Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the context of global openness, the links between education sys-tems in the cross-border and border space are changing, which presupposes a the-oretical understanding of the ongoing processes in the field of education. It is the border regions that have the most geographical advantage for the development of international cooperation in education. The urgency of the problem of cross-bor-der cooperation in education is due to the strengthening of the role of border regions in the context of globalization, regionalization, growing flows of interre-gional, border, international, educational migration of the population. Today, a high level of conceptualization of cross-border cooperation with the educational systems of neighboring states in education, scientific communities, in the training of management personnel in the field of education and the use of UNESCO re-sources, international scientific and educational associations, alliances, unions, networks, first of all, the South-South dimension is required.

state borders, border space; cross-border cooperation in educa-tion; federal university; management personnel of education, project
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Globalization has a significant impact on the development of the humanitarian component of international relations in border cooperation. Borders are also closely related to the issues of preserving statehood, security, and the well-being of the population. At different historical stages, borders changed their functions: from ethnic or administrative borders to state borders and vice versa. In a broader sense, "cross-border cooperation" means cooperation between two, three or more territories of states in different spheres (economy, education, ecology, education, culture, etc.), having a common border"[1]. The term "cross-border cooperation" is also often used, which implies increased cooperation.

Problem and purpose

Cross-border cooperation is one of the important conditions, factors for enhancing the external relations of the state at all levels, the improvement of which will ensure the innovative development of border subjects and the state as a whole. Cross-border cooperation contributes to the development of mutually beneficial ties in the border territory of Russia in accordance with the laws of neighboring states, based on the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Sustainable development of cross-border cooperation is determined by strategic plans, projects and programs of socio-economic development, among which projects of cooperation in education in the border and cross-border space are relevant. To regulate border and cross-border communications in the field of education and science, interstate agreements have been developed and signed in the integration associations of the Russian Federation within the CIS, SCO, BRICS, etc.

Cross-border cooperation is one of the forms of economic integration of border territories of states, contributes to the development of international relations, since important problems of states intersect here, including humanitarian, scientific, educational relations, projects. The intensification of the processes of cross-border cooperation is also carried out by an increase in attention to regional educational systems, universities, which is a multidisciplinary potential, innovative "points of growth" in the development of border cooperation in education are federal universities, including the Southern Federal University.

Research methodology

The methodological and theoretical basis is formed by the theory of sustainable development of global and regional social systems, education; theories and models of border space; functions of the frontier, ideas of regional studies in the study of educational systems of neighboring countries. The empirical base of the study was formed from several sources: analysis of scientific research, a corpus of normative documents on the organization of cross-border cooperation.

Results and discussion

In modern globalization processes, borders contribute to the expansion of integration within the framework of interstate institutions, become lines of active interaction between states in bilateral relations of neighboring states, and create the maximum possible conditions for scientific and educational cooperation. The essence of the border space, its development is studied in the context of border security, border studies, the theory of border protection, socio-cultural processes in the border area. The key concept of the theory of border protection is the concept of the state border as a subsystem of the state, i.e. it fixes the boundaries of the state. In this project and research activity, we understand the state border "as a line and a vertical surface passing along this line, which defines the limits of the state territory (land, water, subsoil and air space), i.e. the spatial limit of the state sovereignty"[8, p.17].

To understand the essence of the border and cross-border space, it is necessary to note the change in the model of their protection, functions, the degree of transparency, status and prospects arising in this regard in the border regions, which must be taken into account when designing cooperation in the field of science and education. European researchers define three types of border regimes:

- absent order - typical for the countries of the "old EU" and its internal borders. This regime is notable for the absence of a formal framework for limiting and controlling border crossing, creates conditions for optimal cooperation and lasting contacts, international exchange, tourism;

- the march - this type of regime is associated with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This area arises between the countries of the "old" EU and third countries, that is, the territories of the EU member states, which are neighboring with third countries, create a "border zone of the EU";

- postcolonial lines - the border regime is a kind of stabilization and security zone around the European Union, the so-called "circle of friends" [15, p 47-49];

- model of the border between non-cooperating neighboring countries (North and South Korea) and the border that is a conflict zone (India and Pakistan); [14, p. 4, 15];

- the whole country can be considered as a frontier if the border conflict is accompanied by terrorism, for example, Israel [16], etc.

In the modern border space, many vital interests of the state intersect, which is due to the increasing role of regions in the world order (K. Omae), which is also typical for the Southern Federal District, bordering on Abkhazia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, has sea borders with Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia. The administrative center of the district is Rostov-on-Don, where the Southern Federal University is located as the leading university in the South of Russia.

The study of issues of cross-border cooperation in Russia begins in the 1990s. Note that in the early 90s of the twentieth century, researchers begin to work on the scope of such concepts as: "border cooperation", "border subject of the Russian Federation", "territory of cross-border cooperation", "participants in cross-border cooperation", etc. Russian researchers Avdulov N.S., Boltenkova L.F., Vardomsky L.B., Golunov S.V., Kolosov V.A. make a great theoretical contribution to the modern conditions of understanding the process of development of the border and border, transboundary space. and other Russian researchers, research teams. For the further development of the theory and practice of cross-border cooperation in education, it is relevant to research "the phenomenon of globalization as a multidimensional process and its impact on the border security of the Russian Federation" [10], the cross-border region [2] "research of cross-border cooperation as a social institution is carried out within the framework of a sociological approach"[12] and others.

