Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the modern world, trends in the development of language educa-tion occupy a very important place in the development of a person as a whole. In order to communicate freely with native speakers, avoiding possible difficulties with correct understanding, it is important not only to have a well-formed com-municative competence, but also to know the cultural norms of the country, to have knowledge of the peculiarities of social life, lifestyle, and language realities, which is difficult to do outside the country of the language being studiedHowever, the actual socio-cultural processes are so dynamic that their state-ment, and even more detailed consideration, requires the introduction of new views on the study of socio-cultural competencies

multimedia authentic material, communicative competence, stages of presentation of video material, socio-cultural knowledge, socio-cultural com-petence
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The concept of competence is relatively new and in recent years a fairly large number of works have appeared in the scientific literature that contain the definition of competence.

According to A.V. Khutorsky, competence is a complex of various personality qualities that are necessary for high-quality and productive actions aimed at them, while relating to a specific area of subjects or processes. Such qualities include skills, abilities, knowledge and methods of activity [Khutorskoy 2008: 7].

The relevance of the study is caused by the insufficient development of theoretical approaches to the organization of the process of developing socio-cultural competence with the use of authentic video materials in teaching English to high school students.

Based on the relevance of the study, it is possible to determine the problem, namely, the need to develop a set of exercises aimed at the development of socio-cultural competence.

Purpose of the study to learn the methodology of working with feature films in English classes

The object of the research is the development of socio-cultural competence in teaching AI.

The subject of the research is an authentic feature film as a means of developing socio-cultural competence in teaching foreign languages.

Within the framework of the study, the following tasks were set::

1. To reveal the content of the concept of " socio-cultural competence»

2. Identify the potential of feature films in teaching English

3. Consider authentic video materials as a means of developing socio-cultural competence

4. Learn the methodology of working with feature films in English classes.

5. Develop a set of exercises for the development of socio-cultural competence through the use of feature films.

6. Test the set of exercises and analyze the results of testing

To achieve these objectives, the following research methods were used:

- analysis

- synthesis

- generalization

- comparison

- experiment

- testing

Materials and methods

For the first time, the idea of forming key competencies was put forward by the Council of Europe experts on education in 1996 in the "European Project". This idea is reflected in the new Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. I. L. Bim believes that after the adoption of the competence approach, the education system was greatly transformed, which, in turn, was necessary due to the development of the world and the shift in emphasis from the ability of graduates to adapt to modern realities to their competence [Bim 2002: 38].

Speaking about the concept of socio-cultural competence, we took as a basis the definition of E. G. Asimov and A. N. Shchukin. They believe that this is not only general information about the country of the language being studied, but also knowledge and acceptance of the national and cultural features of the social and speech behavior of native speakers and the ability to use such knowledge in the process of communication, according to the customs, rules of etiquette, social characteristics and stereotypes of behavior of native speakers [Azimov, Shchukin: 2008].

Currently, it is not just the achievement of communicative competence, but communication with people whose English is their native language and is the actual and dominant goal of learning English. That is why students should have not only a theoretical, but also a visual understanding of the life, culture, and language realities of English-speaking countries. N. V. Baryshnikov and G. G. Zhoglina are of the opinion that authentic videos can introduce students to the cultural and social values of the native-speaking people. Taking into account the requirements of the communicative methodology, video materials quite clearly help to comprehend foreign language culture, develop motivation for communicative activity and individualize the learning process [Baryshnikov, Zhoglina: 1998]. To overcome difficulties in the process of developing communicative competence, it is recommended to use authentic videos during training

It is quite difficult to raise the level of motivation of students. By influencing the emotions of people, in particular, students, you can more accurately and in detail convey not only the author's idea, but also more effectively assimilate information. The film encourages students to communicate in a foreign language, educational, search and creative activities. The use of films in English classes offers a wide range of possible activities. This can be, for example, role-playing, thematic discussions, talking about the types of interaction-working in groups, pairs or individually. A large selection of possible activities allows you to increase the interest of students in the learning process.

As O. I. Barmenkova notes, "the use of various channels of information input (auditory, visual, motor perception) positively affects the strength of the impression of regional and linguistic material" [Barmenkova 1999: 22].

Dave Willis highlights the following advantages of using video materials in training [Willis 1983: 17]:

- the room, as a rule, does not require darkening, therefore, the teacher's contact with the students is continuous;

- when watching a movie, you can perform various exercises, for example, based on a freeze frame or watching an episode without sound;

- video materials are easy to use for different types of work: individual, pair, group, collective.

