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Abstract (English):
The article defines the content and structure of professional compe-tencies of teachers in the context of the integration of secondary vocational and additional education. The authors consider professional competence as an inte-gral characteristic that determines the ability to solve professional problems that arise in real situations of professional activity, using knowledge and life experi-ence, values and abilities, and identifies the following competencies: pedagogical; methodological; research; innovation; project; organizational and socio-cultural (communicative) competence.

professional activity, professional competence, integration, profes-sional standard, pedagogical competence, methodological competence, research competence, innovation competence, project competence, organizational compe-tence, socio-cultural (communicative) competence
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In modern science and practice, professional competence is understood as the ability of a specialist in a particular field to qualitatively and successfully solve the tasks of professional activity according to certain standards.

According to A. A. Angelovsky, professional competence determines a high level of special knowledge and mastery of different areas of professional activity, understanding of current professional problems, the ability to successfully and accurately solve professional problems [3]. In psychological and acmeological studies, professional competence is considered as the main cognitive component of the professionalism of the individual and activity as a constantly developing system of knowledge that allows you to carry out professional activities with high productivity.

Adolf V. A. states that professional pedagogical competence is "a complex education that includes a complex of knowledge, skills, properties and qualities of the individual that provide variability, optimality and efficiency of the educational process" [1].

According to Ledyankina M. A. [6], the professional competence of a teacher is defined as an integrative quality of personality that has developed in the course of training and develops in the course of professional activity, formed by a system of competencies that represent a set of professionally significant properties and ensure the implementation of pedagogical activity. The structure of the professional competence of the teacher, according to M. A. Ledyankina, represents the unity of psychological and pedagogical, subject, methodological, production and technological, research and general cultural competencies.

Derkach A. A. and Zazykin V. G. consider social-perceptual, autopsychological, communicative, normative and reflexive (reflexive-status) competencies to be necessary for the effective performance of any type of professional activity [2].

If we talk about the structure of professional competence, it should be noted that Markova A. K. defines professional competence as an integrative characteristic of professional and personal qualities, a productive characteristic of the process of development of teaching staff, as a measure of achievement by teachers of such a level of development of activity, ideological, personal and professional qualities that most meet the requirements for the training of qualified workers, and identifies 3 categories in the structure of professional competence: activity, communication, personality - and the following types of competence: special competence; social competence; personal competence; individual competence [7].

Thus, the content of the professional competence of the teacher can be represented as a set of the following components::

  • motivational-readiness to demonstrate competence and perform professional tasks;
  • cognitive-knowledge ownership;
  • operational and technological-experience in demonstrating competence in a variety of situations;
  • value-semantic-attitude to the content of competence and the object;
  • reflexive-evaluative-emotional-volitional regulation of the process and the result of the manifestation of competence.

In the content of professional competencies of teaching staff, professional and pedagogical skills are distinguished:

        • gnostic skills – cognitive skills in the field of acquiring general professional, industrial, psychological and pedagogical knowledge;
        • ideological skills – socially significant skills of work among students;
        • didactic skills – general pedagogical skills of defining specific goals, forms, methods and means of teaching, constructing pedagogical situations, explaining educational material, demonstrating work techniques;
        • organizational and methodological skills – the ability to implement the educational process, the formation of training motivation, the organization of educational and professional activities, the establishment of relationships, the formation of a team, the organization of self-government;
        • communication and directing skills – perceptual, expressive, oratorical skills;
        • predictive skills – the ability to predict the success of the educational process, including the diagnosis of the individual and the team, the analysis of pedagogical situations, the construction of models of pedagogical activity, the design of the development of the individual and the team, the control of the process and the result;
        • reflexive skills – the ability to self-knowledge, self-assessment of professional activity;
        • organizational and pedagogical skills – planning the educational process, choosing the optimal means of pedagogical influence and interaction, organizing self-education and self-government, forming the professional orientation of the students ' personality;
  • general professional skills;
        • constructive skills - development of training and technical and technological documentation;
        • technological skills – skills of analysis of production situations, planning, rational organization of the process;
        • production and operational skills – general labor skills;
        • special skills – highly professional skills.

Professional competence is determined by knowledge, skills, and experience [8]. The structure and content of professional competence depend on the specifics of professional activity and its features. In the practice of acmeological research, the general structure of competence is defined and a theoretical model is developed, including: socio-perceptual competence; socio-psychological competence; autopsychological competence; psychological and pedagogical competence.

Despite the General consensus and the requirements to the professional characteristics and qualities of teachers, it should be noted that today in terms of integration of vocational and further education crucial for us are the following normative documents:

1. GEF IN the undergraduate training 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (est. By order of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation dated 22.02.2018, No. 121);

2. Professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2015 N608n "On approval of the professional standard" Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education»);

3.  Professional standard " Teacher of additional education for children and adults "(approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 298n of May 5, 2018 "On Approval of the professional standard" Teacher of additional education for children and Adults»);

4. Educational standard of higher education of the North Caucasus Federal University, training direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (approved 30.01.2015, Stavropol).

The professional standard of a teacher defines the generalized labor functions that a teacher of secondary vocational education should master and which are included in the structure of professional competencies of teaching staff:

1. Teaching in professional training programs, SPE and DPP, focused on the appropriate level of qualification:

        • organization of educational activities of students on the development of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of professional training programs, SPE and (or) DPP;
        • pedagogical control and evaluation of the development of the educational program of vocational training, SPO and (or) DPP in the process of intermediate and final certification;
        • development of software and methodological support for academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, SPE and (or) DPP.

