31206nam#a2201921#i#450# 2059 20241003091146.4 20210212d2021####ek#y0engy0150####ca 978-0-6451024-0-6 RUS xxu General. BUS000000 Экономика. Экономические науки. 33 Экономика. Экономические науки. 65 bbk Экономическая безопасность. 38.05.01 okso Экономика. Бухгалтерский учет. Финансы. 77 tbk Общие вопросы экономических наук. 06.01 grnti Экономические проблемы организации и управления хозяйством страны. 06.75 grnti Krokhicheva, Galina Egorovna Don state technical University Shumilina, Vera Evgen'evna Don State Technical University Mezentseva, Yuliya Ruzanovna Don State Technical University Sidorina, Tat'yana Viktorovna Don State Technical University (DSTU), Romashko, Angela Nikolaevna Don state technical university Shirokoborodova, Anna Aleksandrovna Don state technical University Dyachenko, Danil Andreevich Don state technical university Kolesnikov, Anatoliy Nikolaevich Don state technical university Miroshnik, Sofya Alekseevna Don state technical university Matyushova, Ellina Dmitrievna Don state technical university Litvinova, Yana Sergeevna Don state technical university Leonova, Mariya Evgenievna Don state technical university Adamov, Timofei Alexandrovich Don state technical university Pilyuk, Darya Sergeevna Don state technical university Lermontova, Aleksandra Andreevna Don state technical university Bondarewa, Kristina Yuryevna Don state technical university Yakimenko, Roman Viktorovich Don state technical university Bryzgunov, Dmitri Alekseevich Don State Technical University Horoshevsky, Artem Sergeevich Don state technical university Sitnikova, Liana Alexandrovna Don state technical university Yusupova, Elena Artyomovna Don state technical university Kurilov, Andrey Aleksandrovich Don state technical university Directions for improving the economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of economic recession and pandemic Monography Melbourne AUS PUBLISHERS 2021 163 p. In modern conditions, accompanied by a pandemic around the world, economic recession, a large number of threats arise that negatively affect not only the economy of individual enterprises, but also the entire state as a whole. Therefore, there is a need to maintain the economic security of the state at the proper level to eliminate potential and real threats. In a pandemic and economic recession, it is necessary to develop such directions for improving the economic security of the Russian Federation so that they meet modern realities. 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