The English linguist Margaret Allan adds another fact to the list of advantages, namely, the ability to divide the video material into parts and work with each necessary fragment in isolation [Allan 1985: 32].

It is known that the effectiveness of training depends on how many human senses are involved in the process of obtaining information, respectively, the more senses, the better and stronger the material is absorbed. These features were described by J. Komensky in his didactic principle of clarity.

When choosing video materials, you should pay attention to the following aspects::

- general or complete understanding is the purpose of showing the material;

- the screening of the film is focused on the development of oral communication or the development of written skills;

- correlation of the selected material with the curriculum, the process, the level of language of students, the ratio of sound and image;

- presentation of the material at the pre-examination, screening, and post-examination stages of training;

When using video materials, there are a number of conditions necessary for the effective use of video material:

- good quality of both image and audio track

- compliance of the video sequence with the level of training of the student;

- step-by-step, rather than a whole demonstration of video fragments (segments of no more than 10-15 minutes, divided by meaning, and not chaotically);

- excessive use of jargon in the film is not allowed, the language must meet the requirements and norms of the literary language;

- normalized amount of new vocabulary.

Like working with texts, working with videos involves three stages:

- examination room;

- viewable;

- post-inspection.

The purpose of the examination stage is the attitude and motivation of the student to work, overcoming possible difficulties and preparing for the tasks. The teacher can name the name of the film, according to which the students are asked to assume the development of the plot. It is important to prepare students lexically, in this case, a preliminary analysis of words and phrases will help, in particular, an analysis of their use in sentences, consideration of grammar and phraseology.

The purpose of the screening stage is to provide an understanding of the content of the film, the development of the student's language competence, taking into account his real capabilities.

One of the tasks of the viewing stage can be an information search. This task can be implemented by filling in gaps in the text, searching for konuret information, various lexical and grammatical exercises, right-wrong, choosing the correct option from the suggested ones

Speaking about the goals of the post-examination stage, we take into account the main one-the activation of communicative competence. The received information is analyzed, the completed tasks are checked.

Of course, an important component is the discussion of what you have viewed. Depending on the age of the students, you can specify the place and time of the action, describe the characters, and discuss problems. Role-playing is an active learning method, so you can play dialogues that will help you work out new vocabulary. When selecting tasks, it is important for the teacher to take into account the individual characteristics of the students, their age, interests and language level.

The first requirement for the results of studying a foreign language in school according to the Federal State Educational Standard - the formation of communicative foreign language competence – is impossible without the second: knowledge of the socio-cultural specifics of the country/countries of the language being studied. For the successful acquisition of the necessary knowledge in the field of social culture in a comprehensive school, it is important that the student is directly confronted with the differences of cultures and learns to isolate them. Authentic video materials, in particular, artistic ones

The films are characterized by the naturalness of the lexical content and grammatical forms, the situational adequacy of the language tools used, illustrate the cases of authentic word usage, and, of course, reflect the actual social picture of the country of the language being studied, without distortion through the prism of the alien's worldview, so it is necessary to use them as a means of forming socio-cultural competence.

In order for feature films to be effective in practice, it is important to properly conduct the process of working with them. It is very important to choose the right film, determine the educational goals and objectives, develop a system of exercises taking into account the set goals and objectives, language and country-specific features of the film and its subject matter.

In order to analyze the specifics of the level of development of students ' socio-cultural competence, a study was conducted at the initial stage of the program implementation. The interview was conducted individually with each individual student. The study involved 18 people – two groups) - class 10a, who were included in the experimental group and with whom further work was carried out. The purpose of the experimental training was to test the effectiveness of the development of socio-cultural competence based on working with authentic material.

The objectives of the pilot training were as follows:

* conduct a study of the development of socio-cultural competence at the initial stage of training

* conduct an initial survey of students;

* organize the training of tenth graders on the basis of working with authentic material (films)

* conduct a secondary measurement of students ' socio-cultural knowledge (final test),

* conduct a secondary survey of students;

* compare the results of the primary and secondary survey

* compare the average score for the entrance and final test;

* make a conclusion about the use of materials for the development of socio-cultural competence.

