of the work of transport enterprises is closely connected with the development of social production and the productive forces of the republic, as well as with the living conditions of people, changes in their well-being and culture.

In each republic, region there are motor transport departments or companies that manage the work of a motor transport enterprise. They transport bulk goods in cities and between cities for enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the national economy (such transport enterprises specialize in the types of goods transported), passengers (buses and taxis) and goods for the population [3].

The growth of the car park, the need to improve the efficiency of its operation, presuppose certain requirements for the technical operation of the car, designed to provide the transport process with a working auxiliary staff. Having a significant impact on the production and self-improvement of auxiliary personnel, it makes a significant contribution to the final result of the work of road transport. According to preliminary estimates, the growth in traffic volumes will be provided by measures taken in the field of technical operation of vehicles [4].

To improve the efficiency of vehicles, it is necessary to pay great attention to improving their technical condition; in solving this important task, a special role is assigned to the technical service of road transport enterprises, the main task of which is to ensure the operational reliability of the vehicle by implementing a set of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and failures.

In the conditions of intensification of production, the efficiency of the technical service is largely determined by the results of the activities of engineering and technical workers. The use of research and production reserves is possible only on his initiative and as a result of an engineering survey and the provision of proposals received, no matter on what basis it is carried out.

Various theoretical and applied aspects of improving engineering activities in the technical activities of motor transport enterprises are reflected in the works of: Balgabekov t. K., Boyko N.E., Kalinina E.A., Evseeva A.A., Kobiashvili E.I., Ismailov R I. and etc. [5-9].

The analysis of the research and the socialization of practical experience makes it possible to identify a number of main problems associated with the activities of the engineering personnel of the technical service of motor transport enterprises. Among them, one can single out: the issues of assessing the results of the activities of engineering and technical workers have been little studied; an engineering-based assessment of vehicle maintenance is required.

In this regard, research aimed at improving the organization of forms and methods for solving production problems is relevant.

The purpose of the work is to increase the level of employment of auxiliary personnel by means of maintenance of vehicles based on engineering solutions.

To improve the efficiency of vehicles, much attention should be paid to improving their technical condition; in solving this important problem, a special role is assigned to the technical service of motor transport enterprises, whose main task is to ensure the reliability of vehicles by implementing a number of measures to prevent and eliminate faults and malfunctions.

The use of the developed methods for solving production problems at the level of maintenance of motor transport enterprises allows: to objectively assess the results of the work of production units; to identify specific reasons for the low efficiency of the use of material and labor resources, to identify the patterns of their occurrence; make informed decisions to ensure the operability of the vehicle fleet.

Object of research: the processes of vehicle operation at the enterprise.

Subject of research: the organization of passenger transportation by the fleet of the city of Karaganda.

The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and practical methods to improve the efficiency of vehicles in the car fleet of the city of Karaganda and to ensure the development of the quality of the operation of the maintenance service. Work tasks:

- to study the organization of maintenance of the rolling stock of the automobile enterprise;

- a description of indicators of the efficiency of vehicle operation;

- to consider the options and features of the use of buses in passenger transportation;

-development of a feasibility study and design of a rational organization of maintenance of a car company, in particular, a tire fitting shop.

Proposals were developed to improve the work of the tire fitting shop at the auto enterprises, the necessary equipment was selected.

In the economic part of the project, technical and economic indicators have been calculated, reflecting an increase in the technical readiness coefficient of a car company. For planning transportation, monitoring and analyzing the results of the activities of the ACO and their services, a system of technical and operational indicators has been established, which is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative. New technological equipment can significantly reduce the labor intensity in the maintenance of vehicles. Air suspension, moving along a horizontal plane, allows high-quality and fast maintenance of vehicles, as it provides a convenient approach to components, assemblies and parts.

This project proposes to abandon additional equipment (jacks, etc.), which accordingly affects the cost price, and also increases the technical readiness factor and the fleet operation factor, since fast and high-quality is the key to efficient bus operation on the line.

Activities to improve the functioning of a passenger motor transport enterprise should be aimed, first of all, at improving the organization of the transportation process and reducing the operating costs of vehicles.

The need for this service is explained by the desire of each trucking company to create competitive advantages that allow them to work successfully in the market and make a profit. The technological equipment of the enterprise is the driving force behind the activities to improve the operation of the enterprise. The time factor is of great importance: a timely and delayed decision on the application of innovations can lead to undesirable results and even losses.


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2. Tazhigulova G.O., Kizdarbekova M.Zh, Maulenova A.M., Bolatbek T. State of the system of maintenance and repair of vehicles in the land transport sector of Kazakhstan // Forum. Series: Humanities and Economic Sciences. - 2021. - № 2(22). - P. 3-6.

3. Beisembekov M.K., Agzamov U.E. On the development of the transport potential of Kazakhstan // Forum. Series: Humanities and Economic Sciences. - 2021. - № 2(22). - P. 6-10.

4. Balgabekov T.K. Influence of the age structure of the vehicle fleet on the efficiency of a motor transport enterprise // Proceedings of BSTU. Series 1: Forestry, nature management and processing of renewable resources. 2017. №2 (198). URL: (appeal date: 21.11.2020).

5. Boyko N.E., Kalinina E.A. Improving the efficiency of the functioning of a motor transport enterprise on the basis of a systematic approach to the management of the repair service // Vestnik VUiT. 2019. №1. URL: (appeal date: 21.11.2020).

6. Borodulina, S.A., Loginova N.A. Features of management of organizational changes at freight motor transport enterprises // Bulletin of SiBADI. - №2. - P. 96- 101.

7. Evseeva A.A., Kobiashvili E.I. Analysis of modern approaches to improving the economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2014. - V. 20. - P. 3476-3480. - URL:

8. Ismailov R.I. Improving the technical operation of city buses by adjusting its basic standards and rationing fuel consumption based on statistical information / Abst. diss. cand. tech. sci. - M.: MADI (TU), 2003. - 25 P.

9. Kalinina E.A. Formation of an effective cost management system in the process of implementing the competitive strategy of an industrial enterprise: dis. cand. econ. sci.: 08.00.05. - Orel: OrelSTU, 2007. - 147 P. 6. Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P Balanced Scorecard / transl. M. Pavlova. -M: Olymp-Business, 2017. - 320 P.

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