2. Organizational and pedagogical support of a group (course) of students enrolled in SPO programs:

        • creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of a group (course) of students in the SPO programs;
        • social and pedagogical support for students of secondary vocational education programs in educational activities and professional and personal development.

3. Conducting career guidance activities with students and their parents (legal representatives):

  • informing and advising students and their parents (legal representatives) on issues of professional self-determination and professional choice;
  • conducting practice-oriented career guidance activities with students and their parents (legal representatives).

Each labor function contains specific labor actions.

The professional standard "Teacher of additional education of children and adults" defines the type of professional activity as pedagogical activity in additional education of children and adults. The generalized labor function-teaching in additional general education programs-includes labor functions: organization of students ' activities aimed at mastering an additional general education program (labor action-recruitment for training in an additional general development program); organization of leisure activities of students in the process of implementing an additional general education program (labor action-planning the preparation of leisure activities); ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students mastering an additional general education program, when solving problems of education and upbringing (labor action-planning interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students); pedagogical control and evaluation of the development of an additional general education program (labor action - control and evaluation of the development of additional general education programs, including within the established forms of certification (if any)); development of software and methodological support for the implementation of an additional general education program (development of additional general education programs (programs of training courses, disciplines (modules) and educational and methodological materials for their implementation).

Adhering to the position of V. A. Kozyrev, N. F. Radionova, A. P. Tryapitsyna, etc., we consider professional competence as an integral characteristic that determines the ability to solve professional problems that arise in real situations of professional activity, using knowledge and life experience, values and abilities [4-5].

Thus, in the content and structure of the professional competence of teachers, a number of competencies can be distinguished:

  • pedagogical competence - the ability to carry out professional pedagogical activities in the context of the integration of professional and additional education, taking into account the personal characteristics of students, their level of development and needs;
  • methodological competence - the ability to master and implement modern forms and methods of teaching as a result of the use of the latest scientific knowledge research, innovative methodological experience, readiness to organize effective interaction with students;
  • research competence – readiness to study and organize research on current pedagogical problems and issues; readiness to use knowledge of modern problems of science and education in solving professional problems;
  • innovative competence – readiness to implement innovative activities;
  • project competence – the teacher's readiness to design and implement new educational projects, educational programs, and individual programs for the development of students;
  • organizational competence – the ability to carry out organizational activities, to solve organizational problems, to create conditions for the development of students;
  • sociocultural (communicative) competence – readiness to interact with participants of the educational process and social partners, to lead a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethno-confessional and cultural differences.

We highlight the conditions for the development of professional competencies of teachers of vocational education. First of all, these are organizational and pedagogical conditions.

To the organizational conditions, we have attributed:

  • diagnostics and self-diagnosis of the level of professional competencies in certain conditions;
  • development of a professional self-education program;
  • learning and applying the experience of colleagues and active and interactive forms and methods of training.

When considering the organizational conditions, it is important to take into account the living and working conditions of the teacher, to which processes he needs to adapt, because the system of professional education has a number of features. The teacher should realize that it is not just necessary to conduct lectures and practical classes, but to interest students in their subject, course, to show maximum erudition and knowledge of age psychology and pedagogy.

After immersion in the educational environment, the teacher should conduct a self-diagnosis of the level of formation of professional competencies, since already at the first stages of professional activity, the teacher will face certain difficulties, and therefore it is important to immediately determine which competencies require professional development and improvement, which professional deficits need to be filled. After self-diagnosis, which is still somewhat subjective in nature, it is necessary to conduct a general diagnosis of the level of formation of professional competencies, according to the results of which it is necessary to start developing a program of professional self-education, which is one of the organizational conditions for the development of professional competencies. First, the program of professional self-education or an individual plan of professional self-development should be built in accordance with the concept of the development of the educational organization and the individual educational route of professional growth. Secondly, it includes a variety of forms and areas of work, such as the study of legal documents in the field of education and quality management systems, professional development and pedagogical skills, methodological work, innovative and research activities of the teacher, the development and conduct of open classes, career guidance, etc.

The organizational conditions for the development of professional competencies of teachers also include the study of pedagogical experience and the introduction of active and interactive forms and methods into the practice of teaching, which contributes to the growth of methodological skills, the development of professional horizons and professional growth.

The effective development of professional competencies of teaching staff is based on a whole set of pedagogical conditions that should be determined by the educational organization. In general, it can be noted that the pedagogical conditions are designed to ensure, first of all, the development of the subject-pedagogical, knowledge-based paradigm of competence.

The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and the experience of practical activity suggest that the pedagogical conditions can be divided into the following groups:

  • organizational and pedagogical conditions: these include the definition of the trajectory of professional development, the study of innovations in science and technology, the educational and methodological support of educational programs, the practical application of active and interactive forms and methods of teaching;
  • psychological and pedagogical conditions: conscious planning of the professional development program, the formation of personal motivation for continuing professional education, the definition of a personality-oriented learning trajectory, knowledge and consideration of individual psychological and intellectual characteristics of students;
  • didactic conditions: the creation of problematic tasks in the course of professional activity, the solution of professional tasks, the organization of their own search activities and motivation of students, monitoring the level of training of students, interaction with teachers, discussion of problematic issues, self-assessment of performance.

Pedagogical conditions constitute the educational professional environment in which the phenomena and processes necessary for effective pedagogical activity arise, exist and develop, including the interaction of teachers and the exchange of experience.

Pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competencies of teachers, combined with organizational conditions, give a positive vector for the development of professional competencies and further professional competence of the teacher.


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