The research is based on conducting a questionnaire, in which attention was paid not only to the level of knowledge of students in the direction of socio-cultural competence, but also to the attitude to this knowledge, by which it was possible to judge the actual socio-cultural competence. The questionnaire is written in English and contains two sections: Sociocultural Awareness, Sociolinguistic Knowledge.

When filling out the questionnaire, students had to independently assess the level of socio-cultural knowledge and skills, as well as express their attitude to the cultural characteristics and topics that were to be studied in the course "English"

 Results and discussion

The results of the input questionnaire are presented in Table 1-2

Table 1.

Results of the input questionnaire

  1. «Sociocultural awareness» - the answer «I know a lot»


10 а класс (10 учащихся)

10а класс (8 учащихся)

1. Grade system in British and American schools



2. Gap year



3. Three levels of British school education



4. At least one modern global youth subculture



5. The meaning of the word ―identity



6. Christmas traditions in English-speaking countries



7. Christmas traditions in English-speaking countries that are similar to Russian traditions



8. Social problems in western countries



9. Social problems in Russia



10. An entrepreneur who changed people’s lives all over the world (one or more examples)



11. Wedding traditions in the UK



12. Family issues and lifestyle in English-speaking countries




  1. «Sociolinguistic knowledge» - the answer - «I can discuss it in English»


10 а класс (10 учащихся)

10а класс (8 учащихся)

1. Grade system in British and American schools



2. Gap year



3. Three levels of British school education



4. At least one modern global youth subculture



5. The meaning of the word ―identity



6. Christmas traditions in English-speaking countries



7. Christmas traditions in English-speaking countries that are similar to Russian traditions



8. Social problems in western countries



9. Social problems in Russia



10. An entrepreneur who changed people’s lives all over the world (one or more examples)



11. Wedding traditions in the UK



12. Family issues and lifestyle in English-speaking countries



The conducted research allows us to conclude that the level of socio-cultural competence, as well as the level of socio-cultural competence, is very low in all groups. It is within the average and below the average level.

The conducted analysis of textbooks, especially the "English in Focus" curriculum, which is used for teaching at school, reveals the lack of work with socio-cultural competence.

This was the reason for the creation of the support, on the basis of which the developments for implementation were created, which contained additional "fresh" video materials, media texts and films and were used to develop the socio-cultural competence of students.

As a result of the implementation of the course, the student must know/understand the areas related to intercultural tolerance (Table 2)

Table 2.

Planned results in the development of intercultural tolerance



Development of socio-cultural competence


Video clip-School Slang from the educational portal;


basic facts about the education system

UK and USA (education levels, assessment);

Be able to:

compare with the Russian school and student life.


Documentary film « How to Dress Like an Indie Hipster»;

Know/understand: an

example of a global modern subculture;

Be able to:

express your opinion and attitude

Traditions and customs

Short film cartoon Mog’s Christmas calamity


examples of social problems in Western society;

The result of the work is the writing of a generalizing essay on the general characteristics of Russian and English-speaking culture and the role of tolerance in understanding the culture of another people.

After testing and questioning, the data on the intercultural tolerance of students in two groups were summarized.

The control stage focused on the analysis of data obtained as a result of the study of intercultural tolerance in students of the 10th grade after the course.

When analyzing the survey of the experimental group, the following conclusions can be drawn: during the classes, students deepened their socio-cultural knowledge and developed intercultural tolerance. The results of the experiment confirm that the students were interested in socio-cultural information, they liked to compare the features of life in English-speaking countries and in Russia, as a result of which tolerance was developed as an acceptance of a different point of view


Based on our research, we have identified a great potential for teaching English based on authentic feature films, which is realized through the visibility of video materials, their correspondence to reality, and the creation of speech situations based on video materials that are closest to real ones. The experience of working in a secondary educational organization indicates that most students do not have the skills necessary for the implementation of socio-cultural competence. They do not have sufficient knowledge, are not able to assess the common and different in other languages.

In the course of the analysis, we found that these problems can be overcome by working in two directions-to expand cultural knowledge and background knowledge, and to teach reflection and comparison. At the same time, writing texts is implemented on the basis of systematic work, not only with the help of individual exercises, but also with the help of specially organized classes based on the course.

The study examined the methodology of working in an English lesson based on feature films: methods and techniques of working with the film, the organization of its viewing during the lesson, exercises for the film. The given method of teaching based on feature films contributes to the effective formation of not only socio-cultural competence, but also listening skills, oral communication, and vocabulary training.


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