Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Volgodonsk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
DGTU (IBiM, student)
Rostov na Donu, Russian Federation
current problems are the instability of the regulatory framework; monopolism of large companies and suppression of small businesses; economic crime and corruption; insufficient number of qualified specialists of higher and middle management of enterprises, including security managers; low level of reliability of performance of contractual obligations; illegal activities of competitors, etc. In this regard, the majority of Russian entrepreneurs, scientists and practitioners face an urgent problem of legal support for business activities, finding ways to solve the problems of reliable protection of the legitimate interests and rights of economic entities
economic entity, entrepreneurial activity, COVID-19 pandemic
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2. Zimovets A.V., Sorokina Yu.V., Khanina A.V. Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of enterprises in the Russian Federation // Economy, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2020- No.5 - P. 135-149
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7. Shumilina V. E, Tepegendzhiyan A. A., Filev D. V. FINANCIAL SECURITY OF THE COMPANY // Problems of economy and economic security in the Russian Federation in the context of digitalization. Volume 1. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 6-10. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
8. Shumilina V. E., Borzykh A. A. FEATURES OF ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN MODERN RUSSIA // Problems of Economy and Economic Security in the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Digitalization. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 41-45. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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14. Shumilina V. E., Sushkova T. V., Shegerya K. E. ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 11/27/2020).
15. Shumilina V. E., Sukhoveeva V. A., Teleev D. S. METHODS OF MINIMIZATION OF ECONOMIC RISKS // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 1. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50600ee8bb44.90007198 URL: (date accessed: 11/27/2020).
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19. Shumilina V.E, Sushkova T.V, Shegerya KE ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
20. Cherkasskaya G.V., Sharykin G.E., Kovalenko N.V. Retrospective and the current state of economic security // Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. - 2017.
21. Shumilina V. E., Borzykh A. A. PECULIARITIES OF ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN MODERN RUSSIA // Problems of Economy and Economic Security in the Russian Federation in the Context of Digitalization. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 41-45. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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29. Shumilina V. E., Kovaleva A. M., Serbin V. I. FINANCIAL SECURITY IN THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY // Problems of Economy and Economic Security in the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Digitalization. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 36-40. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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33. Shumilina V. E., Abdullaeva K. N., Topor Yu. A. INFORMATION SECURITY AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY // Topical issues of ensuring economic security in the Russian Federation in the digital economy. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 1-7. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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36. Shumilina V. E., Yunkina I. V., Suslov A. A. CREATION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SERVICE OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY // Economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation: realities and prospects. Volume I. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 51-55. URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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38. Izvarina N.Yu., Miroshnikov M.M. The modern concept of building a corporate security system // Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference on November 30, 2017: 6 hours / Under total. ed. E. P. Tkacheva. - Belgorod: LLC Agency for Advanced Scientific Research (APNI), 2017. - Part III. - 154 p. (p. 76-80).
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46. Shumilina V.E, Kopteva Yu. I., Tevosyan SA MAIN PROBLEMS OF PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 3. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c5060d2f3afe7.25271992 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
47. Shumilina V. E., Sukhoveeva V. A., Teleev D. S. METHODS OF MINIMIZATION OF ECONOMIC RISKS // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 1. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50600ee8bb44.90007198 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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53. Shumilina V. E., Skirta A. A. MODERN THREATS TO ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 12-12. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c506083203840.82510247 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
54. Shumilina V. E., Sushkova T. V., Shegerya K. E. ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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59. Shumilina V.E, Sushkova TV, Shegerya KE ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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61. Shumilina V. E., Sukhoveeva V. A., Teleev D. S. METHODS OF MINIMIZATION OF ECONOMIC RISKS // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 1. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 conferencearticle_5c50600ee8bb44.90007198 URL: (date accessed: 11/27/2020).
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71. Shumilina V.E, Sushkova TV, Shegerya KE ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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104. Shumilina V. E., Sukhoveeva V. A., Teleev D. S. METHODS OF MINIMIZATION OF ECONOMIC RISKS // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 1. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50600ee8bb44.90007198 URL: (date accessed: 11/27/2020).
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126. Shumilina V. E., Skirta A. A. MODERN THREATS TO ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 12-12. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c506083203840.82510247 URL: (date accessed: 02.12.2020).
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133. Shumilina V. E., Sushkova T. V., Shegerya K. E. ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM // Modern problems of economic security, accounting and law in the Russian Federation. Volume 2. AUS PUBLISHERS. 2020.S. 9-9. DOI: 10.26526 / conferencearticle_5c50608381edb3.56789250 URL: (date accessed: 03.12.2020).
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