from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2019 Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
OKSO 38.07.02 Экономическая бехопасность
BBK 670 Общая теория права
TBK 758 Уголовное право. Криминалистика. Криминология
TBK 7581 Уголовное право
The article presents preventive measures for economic crimes, describes the subjects of crime prevention in the economic sphere, and reveals the existing methods for detecting and preventing economic crimes. Among the most important methods, there are: the improvement of legislation in the sphere of regulation of the fight against economic crimes and the motivation of law enforcement agencies for its qualitative implementation.
economics, economic crime, crime prevention, offender, law enforcement agencies, legislation.
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