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Abstract (English):
In the article special attention is paid to the problems of economic security of the region. Analyzed the conditions for its independent development, are considered indicators of the independence of the region, impacting the economic security of the region. The work was considered the main threats that could in one way or another to harm the region's economy.

economic safety, region, methods, indicators, threats, self-sufficiency economy.
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2. Economic security of the state and regions: A manual for university students studying in the direction of Economics / Krivorotov VV, Kalina A.V., Eriashvili N.D. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2015. - 351 pp .: 60x90 1/16 ISBN 978-5-238-01947-5

3. Economic security: study guide / N.V. Manokhina, M.V. Popov, N.P. Kolyadin, I.E. Jadan; Ed. N.V. Manokhina - Moscow: SIC INFRA-M, 2014. - 320 pp .: 60x90 1/16. - (Higher education: Undergraduate). (p) ISBN 978-5-16-009002-3, 500 copies.

4. Development of regions: diagnosis of regional differences: Monograph / Z.V. Bragina, I.K. Kiselev. - M .: SIC INFRA-M, 2014. - 152 pp .: 60x88 1/16. - (Scientific thought; Management). (cover) ISBN 978-5-16-009274-4, 500 copies.

5. Development of regional infrastructure and connections between districts of the Russian Federation: Monograph / O.V. Rykalina. - M .: SIC INFRA-M, 2015. - 228 pp .: 60x88 1/16. - (Scientific thought; Economics). (cover) ISBN 978-5-16-009795-4, 60 copies.

6. The influence of regional economic integration on attracting foreign direct investment (theoretical, methodological, empirical aspects): Monograph / I. Turlay - M .: SIC INFRA-M, 2017. - 148 pp .: 60x90 1/16. - (Scientific thought) (Cover. KBS) ISBN 978-5-16-006072-9

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