The Concept of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Russian Federation (Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 5-7, 2020 № 2577-r) notes that cross-border cooperation is carried out taking into account the socio-economic objectives formulated by the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. In particular, the directions of cultural and humanitarian ties between the subjects of cross-border cooperation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of cross-border cooperation have been formulated. In organizing cross-border cooperation, it is also necessary to take into account the historically formed community of cultural and historical traditions with the border population.

The most important components of the potential of the border region include its educational potential, first of all, the university network of higher education, its educational and scientific potential. Modern studies of the border space and cross-border cooperation use an interdisciplinary approach, and for this purpose they turn to fundamental developments in the field of political science, the theory of international relations, geopolitics, sociology, and political geography. It should be noted that in pedagogical science, few studies have been carried out on the development of cooperation in the education of borderlands, mainly, these are studies of cultural, scientific, educational ties in Euroregions, agglomerations, macroregions and are valuable theoretical and practical material for the authors of this article [6].

In pedagogical science and educational practice, the main directions of cross-border cooperation in the field of higher education are described, which, in particular, include: exchange of delegations of educators; training and testing of foreign citizens in the Russian language; participation and joint holding of international conferences, symposia, exhibitions; research projects, etc.

The fundamental task of the development of the South of Russia is the effective development of cross-border cooperation in education, its strategies, tasks, models in spatial development. This is due to the fact that "the process of globalization in the modern world, which replaced the policy of" peaceful coexistence of states ", has the primary goal of uniting states under a" common roof ", involving them in interdependent and mutually beneficial relations" [13].

The Southern Federal University, as a university of a border region of the Russian Federation, in which the national interests of various states are present, aims to form a project base in the field of education management for the joint solution of the problems of migration processes in education, etc. refers to the topical management tasks of the federal university.

Southern Federal University, based on the possibilities of the contact function of the state border, is developing a project for the development of border educational space - Foresight project "Designing a professional profile in the field of training 04.04.01 Pedagogical education" Management in the field of education and science in the border area of ​​the South of Russia". In designing the content of the Foresight, the authors use the achievements of the leading scientific and pedagogical school of the South of Russia, its founder, Academician Evgenia Vasilievna Bondarevskaya [5]. Project manager - Associate Professor N.I. Fokine; participants - students of master's and postgraduate programs of SFU; representatives of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; heads of educational authorities of the Southern Federal District, the North Caucasian Federal District; SFU teachers).

In creating the Foresight project, the team of authors uses the right of the Southern Federal University to create its own educational standards, the right to independently conclude agreements and organize cooperation with foreign educational organizations. The relevance of educational foresight, goals and objectives are due to the ongoing "cognitive turn" in the sciences of man and society, in the system of higher and additional professional education. Foresight is an integrated approach to forecasting that involves all key development participants, develops cooperation aimed at creating projects with a long-term planning horizon. "Foresight" is understood as the process of systematic identification of new strategic scientific directions and technological advances, which in the long term can have a serious impact on the economic and social development of the country"[11]. The purpose of the designed Foresight is the development of adjacent educational systems in the frontier space of innovative management education for the "Education" industry (Table №1).

Table № 1.

Foresight project "Designing a professional profile in the area of training 04.04.01 pedagogical education" Management in the field of education and science in the border area of the South of Russia"(extract from the project)




Development of continuous education of management personnel in the field of education, science and cross-border cooperation in education, (pedagogical science) based on the resources of UNESCO, UNICEF, CIS, SCO, BRICS, etc.


Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All - Border Space in South Russia.


Dissemination of the results of activities in the field of cross-border education - the border area of the South of Russia.


Analysis of South-South Global Dimension Cooperation in the Management of Education Development Based on Foresight Technology - Dissemination of UNESCO Materials.


Cross-border and trans-border cooperation of the Southern Federal University:

- Educational project "Territories of cross-border cooperation in the field of training management and teaching staff."

- Research program "Actual problems and innovations in the development of mega-universities, university complexes, cross-border, regional, universities."

- The system of training management personnel for the activities of educational organizations in the border area.


The complex of master's programs of the profile "Management in the field of education and science (research activities in education)" direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education. FSEI HE 3 ++ - Head of an educational organization. Management in the field of education and science: cross-border cooperation, etc.


Foresight strategy "State-public management of education development in the border and trans-border space: migration management in education" (scientific school of E.V. Bondarevskaya).




The disappearance of the USSR from the political map of the world led to the formation of a new perimeter of the state border of the Russian Federation, the formation of a common integration space with neighboring states. Cross-border cooperation of Russia, as the largest country in the world, develops border cooperation with states with different languages, cultures, educational systems, a new field of scientific research is being formed, for example, cross-border regional studies, migration management in education, etc.

Cross-border cooperation in the field of education is one of the priorities for the development of federal districts and federal universities. Thus, the Southern Federal University defines the goal of its development as international, cross-border and trans-border cooperation in the field of education, science, which is presented in the Development Program of the Southern Federal University for 2011-2021 [17]. The subject of further research will be the issues of designing joint master's programs with educational organizations of the CIS, SCO for the training of education managers, etc.


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