from 01.01.2004 until now Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
DGTU (IBiM, student)
Rostov na Donu, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
GRNTI 06.01 Общие вопросы экономических наук
OKSO 38.03.01 Экономика
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
BISAC BUS000000 General
The article is devoted to the formation of the consumer basket as a tool for assessing the living standards of the population and the basis for calculating the value of the subsistence minimum. Moreover, its composition and structure can be considered as a conditional rather than an objective indicator, since does not correspond to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and does not meet the requirements of the time, does not reflect the real needs of people, which requires a change in the approach to its formation.
consumer basket, cost of living, living standard of the population, income, minimum consumer basket
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993 with amendments approved during the nationwide vote on 01.07.2020). - URL: 28399/
2. Federal Law "On the consumer basket as a whole in the Russian Federation" dated 03.12.2012 No. 227-FZ. - URL: http: // www. consultant. ru / document / cons_doc_LAW_138547 /
3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474 "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030". - URL:
4. Sidorina T.V., Ponomarenko V.S. Formation of the consumer basket in modern conditions. Collection of articles: Problems of economy and economic security in the Russian Federation in the context of digitalization. Volume 3. Melbourne, 2019. Publisher: AUSPUBLISHERS (Melbourne) Volume 3. S. 31-35. - URL: id = 41454357