Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this study, we tried to reveal the essence of the personal problems of junior school students in the educational environment of a rural school. The work presents a justification of the relevance and peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical support for junior school students in the conditions of a modern rural school. The possibilities of the "Tuya" school of parental support in the per-sonal development of children are presented.

junior school student, personal problems, personal development, rural school, educational environment
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In modern pedagogical science, a competent approach to school education, as well as a personality-oriented model of the educational process, is very significant. In this regard, the child's development of not only certain knowledge, skills and skills, but also the development of competencies, becomes especially relevant.

Competence is the result of education and education in the broad sense of the word. The educational process taking place in the school, firstly, should be aimed at the formation of competencies, secondly, it should contribute to the formation of competence by creating pedagogical situations that simulate real life situations that require the manifestation of relevant competence as accurately as possible [1].

Personal competence, or competence of personal development, is aimed at mastering by means of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation. The village school student masters the ways of activity in his own interests and opportunities, which is expressed in his continuous self-knowledge, the development of personal qualities necessary for modern man, the development of psychological literacy, a culture of thinking and behavior. These competencies include personal hygiene rules, care for one's own health, internal ecological culture, ways of safe life [4].

Purpose of the study

To determine the possibilities of the educational environment of a modern rural school in the personal development of younger school students.


Materials and methods

In the younger school age, optimal conditions are created for the formation of personal competence, which determines the necessary level of development of the child's personal qualities. During this period, the most intensive development of the personality takes place, a number of mental and psycho-physiological transformations and qualities are formed, which can be the basis for the further development of the personality of younger school students.

Thus, in our opinion, the use of the socio-cultural potential of the modern village will expand the worldview of younger school students. But it is not enough to consider only the existing existing factors, it is necessary to transform and enrich the educational environment, to fill with creative mechanisms [2; 3].

Of course, project activity is not ontologically set for the educational process as training and education, but modern scientific and pedagogical reality and the implementation of the Federal State Educational Institution dictate the transition to a different pedagogical thinking, and therefore the modification of the educational process itself.


Results and discussion

Scientists see the design of the educational environment as a certain mechanism of historical and cultural heritage that contributes to the development of creative potential, and teachers see more as an auxiliary mechanism for assimilating knowledge, competencies and mainly see practical tools in the educational process. Psychologists consider the design of the educational environment as a mechanism for the development of the personality of school students.

In our opinion, the very idea of ​ ​ designing the cultural and educational environment of the village school is a continuation of the fundamental idea of ​ ​ social partnership with the social institutions of the village, as well as together with the Tuya school of parental support. We consider the active interaction of the rural school and the immediate social environment gives:

- on the one hand - solving educational tasks;

on the other hand, solving problems of personal development of rural school students.




We often do not think about how much social phenomena that occur in society are generators of positive neoplasms among students, since the bulk of the events held on the territory of the Bokhansky District and Tarasa are actively attracting young people. Students take part on an equal basis with adults, and often with parents, uncles, aunts, older brothers and sisters in the traditional cultural and sports holidays of Sur-Harban, Sabantuy, where the significance of each participant, regardless of age, is so huge that each child feels like one with  big team and realizes responsibility, his own contribution to the overall victory. The held traditional events in MO "Bokhansky District": Language - people soul, Dad, Mom, I am sports family, Sur-Harban, Sabantuy, KVN, Sagaalgan, Dangina, Startineyger, Ayalga, Toonto нютаг, Night of Ekhor, Zaluushulay наадан, Dawning on a fair, Maslenitsa, the New Year's ball, the Winter sports contest, the Ski track of Russia, "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"..., the Army express, Patriots of Russia.

Thus, our school is truly a socio-cultural center that contributes to the improvement of life, thereby developing the modern younger generation, ensuring the success of their socialization and improving the quality of education. The interaction of the school and the environment is a favorable condition for the effective moral and civic development of the person, since environmental pedagogy is, first of all, humanistic pedagogy. The more diverse the content and interregional range of connections, the more opportunities for improving the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical process in a rural school.


1. Badashkeev, M.V. Features of personality development of the future teacher by means of psychological and pedagogical training [Text] monograph/M.V. Badashkeev - Irkutsk, 2009 Publishing House of BGUEP -160 p.

2. Badashkeev, M.V. Features of the educational environment of a modern rural school [Text] monograph/M.V. Badashkeev//" Issues of modern science "://collective monograph/ot. ed. N.R. Krasovskaya/- M.: Ed. Internauka, 2015. T. 1. - 190 p.

3. Badashkeev, M.V. Sociocultural conditions of personal self-determination of rural seniors [Text] article / M.V. Badashkeev// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "International innovation research"/hl. edition G. Gulyaev. - Penza.: Prod. MTsNS "Science and Education", - 2018. - Page 130-133

4. Reid K., Hopkins D. Towards the effective school: The problems and solutions. Oxford, 1987. Page 216.

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